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Care Package Tips?

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Hey all, just found out this week that my aunt's mother in law was diagnosed with colon cancer that's already spread to her liver. They gave her 2 years at most with intensive chemotherapy. I've already started crocheting a comfortghan and beyond chemo caps, does anyone have any other ideas? I'd like the package to give her comfort and strength, perhaps even boost the faith level once more. Thank you so much.

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Sorry to hear about your aunt's mother in law. I am sure your comfortghan will bring her joy and love. When aunt was dx'd with stomach cancer, I always sent her cards and packages. I liked sending her hats (since it was hard for her to do her hair..she could just throw on a hat), fancy scarves, beaded bracelets, perfume, lotions..anything to make her feel "pretty" and girly. Maybe you could make her a tote bag for her hospital visits? Add some slippers (crocheted of course), crossword puzzle books? I also found a nice gift book of that Tim McGraw song called "Live like you were dying" that my aunt loved. Maybe you can get the family together and put together a "journal" for her with thoughts, prayers and stories from the family to her?



Just some ideas.



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The tote is a great idea Donna, I'll be sure to do that. What makes this so hard is how young she is...only 52. :( I'd like to think her family will rally around her but they won't even speak of it...I think this will fall on my aunt's shoulders in the end.

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I understand what you mean. My aunt was in her early 40s when she died from stomach cancer. And my family was the same way...kind of left her in the dark when she needed them the most. So..each week I sent her something, even if it was just a card. You would hope in times like these family would be there, but in the world we live in people just don't care :( I can't wait to see what you put together for her. I would love to make a hat to include..just pm me!


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Maybe you could clip out a cartoon or funny saying from the newspaper you know she'd like. Just little stories on whatever her interests are. Everyday things mean a lot to someone who is fighting serious illness.



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Sorry to hear about your aunt's mother in law. I am sure your comfortghan will bring her joy and love. When aunt was dx'd with stomach cancer, I always sent her cards and packages. I liked sending her hats (since it was hard for her to do her hair..she could just throw on a hat), fancy scarves, beaded bracelets, perfume, lotions..anything to make her feel "pretty" and girly. Maybe you could make her a tote bag for her hospital visits? Add some slippers (crocheted of course), crossword puzzle books? I also found a nice gift book of that Tim McGraw song called "Live like you were dying" that my aunt loved. Maybe you can get the family together and put together a "journal" for her with thoughts, prayers and stories from the family to her?



Just some ideas.




Once upon a time, I was a nurses aide in a hospice and I remember a pair of friends that had met during chemo. (One got better and the other didn't) but everytime one of them was hospitalized, or at the end, admitted to hospice the one that was "Free" would bring her a role of "Real" toilet paper instead of the scratchy hospital stuff! It was not only funny but useful!


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I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt's MIL. My mom has been battling pancreatic cancer for the past year (she's 45), and the things that have meant the most to her are the cards and letters she's recieved. She keeps them in a box until she has quite a few, and then she makes a collage and frames them.

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