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Need help with 'sc in ch 1 sp 2 ROWS BELOW'



I found a pattern on the internet that uses a 4-row pattern to create a Harlequin pattern.  I'm stuck on one particular part.  Here is the instruction for that entire row, with the confusing part in red:


Row 2:  Ch 3, skip first dc, 3 dc in top of 3 dc-tog, *sc in ch 1 sp two rows below, enclosing the ch 7, [3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc] in top of 6 dc-tog; repeat from *, ending sc in ch 1 sp two rows below, enclosing

the ch 7, 3 dc in top of 3 dc-tog, dc in 3rd of ch 3, turn.


For reference, here are instructions for the two previous rows (set-up row and Row 1):


Set-Up Row: [3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc] in 5th ch from hook, skip 3 ch, sc in next ch, *skip 3 ch, [3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc] in next ch, skip 3 ch, sc in next ch; repeat from *, turn.

Row 1: Ch 3, skip first sc, 3 dc-tog over next 3 dc, *ch 7, skip 1 ch, 6 dc-tog over next 6 dc (skipping sc in center); repeat from *, ending ch 7, skip 1 ch, 3 dc-tog over last 3 dc, dc in ch 1, turn.


I have no idea where this "ch 1 sp two rows below" is, or what it means to enclose the ch 7.  What is that supposed to look like?  There is a picture of the finished afghan, but I can't make sense of where this is.


Here is the link:  http://www.abramsbooks.com/stc_craft_news/ckca/images/pattern_greenway.pdf


Any help would be appreciated!!


Thank you!



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Try this... in your setup row, you made shells- (3dc, ch1, 3dc)... on the next row just above these shells, you did a chain 7 between the dc's that were worked together... on this row 2, you are going to do a sc to connect these rows together by doing a sc down into that chain between that chain in the shell on the setup row at the same time enclosing that chain 7 to connect it to the row below and now the one above. You'll be doing this again in row 4, too.


Try it, it just sounds confusing... it's just a sc down into that chain1 between the shell, nudge the long chain against the top of the chain 1 and just swoop it all up together.

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