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needing help with tweed jacket from annies crafts

Theron Ramirez


ok so here is the problem I am working on a tweed jacket I got on annies crafts free patterns and I love this jacket but right from the start it is giving me problems it goes something like this  (working in back lps ch 2 hdc dec in next 2 sts hdc in each st across to last 3 sts hdc dec in next 2 sts hdc in last st turn) [102 hdc]  )  ( working in both lps work row 2 of half double pattern and at the same time dec 1 st at each end in same manner as last row every 4th row twice ) [98]  ) next line says to half double crochet in till piece is 7inc I have I think about 16 to 20 rows to make it 7inc so that's to many to go every 4 rows and I did notice the number of sts is only going down 4 so tried doing it with 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom still dose not work cause after you do the first 2 dec it starts to triangle to much so ends up with a small hour glass effect and its the back piece so that's not going to work can anyone help  

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welcome to the ville :hook


If you would break up your post into sentences, it would be easier to read.  


Is this the pattern?  http://www.freepatterns.com/detail.html?code=FC01383&cat_id=336


You are supposed to decrease to 98 sts by doing this "dec 1 st at each end in same manner as last row every 4th row twice. "

Then after you have 98 sts, you work even---keep making 98 stitches in each row---until the piece measures 7 inches in length from the beginning.  the 7 inches is length, not width.  then after that, you add stitches.  the decreasing and then increasing creates the waist shaping.  If you look at the schematic, see how the piece curves in a bit on the sides?  that is the shaping you are creating.  


If this doesn't answer the question, please let us know.  

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