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Dollmakers--Wool Roving for Hair

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As I was laboriously backstitching yarn onto the head of the doll I was making Wednesday (yes, crocheted) I started thinking about how nice the Waldorf-style dolls look with their wool roving for hair. (Not all Waldorf dolls are made this way, but most seem to be.) I could probably get some fairly easily, but I was curious to see if anyone has experience in using it for hair on a crocheted doll, & if so how you attached it.


Actually, just in general, if you crochet dolls, what do you do for their hair? I've done everything from switching colors & making loop stitch for the hair (sort of an intarsia thing) to attaching yarn fringe-style to the head to slipstitching & chaining multiple times, etc. I don't really have a preference right now. Sewing yarn on the head like I've been doing with the past four dolls is definitely the easiest, but I'm paranoid that it'll be too easy to pull off.



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I'm curious about this, too. I haven't made a doll yet, but I've been thinking about what to do for hair if I did and I hadn't come to any conclusions yet. I worry so much about everything I make holding together, too, and while I've never had a problem, I'm afraid there will be a first time (though having toddlers as testers ought to reassure me that my construction is sound, lol). Hair just seems so...tenuous, somehow. You know?

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Yeah, I know. There are a few strands of yarn from one of my latest projects on the floor in front of me. Backstitching over strands of yarn doesn't seem to work so well. I think for now I'll go back to attaching it the same way you do fringe.

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