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Woot My 13 yr old is crocheting

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After many times of trying to teach my oldest dd to crochet she is doing it, she brought me the bag she was working on and we had to totally frog it (she had the ends cut WAY too short and pieces tied in for color change) I had her start over and she is doing great, I have even showed her the correct way to do color change. This has been a challenge for us me crocheting backwards and her doing it the traditional way but it's working. I will post her bag later when she's done. :clap

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  • 2 months later...

Congratulations! Isn't that a wonderful feeling? My 11-year-old started crocheting today (she had been knitting, but wasn't having much fun) and the first thing she made was an ADORABLE tiny mouse from a pattern here. She's over the moon, and she has brought me back to crocheting after a break of 15 years!

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