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Left over yarn scraps for charity


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Hey, I use to have an elderly woman that lived behind my house until her house burned down. Now she lives in an assisted living retirement home. Well, she has a group there that crochets and knits blankets for charity. They have recently taken some blankets that were made to a local place where abused children are kept. They do this for all kinds of places like this that are local. They donate them to the homeless and everything. If anyone has any scraps that they do not want, please email me at JLTURNER1@aol.com. Put in the subject "Yarn scraps" And I will send you my mailing address. This would be greatly appreciated. I'm am getting my scraps together as we speak to give to them. I have done it before. Anything that I have left over from projects I give to them. It doesn't matter what kind or the color of the yarn. Thanks so much!

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