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Fairs and such

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I've decided to do something I've not done before.. I'm going to enter some items in the fair here in September.. it's a rather large fair and should be fun. Anyone have any suggestions on what seems to be good for that or what they are looking for? I'm waiting on my book with some information in it, but am wondering if there are different categories or types of items? :think

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It's good to have a variety, lots of little/cheaper items, a few big/expensive ones, and some in the middle. I'm not sure exactly what is selling right now, I would think ponchos and bags/backpacks and maybe scarves for autumn and back to school, maybe stuff like scrunchies and doll clothes for smaller cheaper items?

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Donna, do you mean crochet items to enter into a competition/exhibition or items to sell? If you mean competition/exhibition, then there are probably tons of categories! Our county fair is happening right now and we had to have things turned in about a month ago. There were about 25 categories just for knitting and crochet! Usually there's some sort of entry form and a small fee (ours was $1 per entry) and the booklet should tell you what all the different categories are. In our fair, you can't enter more than one thing in each category, so you have to choose one afghan, one accessory, one child's item, rather than entering three afghans. I'm sure your booklet will have a lot more info! Good luck!


:book Raquel

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