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Great customer service - Annie's Attic


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I recently ordered two hanks of Royal Llama Silk yarn in blush pink from Annie's Attic. Actually, this was the first time I'd ordered a yarn that wasn't from a big box retailer of some kind. So I'm sure you can imagine my disappointment when I received the box from AA and the yarn inside was not blush pink, but teal blue. :(


However, I have to give credit to Annie's Attic customer service. One email later, not only are they sending me the correct yarn, but they're letting me keep the blue they sent by mistake! Now, that's what I call customer service! :clap


As someone who speaks up to anyone who will listen when I'm not satisfied with a company's service, I feel obligated to give kudos when a company does a good job of fixing a mistake. They'll get my business again.

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They did that with the pattern leaflets I ordered from their sale the summer before last! They sent me someone else's order and told me to keep it, then sent mine correctly. (That reminds me...soon as I find that box again, there are leaflets in it I won't use that should go on the giveaway board.)

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