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Crocheted Harry Potter Pens


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I wrote up a pattern for the Crocheted Harry Potter Broom Pen my Harry doll has. I also created a Slytherin Snake Pen too. :)

Here's the link....




Here's what they look like. Images are clickable for enlargement.


th_hppens005.jpg Any snake-colored variegated yarn or even just green yarn would do for Nagini. I used a Jewel Box yarn so it feels velvety. Jiggly eyes are a must! The pen tip is like it's tongue.



th_harry002.jpg With my Harry's broom I used a fall colored Cha Cha yarn for the broom end.


th_hppens001.jpg But you could also just use yellow of course.


I submitted these patterns to someone who is working on a Harry Potter Crafts section for the Leaky Cauldron site.


I think kids would get a kick out of these as party favors for a Potter themed party. They don't take very long to make either. You could also crochet a simple string necklace to keep the pen handy around your neck so it doesn't get lost.

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