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Need help with Heirloom Baby Set



Please, has anyone made this pattern? I need help. Particularly with row 1 of bodice. It says, "With right side of skirt facing, working across top edge, join thread in left side of row-end st of first beading row to the left of center back seam, ch 1, work 308 sc evenly spaced around upper edge if Skirt to right side of same beading row; turn.


I understand what it says, but what I'm having a problem with is where that space that would create for the button/buttonhole band is that it looks too far over to the left of the center seam for a button/buttonhole band placement.


If anyone has done this pattern, I would greatly appreciate any and all help.


Thank you,



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welcome to the ville :hook


Is there going to be a gap between the edges of the bodice?  If so, it looks like that will be filled in when you do the button band and buttonhole band, under finishing.  

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Thank you for your response.


Yes. I understand the gap thing. But it's the placement of that gap that I have a question on. And the person who answers those questions at the website where I got the pattern from won't be able to answer any questions regarding patterns until next Monday.


Have you tried this pattern? It is one of the most beautiful christening patterns I have seen so far.

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I have not made the pattern.  I'm just looking at the written pattern.


I guess I am not visualizing it correctly.  the beading row is row 2, after a row of sc, so to me it seems like it can't be very far from the center back seam.  How far from the seam is it turning out for you when you crochet it?  

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From the left of the center seam there is five rows of double crochet even before you get to the first beading row left of the center seam.


I guess I will just have to wait until next week to talk with the pattern lady from the website.


Thanks for trying to help.

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I guess i was thinking the landmark would be the first beading row that you made.  Again just imagining this all in my head.  But maybe it depends on how you define the "left": if it is the left side as it will be worn, maybe that is diferent than the left as you hold the piece to begin working the bodice.  


Are you on Ravelry?  Here is the pattern listing there http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/heirloom-baby-set---dress

and if you click on the Projects tab, you can see photos of finished projects; maybe some of the photos of the back of it will be helpful.  you could also contact some of the people who've made it, or post your question in the forums there.  (My apologies if you've already tried Ravelry!)  

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