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Golden Eye Square


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Hey, folks, long time no logon here, been very tied up with too much stuff. But, the other day I came up with a nice new pattern square, which one can alter to suit for colour belnding, matching, contrasting, whatever.


I have used UK 4.5mm hook with DK wool, but agin, this can be changed to suit your preferences. Numbers for finished articles will therefore vary and I have only done two to ensure I got the instructions right. You can add to the square with rounds of differing sttches to enlarge or expand in similar rounds to row 2 and 3, or simply make a few and stitch together; it is quite versatile


Here goes


Golden eye square.


1. Colour A. Make a ring of 6 turns of wool around 2 fingers, last round to the rear. Slide off fingers, keeping the rings together. Without breaking the wool, insert hook front to back of ring and catch the thread around the hook, draw through to the front, yrh and slip stitch to catch the rings.


2.  4ch (1st + 1ch corner). (6tr into ring, 1ch) 3 times, 5ch into ring, ss into top of first 3ch. (4 sides and 4, 1ch corners made). Fasten off.


3. Colour B. Ss into any 1ch space. 2ch (1st dc), *1dc into same ch space. 1dc into next 2dc, 1htr into next 2 dc, 1tr into next 2dc. (3hdtr, 1ch, 3hdtr) into 1ch. 1tr into next 2 dc, 1htr into next 2dc, 1dc into next 2dc, 2dc into corner. Repeat from * until you are at the start, ss into top of 2ch. Fasten off.


3. With 3rd colour, fasten (ss) into any 1ch corner of last row. 2ch, 1dc into corner ch. Increase (3dc, 3htr, 3tr, 3hdtr) up to corner. Corner (3hdtr into first dc of previous corner, 1ch, 3hdtr into second dc of previous corner). Decrease (3hdtr, 3tr, 3htr, 3dc) up to corner. 2dc into 1ch of previous corner. Increase along next edge, decrease along last edge. At the end of the round, ss into top of 2ch start. Fasten off.   


Thanks, hope it's as interesting as I found it when I hit upon it.


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