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Sweet Pea Shawl Change

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I am working on the Sweet Pea Shawl now and getting very frustrated with the trebles. I cannot get a consistent tension with them..... So Please Please tell me too that double crochets would work.


Gigglesgirlee - thanks for asking this question --- it was buzzing in my head.

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I was working on my Sweet Pea today and thinking the exact same thing. I don't think doubles would work, but I think regular triples might. With the way the shell pattern works, I honestly think triples would be just as tall as the double trebles.


I think I'll graph something out with triples and try a swatch of it tonight. If it works, I'll let you know.

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I made a Sweet Pea shawl with regular trebles. The shawl overall was smaller, of course, because trebles aren't as tall as double trebles. (If you're a small person, it's not a big issue, but if you're tall and large, like me, the shawl just wasn't large enough. I gave mine to a petite friend.) I want to make one for myself, tho, so I'll either start with more chains or make double trebles (Ack! I dread that! I don't even like regular trebles that much, but I just love the pattern of that shawl.).

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