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Colors - did it ever turn out better than you thought after felting?


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I am creating my second felted bag, and I LOVED how the first one turned out - the color combination just popped after I felted it.


I am only lukewarm about my (completely different) color choices on this one. They definitely match, but I am surely not in love with this color combo - enough so that I am considering frogging the whole thing, even though I'm about 2/3 of the way complete.


Should I hang in? Is it possible that the felting might change my opinion? Should I just go to bed and worry about it tomorrow?


I am eagerly awating your experiences. . . .

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Hi Mary Anne,

I just finished one myself, and felt like you. I used a matching yarn to stripe, then wasn't sure if I liked it at all. But after felting, I love it.

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Thanks so much for your encouragement, but I've given up - I couldn't stand it any more. I frogged about 1/3 of it and made one color change, and I already love it twice as much! I'll post pictures when I'm done.


Hi Mary Anne,


I just finished one myself, and felt like you. I used a matching yarn to stripe, then wasn't sure if I liked it at all. But after felting, I love it.

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