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Graph Gauge



I found a graph project that I want to complete for my daughter for Christmas.  If you are curious, it is a Broadway afghan, commemorating the Broadway plays she has seen and loved so much. Very similar to this one: http://www.ravelry.com/projects/krystal16/broadway-panel-afghan


Here's my dilemma...  I am working out my gauge/hook/yarn.  I have settled on Hobby Lobby's I Love this Yarn, for it durability and washability. The yarn band states that it needs an "I" hook.  But I like the drape of the swatch that I made with the J hook better.  The "I" hook is tighter, and stiffer.  The question is...  does a graph project NEED a tight-tight stitch? Or would a medium-tight stitch work ok too? I crochet a bit on the tight side anyway. 


I should just make a practice panel using the J hook.  But I was hoping to get opinions too. : ) 

Thanks gals! 

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I generally make tapestry crocheted items that are very tightly stitched, however, I have taken Kim Guzman's Graph Crochet class and most all of us were using a J hook with RHSS and everything turned out just fine.


Hope this helps you out a bit.

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