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I have some stockings that are a natural color and they are knitted do you think it would be possible to dye them now or would I get an uneven color? I am not quite for sure what type of yarn they are made with though. Would that factor into it how the color came out?:th inking:shrug



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Guest SamplerLady

Fabric content will affect the dyeing the most. Acrylic won't dye. Are they cotton or wool? You can use Rit dye. It will dye just about anything. However without knowing the fiber content, it may not be permanent and may turn your feet an interesting color. Are they hand knit? mmouseplus.gif

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Guest SamplerLady

I think the easiest way to dye wool is with Kool Aid. There is a thread about it here with lots of links and info. Or just type Kool Aid Dyeing in a search engine. Have fun! mmouseplus.gif

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