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Crocheted Knit Dishcloth


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Yup, you read that title correctly. I crocheted a KNIT dishcloth!









Close up:



Isn't that so kewl?!!??!


I learned recently about the technique using a crochet hook and a bit of string to create true knit fabric.


I purchased a locker hook at Hobby Lobby to give the technique a try. (A locker hook is a long needle, between hook sizes F and G, with a crochet hook at one end and a large, needle like eye at the other.) I used satin cording to hold my stitches as I worked.


Ta-da! My first project, a knit dishcloth!


I CO 30 sts using a long tail cast on. I knit for about 2 -3 rows, then started alternating knit and purl rows. I knit the first and last 4 sts of each row to help keep the edges from curling.


So what should I call this? Knitting? Crochet? Croknitting? (Wait, I think that’s taken) Critting? Knitchet? (lol… would that be pronounced “knit-sh...? *snork!*)

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This is so neat!! I may have to give this a try. Where did you first learn about this technique?? And, did you use acrylic or cotton yarn? I have been searching our stores for black and white varigated cotton yarn and no one seems to have it. Have checked A.C. Moore and Hobby Lobby. They show it on the Lily site, so I may have to just bite the bullet and order some. I have a friend who has all black appliances in her kitchen and thought the black and white would be ideal.



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I've had the cotton for a couple of years. I believe it's Lion Brand Kitchen Cotton, and it was on clearance when I bought it.


The "technique" itself doesn't have a name. But the stitches are made using the "Amazing Needle." It's a crochet hook with a hole at the end through which you thread the cord. There is also a Yahoo group for it.


I bought the locker hook at HL. It's over by the latch hook supplies. The locker hook only comes in one size, but it's a good way to get started to see if this is something you'd like to explore further.


I've actually ordered a set of bamboo hooks from ebay, and plan on making my own hooks by having DH drill a hole in the bottom end of each one. That way I'll have a big range of sizes (c-n). It would be so KEWL to make knit socks without the needles! :cheer


I learned the knit and purl stitches from the yahoo group, and the dishcloth is was my first project. I'm thinking about making a simple hat next.


FYI: This isn't a FASTER way to knit, compared to knitting with needles. But it's faster for me (I'm a slow newbie knitter), and I get to use my beloved crochet hooks. :hook

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Awesome job.

But you really are knitting, just with a different tool! :)

Just like loom knitting is knitting with a different tool, so is this.

You can knit any knitting pattern/stitch.

It's great. I used it for a long time before I finally learned to knit with continental knitting and regular knitting needles.

Have fun!



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