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State Fair

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Well, my entry to the state fair is in the mail! I'm not as optimistic this year as they have changed how they are judging. It used to be each crochet category had it's own best of show, but it seems this year they have just gone to one best of show for all crochet items. Wouldn't want to be those judges! Seems like it would be difficult to judge yarn against fine thread and etc. :think


County fair is next month and I feel pretty good about that one.


So who else is planning to enter a local or state fair competition? :cheer




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My county fair starts next Tuesday! I am entering a cable scarf, a santa pillow, a pumpkin hat, the Noah's Ark baby blanket, and the 63 cable stich blanket (I still have 4 more blocks to make for this and border it!). What are you entering? Good luck I bet you will do great! I have never tried our state fair, may have to soon.

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Wow, you did the Noah's Ark blanket? That's a great project! :clap I'm sure you'll have a great showing at the county! Very best of luck to you!:cheer


I sent an afghan, just one this year. Last year I sent a baby item too, but this year I'm taking classes fulltime in addition to working my usual three jobs so it really cut into my crochet time, so I didn't get one done. I'll post pics when I get the blanket back in August.



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I'm entering our county fair the first week of August. I just kept making things and put them in a container, not really paying attention to how much I made.


And they have changed the rules on judging. For Crochet, they have a Multi-colored yarn catagory (varigated) and a single color catagory, so I made things for both catagories and I didn't even realize it. I have 20 entries this year. That's the most I have ever entered.


Good luck to all that are entering their fairs. And good luck esspecially to all those people who are trying for the first time to enter. Once you enter one year, you are Hooked on entering. I know I am. It's my 6th year!



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