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Punk Skunk hat- Testers Found


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thanks everyone I found my testers!


This is my first written pattern that I would like tested. I'm asking for 3 testers, I want at least one to be experienced and one to be a beginner. I am looking for the testers to make sure the pattern is easy to read, easy to understand and that it is written correctly.Please know that I did write the pattern after I made the hat, so look for anything and doesn't seem to crochet right. I would also like it if you have a child(doesn't have to be yours) within the size groups to to try it on.


The size groups are 0-3, 3-6, 6-12, and 12-18 months


This pattern is not hard and I would like it to be done in a weeks time.


here is a picture





Please pm me if you are interested. This is a word doc so I will be needing a email address.Thanks.

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