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Oprah, David Letterman, What the???


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I agree, Valerie. They state that their intent was to "draw her attention to crochet" rather than draw attention to a charity or a need, and that comes through in the letters which are all about how crochet is hot, cool, hip, chic, etc. Only one talks about the different crocheting charities out there. I'll bet Oprah gets tons of letters from groups wanting to promote this and that. One thing I learned back in my retail days was that if Oprah has it on her show, the viewers will seek it out in droves.


Tlisley's observation about creative people is probably the case here. I'm sure their hearts were in the right place. They were probably just brainstorming ideas and trying to think big, but lacked that one member who'd say "Hey, maybe we should think this through a little more." I just think the results are funny. :)


I wouldn't be surprised if they only actually did this for a few months but just forgot to stop the counter on their website.

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