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Letter to include with prayer shawl??

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I work with an older lady and her husband just died. I am making her a prayer shawl, but I am not sure how to go about telling her what it is. I don't wanna try and have to explain it. I would rather have like a letter or a poem or something in the box with the shawl so she can read it when she opens it.


Is this weird??


I have no idea what to write though. Can anyone help me?? Maybe someone has given one, or sent one and had a letter with it??



Thanks in advance ladies!!



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Thank you so much!!


I am going with this one:


As you wrap yourself in the prayer shawl of comfort...

May the Mother of Mercy, the Father of Faithfulness and the Spirit of Compassion

wrap you in their all-encompassing love this day.


May you find comfort

from all that appears too much to bear at this moment

from all that feels as if it might be the breaking point

from all that seems to threaten your peace of heart.


May this prayer shawl be

a shelter for time of overwhelming grief

a shade in times of sorrow too deep for words

a shield from times of unimaginable loss.


May you be comforted

by the presence of those who love and support you

by faith in the eternal Loving One

by the memories of what you hold most dear.


May you be strengthened

in your daily comings and goings

in your tentative new beginnings

in your unfolding new memories.


Blessings of the Angel of Comfort be with you and all you love now and forevermore.



I hope she likes it!!

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