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Calculating a foundation chain



I'm really stuck on this.  I want to crochet some small mini frame edgings for Christmas decorations using various border and edging patterns that I have.  What I'm struggling with is how to work out the foundation chain length I need - for some reason I just can't get my head round working out how many chains I need for each pattern repeat and I get the feeling it should not be that difficult. 


Can anyone advise?

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3 answers to this question

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Welcome to the ville :hook


if the pattern is set up in the first row, you can make a chain based on the length you want, plus a few extra as a cushion.  then simply work row 1 to the length you want, and ignore the unused chains.  later on you can unpick them and weave in the yarn end.  


that method won't work if the pattern  is not apparent until a later row.


Tell us about the patterns you plan to use, for more specific answers.  if they are in a book etc, tell us the title.  if they are free online you can link to them.  

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I knew there had to be a simple solution - hadn't considered simply having a stab at it an unpicking the unwanted stitches in the chain!  I'm using a variety of border patterns gathered from all over so there's nothing specific.  I suppose it's a questiong of having a go and seeing what works and if they go wrong the waste of yarn is minimal because they are only for small xmas tree ornaments

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