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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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It's looking pretty empty, which is a good thing. I let DD get a lot of toys out and then got lazy about picking them up. I guess I shouldn't be admitting that on the cleaning CAL.

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I'm really frustrated at myself for not having my squares finished. This whole thing was my idea, and everyone is going to have to wait for mine. Even the deadline was my idea. I'm such a dork!

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If I get a lot done in the next couple of days, I'm rewarding myself by cleaning out a cabinet in my living room and making it my yarn cabinet. Cleaning as a reward for cleaning. What's up with that?:lol

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I like silly! I wish I had an excuse for my silly-ness, but it's just natural! I want to organize my yarn by color, so that I have a rainbow to look at every time I open the door. Won't that be pretty?


OMG. I forgot to tell you all. The other day I was making my shopping list, and I needed white yarn. So I wrote down Vanna White, not even realizing I wrote her name until it was written. I got such a kick out of that. If I had needed any other color that wouldn't have worked. I'm so very easily amused. It's kinda sad actually.

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:rofl I'm crying I'm laughing so hard. But I'm trying to do it quietly so I don't wake the guy who is sleeping on the couch. :rofl


You are so funny. Vanna White. :rofl I'll probably burst out laughing about that one at the most inoportune times..while in the waiting room at the optometrist...while out for dinner...


Hey, guess what? DH and our friends are going out for dinner on Friday night....NO KIDS :yay Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but we've never gotten together without kids....well, not since we had them anyway. I'll miss chat, but it will be fun!

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:lolI can't take Beth's brownies--she's sick. We'll wait 'til she feels better, or her daughter decorates another cake. Then I'll sneak up there.:lol I know Lion King is old, but they must've locked the movie in the vault. You know how they do that sometimes?

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Ya, that silly Disney vault. Snow White is coming out now. It's kind of creepy. I got my Lion King in '03ish...DH gave it to me along with tickets to see the live production of Lion King in Toronto. It was a theme gift. That was before DD.

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I'm laughing at you laughing at me. The next time you laugh at it, you'll be laughing at yourself for thinking it was so funny right now. I told my mom and DH and they just think I'm stupid.


"well, not since we had them anyway." That is too funny!! Enjoy your night out as adults. You get to use your big girl voice all night long. Nice!!

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That's so sweet. Was Lion King live any good?


I have a tip for everyone. I used to get so annoyed when I would forget to pick something up on my list while I was in that area. So now I have a system. I write my list, then decide which side of the store I need to start on, then number the items according to that area. For example, if I need toothpaste and shampoo, they would both be labeled 1, because they're both in the same area. That way, if you add something to your list, you just put the area number next to it. Does that make any kind of sense, Colleen?

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That list thing makes sense, but it sounds like a lot of work! I consider myself organized if I have a list. :think Ya, I think I'll just aim for the list. :D Maybe I could organize it by which part of the paper I write it. Like toothpaste and shampoo could be in the top left quadrant and food in the bottom right...know what I mean? I'm Colleen-izing your good idea, Shannon-ness.


I think Lion King live was good. That was 5 years ago. :think It was a treat to go to the theatre in Toronto. It was January, so I remember it was freezing, and of course we had to walk from where we parked downtown. Windy. That's my memory. Nice, sweet gift though.

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