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Crochet Hooks and Yarn in Mexico

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We went to Mexico on Vacation. Just got back yesterday.


Had a great time.


Well I got to thinking, I wonder if I can find some yarn and crochet hooks here. So I talked to one of th guys that worked at the Resort. I asked him if he thought I could find some.

Sure you can, let me draw you a map.


So off we went with our map. We walked up the road and walked some more. Found the road we needed. Then walked on that road for a while.


Hey look I yell. That must be it. Pull out the map and check. Yes that is it. In we go. Look around a bit. Lot of fabric. Oh, look yarn I think.

Walk over yes yarn. Now I want to find crochet hooks, As I didn't know how to say it in spanish. I just kept looking. Found them. So I had to point to get to see some. Found 2 at that store and some yarn. I get don't forget we are flying and to take back on the plane.

So 2 hooks and 2 things of yarn off to the next store.


Walked a bit more. Found the next store. In we go.

Look around some, see yarn, Look around a bit. Again I had to point to get the crochet hooks. She gave me a whole bin of hook to look at.

I picked up 6 hooks and one yarn.


She also showed me how to make a flower crocheting. So very pretty.


Well it was a fun day. For just about $8.00 I got 8 hooks and 3 things of yarn.

All of the hooks are steel and really nice.


I will get a picture to share.


It was fun to see crocheting in a defferent county. I will for sure do it again.

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If I ever get the DH to agree to go, and the money to get there, I want to go to England, Ireland and Germany, and I KNOW that there WILL be yarn bought :smiles Hey, Kbear, we're just up the road from you, nice to see another NC on here!

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If I ever get the DH to agree to go, and the money to get there, I want to go to England, Ireland and Germany, and I KNOW that there WILL be yarn bought :smiles Hey, Kbear, we're just up the road from you, nice to see another NC on here!


You up the road from us. We are about an hour away.


We are off Exit 81 on 85.


Let me know if you get this way, stop on by.

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