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What I found out about Magazines!


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After a long talk yesterday with my local Michael's manager concerning magazines (or the lack of) I was informed that Magazines are not property of the stores (any stores) they are supplied and maintained by a vendor. It is the vendors responsibility to stock the magazines that sell well in that particular location.


With that said, there are two different things that may be occuring.

1. Crochet magazines sell out quicker than other crafting magazines and the vendor has not upped the amount stocked (most are not aware how fast the sell out cause they only visit once a month)

2. Crochet magazines have not been selling well in that location so it was pulled and replaced with something that targets that market.


Your best bet is to notify the magazine of the lack of representation in your market and hopefully they will respond my making the vendors address the situation.


(I had posted this in another thread but thought I should put it here so maybe more people would see it)

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