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So, I've seen all these cute felted and not felted appliques all over people's projects and such and I've been wondering...how do you attatch them? Some of them, I can tell, but some of them I'm stuck there thinking "This is MAGIC! Dark magic INDEED!"


Can someone bring me out of the dark ages? :think

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hmm a few ways I've attached...

-hot glue

-stitch magic (fabric glue..not sure of the brand)

-Connect the applicque to a pin and use it as a pin

-sew directly on, with or without a decorative border


Thats all I can think of for now...of course they may or may not be your "dark magic" :lol

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Some appliques are iron-on. But I've found they don't stay on too well sometimes, so I end up sewing them on anyway. (This is not to say ALL of them don't stay on. I had a friend in high school who ironed a bunch of appliques onto her backpack, and they all pretty much stayed on the backpack. Must be my ironing technique :think ...)

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