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Newbie and I need help please.

Shauna Leslie


I am working on a table runner and I am at this point and can't quite figure out how to do this. I just recently learned how to crochet and this is the first time I have attempted something out of the easy category.... any and all input welcomed. thank you


 * (1dc in next dc, ch1 space, dc, ch1 space & dc),
ch1, skip ch1 space, *

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3 answers to this question

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Hi there, welcome to the ville!

Edit:  Ignore this, I was completely wrong! I think it is telling you to make a dc, chain one, dc, ch one, and another dc, all into one spot. Being in parentheses means it is all in one spot. However it is oddly written because it says chain one space instead of just chain one.

Please tell us the name of the pattern and where it is, what book or website it is in. Then we can help you with more specifics.

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Ok, well the good thing is that there is a clear photo!  When you look at the photo you can basically see how it is made, right?  You have areas of solid crochet stitches, and areas of spaces made up of one chain above a skipped stitch.  So the pattern simply tells you how to arrange those.  


What I said above is completely wrong, so i apologize for being confusing!   (1dc in next dc, ch1 space, dc, ch1 space & dc)  means to make a dc in each of the next dc, chain space, dc, ch space, and dc.    So there you have made a solid dc section above a section of spaces.  Next you want to create a new chain space so you ch 1 and skip the ch1 space in the previous row.  Then you go back to the asterisk and start over with the part in parentheses.  


Do you know how to work into a chain space?  You put the hook under the chain instead of into the chain stitch itself.  You could make the stitch into the chain stitch but it is quicker to work into the space.  

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