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have you tried either of these?


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Just wondering if any of you have tried either the Bernat Miami ribbon yarn, or the Filatura Lanarota Baby Lash DK? I recently ordered a little of each, and am looking for some great ideas that these yarns would be suited for. I have 4 skeins of the ribbon (2 each of 2 colors) and 8 skeins of the baby lash (2 each of 4 colors) on the way. I'll have a better "feel" for them once they arrive, but thought I'd see what recommendations you might have for projects before the stuff gets here. :)





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I have a bunch (50 skeins in various colors) of the Bernat Miami ribbon yarn and just love the look and feel of it. I've been wanting to make something with it but can't seem to find any patterns that use it.


I do that a lot. The yarnaholic in me buys a bunch of yarn that I like and then leaves me to figure out what to do with it.

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Oh my heavens! 50 skeins of the ribbon yarn?



I'm hyperventilating from serious yarn envy, here... just a sec...


Ok. I've stopped drooling and breathing heavily, but the shaking still hasn't gone away. :lol


Seriously, though, with 50 skeins of it, you could probably do just darn near anything, couldn't you? Part of what is giving me fits is that with only 2 skeins per color, I doubt I can make anything very large, and, well, I'm a large gal.;) I suspect I may end up with more scarves... Hey, I love scarves, but if I don't start buying enough yarn of any one kind to make something larger than a scarf once in a while, I'll have a whole closet full of scarves and nothing else.:P I suppose I could just drape myself in them, and do one of those "dance of a hundred scarves" routines for Jeff one night. Might lose its effectiveness if the scarves are mostly fluffy yarn instead of sheer, shimmering silk, though...:lol


But, if there are no other projects that come to mind for this yarn, I guess I could *bear* to have a few more nifty scarves.



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