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Crochet & Science: "Crocheting the Lorenz Manifold"

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New to me, although the paper was published in 2004 (link here).


Many crocheters have no doubt heard of "chaos theory," but maybe haven't heard about the "Lorenz attractor"--the tiny particle or item around which the chaos swirls. Examples might be one fish in a school of fish, one bird in a flock, etc.


Dr. Osinga and Prof. Krauskopf called their model "a very helpful tool for understanding and explaining the dynamics of the Lorenz system" [chaos equations].


The PDF can be opened by anyone, even without a scientific subscription (I just opened it from my house). The crochet instructions aren't standard crochet: in order to save space, Dr. Osinga wrote them in her special terminology, but she explains it in the page right before the instructions begin.


Many other people have already made Lorenz manifolds; there are links to them at the url I provided above. These are challenging but beautiful projects.


Crochet has proven useful in several fields of science and mathematics!


Part 1 in a periodic and erratic series, "Crochet & Science."



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I would LOVE to have a Lorenz Manifold as a hanging in my house, but I don't think I would LOVE to crochet it! I have admired these for several years but I think it's going to be from afar. Counting hundreds of stitches constantly? :eek And yet... how gorgeous they are! Oh my, I am so impressed with these lovely, swooping shapes. :manyheart

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