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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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She's such a trooper. Happy the whole time. She kept asking everyone, "Check my foot?" And then she saw the ear and eye scopes, and was asking, "Check my ears?" It was so funny!! She's asleep now.

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I'm so ready for the fall, so I had to change it. Hopefully I'll get more productive with my crochet-ness so I can put a pic of my work there. Like Colleen.


My sister is not liking school so far. She just told me a funny story though. They finally got their Ring Ceremony shirts (from last year), and her boyfriend's name says Christine, instead of Chris. He's not happy, but that is hilarious!

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Hey, I'm at 606! Yay me. I've been meaning to tell you. I was playing a Minnie Mouse computer game with DD the other day, and she's on roller skates. At the end of the game she does the running man with her skates on! That Minnie is one talented lady! I immediately thought of you!

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:rofl AWWW... that's funny! He'll laugh years from now, and nobody will forget him at the reunions, right?:lol

I hope things settle in for your sis... you will have to give her a :hug from me, K?


I am ready for fall, too! I love not being hot, and the air being dry and crisp. It makes you feel alive, I think.

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It's been so much cooler than normal around here. Highs in the upper 80s, when it's usually the hottest time of the year. I hope this means we get a colder winter. I love the cold!! You can layer as much as you want. When it's hot, there's only so much you can take off before you get arrested--and you're still HOT!

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If I could choose, I think I'd take 40s at night and 60s during the day. I don't know how DH works in the heat down here every day. He always says that if he can make it to September 1st, then he can say he made it through another summer! He's looking forward to tomorrow!

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I've tried, but I just can't get the hang of it. When I first started crocheting I found one on lionbrand.com and read the reviews. One girl said, "I'm 11 and I just started crocheting, and I made this in an hour. It was so easy." So I tried it and no, it's not that easy!


My dog just pooted and it made me jump!

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