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Stocking Cap for my Daddy....


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Dont know why I never shared this... other than I wasnt sure how folks would feel about it... but I'm taking a chance....

In this thread I have a request for help making stocking caps...



Well... because my daddy was the giving man that he was ... he never got a chance to make himself a stocking cap. Every cap he knitted he gave away ... to nurses... doctors... and patiants. Through all his pain while in the hospital... he still thought of others. Its really what kept him going. Seeing the smilie on their face and the twinkle of joy in their eye was all he needed.

Well.. this last winter ... it was really bothering me that he never got a stocking cap. So I decided that just because he wasnt here anymore ... didnt mean he couldnt still have one... so I knitted him his very own special cap.

This is the front


This is the back


and this is daddy wearing his cap...






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What a wonderful tribute to your dad. That is such a nice idea. And I'm sure he loves his cap.:hug

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Thank you everyone... so very much... for your love..compliments and encouragement!

It means a lot to me!!! :hug





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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you ... :ty ..... Thank you everyone for your comments of love!

Daddy sure looked good in his stocking cap for the winter!!! I need to make him something for the summer! :hook

I sure do miss him!




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I just have to tell you ~ I opened this to see a cap. I didn't read the whole thread and then I scrolled to the last picture....it brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful, loving thing to do for your Father. Thank you so much for sharing this with us and please know that this has really touched me today. What a wonderful man your Father must have been to raise such an outstanding Daughter. :hug

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That is so sweet and touching. TYFS. What a wonderful way to honor your Daddy

Thank you so much for your sweet comment!!! :hug

I just have to tell you ~ I opened this to see a cap. I didn't read the whole thread and then I scrolled to the last picture....it brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful, loving thing to do for your Father. Thank you so much for sharing this with us and please know that this has really touched me today. What a wonderful man your Father must have been to raise such an outstanding Daughter. :hug

Omgoodness... thank you for your lovely reply! :hug My daddy was a 'one of a kind' giving man. His heart was so full of love it spilled over into everything he did or said! Even while spending the last 8 months of his life in a hospital ... he still managed to put on a smile everyday and bring joy to someone elses life! Everyone tells me the missing him gets easier with time... so far I have found it harder. :(

What a lovely tribute.

Thank you!!!! :hug



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:ty for sharing your story. It sounds like your Dad was a great guy. His daughter is great also. Both of my parents are now gone and have been for quite a few years - Mom in 1981 and Dad in 1984 - I still miss them to this day. The pain does ease but certain memories can bring back the intensity of the pain. :hug :hug
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:ty for sharing your story. It sounds like your Dad was a great guy. His daughter is great also. Both of my parents are now gone and have been for quite a few years - Mom in 1981 and Dad in 1984 - I still miss them to this day. The pain does ease but certain memories can bring back the intensity of the pain. :hug :hug

oh sweetie...............thank you for your kind words!! My daddy as definately a great guy!:manyheart

I'm so sorry for you loss! :hug

I know what you mean.... there are days I think I'm okay..but then a memory will hit for whatever reason of my daddy and I will hurt so bad I feel like I wont make it through the day.... but I do!





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This little story brought tears to my eyes. Your daddy was a lucky man to have you. And you were a lucky daughter to have such a daddy. :)

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