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Silent Auction items

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I just volunteered to make a few items for my daughter's school's Fall Festival. They're having a silent auction to raise money for various programs. I'm thinking of making a purse of some sort, more than likely felted, and a scarf. I want something that will appeal to other moms, something that they would be attracted to at a boutique shop. Anyone have any good ideas or patterns?


I bought the yarn to make the capelet in last years Interweave Crochet and I'm thinking about making it for the auction. Another idea I've thrown around is to use one of my extra pillows that I made for the DIY show that a few of us will be on. I could label it, "Designer will be on Uncommon Threads, DIY Network, to air Spring 2005." That might attract bidders! :devil I'd have to wrench it away from my mom with the promise that I'll use the extra yarn to make her another. :lol

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Tiffany at my daughter school, they have a fall festival, and I noticed no one ever had many affordable items, you know somethting that didn't get to high in the bidding frenzies.


So I did make some baby afghans and painted candle holders but I also made some scrunchies in sets of two, so the kids and those without much money could bid. Bookmarks would be good. Smaller items that don't take alot of your time but still bring in a few bucks. You know what I mean?

I know the purpose is making money for the school but even little things are appreciated.


A felted bag sounds wonderful. Or some teacher-ish totes would rock! Good luck it will be fun to see what they go for! :clap

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