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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Or maybe I just need more practice! I think I crochet too tight too. I did get most of one done for Janna, but when I got to the feet, the stuffing kept showing through. I'll have to find him and try again.

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yep... it sure did! :rofl


I think you should find "doze feet" and try dem again! (sorry, I've been imitating King Julian a little too much lately:heehee)

If the stuffing was showing through, I would say your stitches were too loose?:think

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Wakey, wakey, Mr. Alex. Rise and shining! I say that to DD all the time!:lol:lol


I would like to make DD something for Christmas, or her birthday, or both!

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I have no idea what I was doing wrong. I think I did it before I found the 'Ville. Maybe I could take a pic and you all could tell me what the heck I'm doing wrong!


I have so many things that I want to make for Christmas presents, but at this point I'm thinking maybe I should just start on things for next year.:blush

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well, that would be just fine, starting things for next year! At least you wouldn't get all stressed out.... that's what I usually do:blush. Or maybe just make Janna and Sis something this year?

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I would love to make my sis a horse that looks just like hers, but I had a hard time working with dark yarn. Have you ever tried the lighted hooks?


What about you? I've been :lurking over at your Christmas CAL. How's that going for you? I'm sure it has to help.

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I'll try to fix that bunny's feet for her. I'm already so stressed out about the pillows. I think I know what I'm going to do for most of them. Now I just have to try it and see if I can do it.


How early are you getting the kids up tomorrow?

Are you going to try to get Scooby's number?

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:lol the Christmas Cal has not been for me what I had hoped, but that's ok.

It's great that it is helping a bunch of girls:manyheart. That makes my heart happy!

I have a feeling, tho, in the next couple of weeks, I'll be knuckling down and getting some stuff done:yay It will be easier when the kiddos are back at school.

You should join, even if it's a couple of things. Mary stopped by over there!:clap


I have not tried the lighted hooks, but a lot of people like them. I just make sure I have extra light if I am working with dark colors, or do it in the daytime.

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Yeah, I might have to join. It'll keep me focused. Now I have to figure out what to do this year and what to save for next year!

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I am thinking 8. any earlier, and I know I'll pay for it by afternoon:blush :lol

I am a little behind this year on backing up the schedules... mostly, because I have been sleeping a little longer myself:eek


I think I will try to look Scooby up. It would be great if she knew how much we all miss her! I sure hope she's ok... I pray for her a lot.

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I pray for her too. And it got me thinking that I'm going to give someone my password, in case something happens and I can't get on the computer. That way someone can come on and let you guys know what's going on. It's the not knowing that's so hard.

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I would just do a couple of things for this year. If you finish them, you could do 1 or 2 more.

I really need to look at my list again... it was pretty aggressive, and now I know I won't have enough time:grump... or will I? :scrachin

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