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Am I wrong????

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She can't do anything with your stuff for 30 days. After that it's considered abandoned and she can sell it to recoup any monies lost because of you.


She seems to be quite the piece of work. Even to go as far as dragging your mother into it by leaving your stuff there. Unreal.


If you want to take it to court and continue to drag it out - have at it. All you'll end up with is an IOU that no one is going to enforce.


Consider it a lesson learned. An expensive one but one still learned. Make sure you know people before moving in with them.


I'm glad that getting out of this situation is as painless as it is. Aggravating yes. Painful - not really. If you're out $300 that's really not that big of a deal, you can have your apartment back so that you're not homeless or having to move back with mom, and you lost a friend you grew away from years ago.


Is it really worth the stress of dragging it out?

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This story sounds all to familiar. A few years ago my friend was in the same situation. He moved out 2 years ago and still has not seen the money she has owed him. His roommates life fell apart after he moved out and my friend was blamed for it. He was happier after he left and you will be too.

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Consider it a lesson learned. An expensive one but one still learned. Make sure you know people before moving in with them.


Is it really worth the stress of dragging it out?


I totally agree with RoseRed. Believe me, I know how frustrating it is. But you will only end up more frustrated, and will likely be out even more money with court fees etc... if you drag this out in court. It's hard, but just turn the other cheek for now and know for a fact that what goes around comes around! She will eventually get what she deserves and that will be your reward for waiting it out...

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Am going down tomorrow AM with 2 trucks to pick up couch, table, and bureau and about 6 or 7 small items. It's costing me $50 a person, probaly 2 guys to move everything. The police are going to be notified so we'll see what happens.

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