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Some good clean fun?!

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HI all,


Beth- That strawberry tote is AWESOME!!!! That's one lucky sister you have there! Sounds like you had a ton of fun at the yarn store with DS GF!! It is nice to browse the yarn aisles with someone who appreciates it as much as you do.


Colleen- YAY for getting some crochet mojo back! Love that Belle scarf pattern- looks so much more complicated that it actually is!! What color Homespun did you use? Oh, and I loved LeaAnne's response for your DH's comment!! Priceless!!!


LeaAnne- Glad to hear the working is going well--it will take an adjustment--but glad to hear you like it! Have fun at the parade tomorrow!!!!


Marisa- Hope the cable guy figured out the internet! Have a nice visit with your parents- Will you get a chance to ride your bike before your Dad takes it "home" for the winter?


LeeAnn- Shoes ---my favorite obsession---next to yarn, that is!!!


Sarah- I'm so happy to hear that Keith had a ball and that he was a hit at the courthouse- can't wait to see the pics!


Stacy,- Did you survive your three tests this week?


Vicki- Hope you had a better week this week- and that the migraines are getting fewer and farther apart. How's the vertigo?


Mary and Shannon - thinking of you!


I did some cleaning this morning and then took my car in - it was making a funny clunky sound when I turned and it was about time for brakes - so yes, it had some mid-shaft thing in the steering column that is being replaced and they said I could probably go another couple thousand miles w/out brakes, but that the rotors needed to be cut. I figured since they have the car today, I'd just get the brakes done now- why go back in another couple of months? Plus I'm driving to Boston mid November, so I'll feel safer all around...although my wallet is going to be very poor- and I have DD's birthday Nov 1, party tonight! (Hope she'll accept an IOU until Thursday- LOL)


Stopped at the grocery store and that's done, so now DH and I will go back to pick up my car!


Have a wonderful day!!

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Hi all!

How was everyone's Saturday?

Joanne-I am sure you are having a blast at dd's house! How fun! Bummer that your car needed new breaks, but glad that you heard the sound and were able to fix them before something terrible happened.

Marisa-have a great time with your parents!

Colleen-the cake walk was at our church. Every year at this time, they have a festival. They have booths set up with games, food and fun. Dd usually participates in the cake walk, it is similar to musical chairs. We are still waiting for dh to bake a cake...I better get after him! :devil

We cleaned all three vehicles today, detailed to perfection or as close as we could get 'em. :lol With all four of us helping it only took 1 1/2 hours, not bad. I also finished another set of the fingerless gloves. Do you all think it would be ok to make them using acrylic yarn? Or do you think they would stretch too much?

going to wash dishes yet again, that is my pet peeve-dirty dishes.....Oh calgon take me away!!!!!

BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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:hi, and Happy Halloween, friends!


Just a quick post to wish you all lots of your favorite treats!:devil


I may be MIA for a few days... tomorrow is parade and trick or treating (hopefully we are back to see the 2nd half of the Pats game), and I am working Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If I don't stop by, please know that I miss you all and am keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning and Happy Halloween!!:jack:ghost:skeleton


Hope you all have a wonderful day today- I can't wait to see the little ones trick or treating- although I may be seeing them at DD's house. We want to see the Jets game and of course it's on Fox ====which we STILL don't have- :angry


Had a great time at DD's house last night. Us "old folk" left around 11 while the young ones were partying on!! DD and SIL looked so cute- He was dressed as Mario and DD was Princess Peach!


Have a great Halloween!:skeleton:skeleton:skeleton

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:hi, and Happy Halloween, friends!


Just a quick post to wish you all lots of your favorite treats!:devil


I may be MIA for a few days... tomorrow is parade and trick or treating (hopefully we are back to see the 2nd half of the Pats game), and I am working Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If I don't stop by, please know that I miss you all and am keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers! :hug:hug:hug


I just wanted to add that I may not be posting each and every day and don't want anyone to worry. It's just that I'm finding that I need to really cut back on the time on the computer if I'm going to get any crocheting done for Christmas!! I have a new project at work and will be learning something new which is going to tax whatever remaining brain cells I have:lol . It's easy to come on here and "chat" but then my ever-growing list of projects is not getting any smaller! I probably will start my day though with a hello to all!!! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning! Happy Halloween.


It sounds like it's going to get quiet here for a while! All things pass, though, and soon everyone will have more time for chat again. Things are getting busier here. I am so glad I don't have anything but my normal chores today. Hopefully, I can get some progress done on my Mom's vest. Then I can start playing with the dog I want to make for my great-niece for Christmas.


I am tempted to buy more yarn. Somebody talk me out of it! I have so much yarn that is waiting patiently already.

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Good morning! Happy Halloween.


It sounds like it's going to get quiet here for a while! All things pass, though, and soon everyone will have more time for chat again. Things are getting busier here. I am so glad I don't have anything but my normal chores today. Hopefully, I can get some progress done on my Mom's vest. Then I can start playing with the dog I want to make for my great-niece for Christmas.


I am tempted to buy more yarn. Somebody talk me out of it! I have so much yarn that is waiting patiently already.

I'm so hard at talking anyone out of buying yarn....and I just had to take a peek at AC Moore's ad- and lo and behold Homespun is on sale for 3.99...and I'm going to be making some of the Belle scarves with it cause it works up so fast....need to check my stash and see what colors I have (or don't have) ...Sorry Beth!:devil

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Happy Halloween Everyone.


I won't be on much this week. I'm at Doug's mom's watching the kids while she works nights.


Hope everyone has a good week.:hug:hug:hug

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Happy Happy Halloween dear friends!

I will miss all of you that will not be here this week but I bet I can always work on x-mas gifts to occupy my time.

hugs n squishes!

We are taking the kiddos out later this evening but are waiting for my parents to come over. I am going to sit and crochet. I almost started a new project but found a WIP, guess I will finish that before starting something new.


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I'm so hard at talking anyone out of buying yarn....and I just had to take a peek at AC Moore's ad- and lo and behold Homespun is on sale for 3.99...and I'm going to be making some of the Belle scarves with it cause it works up so fast....need to check my stash and see what colors I have (or don't have) ...Sorry Beth!:devil


I got the yarn. I have been attracted to the Joann's Sensations Rainbow Boucle yarn, and finally bought 3 skeins to make a fuzzy Round Ripple. I started it this afternoon. I have to concentrate on the christmas presents, but it is looking cool so far (about 4 rows into it.) I did get my mom's vest up to the part where I have to divide it for arm holes, so it's coming along,too.


I hope you all had a happy halloween. we had a grand total of 8 trick or treaters. It's not like it used to be!

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Ok day one of babysitting down... and here's what happened: copied from post elsewhere.


I’m babysitting for a week… here’s my adventures and lessons learned.


1st lesson learned: NEVER start your first day babysitting on Halloween.


2nd lesson learned: NEVER take said kids out for their first time trick or treating on your first day


3rd lesson learned: My son is a scaredy cat.


Should’ve taken a hint from how the day started out… We overslept and barely made it to Fiance’s Mom’s on time (his step-dad had to show me where to drop-off/pick-up the kids for school before he left, his mom was asleep as she’s workig nights).


Decided at last minute instead of taking all the kids to the fall festival at the church here in town we took them instead to the next nearest town to Fiance’s Grandparent’s house. From there we took them to several different neighborhoods to go trick or treating.


OK neither of the two kids had ever been trick or treating or at a fall festival that wasn’t during school hours. We’d only taken our son to the fall festival at church last year. So NONE of the had ever been trick or treating.


Learned really quick to grab Z (Fiance’s step-nephew) as soon as he had candy put in his bag as he’d help himself to more while the person was distracted putting candy in other kids bags. His sister (H) did fine. My son was kinda wary and if they had any animated decorations he wouldn’t go near at all (he’s somewhat of a scaredy cat, we’re working on that)


Getting home was an adventure in itslef as the main road into town was blocked and avoiding all the random stops of vehicles and kids crossing w/o looking.


OK get home and then the REAL adventure starts.


My son wants to get out of the front passenger side instead of his door (he was behind me).


Z was asleep so my son tapped him on the head to wake him up (of course getting in trouble for hitting)


H and Z were trying to gather all the pieces of their costume, DS was bee-lining for the door and his Grandma’s puppy to let her out of her cage.


Got the other two kids in the house and start fixing them something to eat. Puppy piddles on the floor. Get the kids eatting and go clean that up. At this time neighbor knocks on the door to tell me I’d left the lights on on the truck.


H and Z finish eatting just as puppy piddles again (she wouldn’t go outside and I couldn’t catch her) ok clean that up. Send H to get a her shower and get Z ready to bed. Well Z goes in his room and steps in dog poop as the puppy had pooped on his floor by his bed. So that meant throwing him in the bath tub as he’d gotten it ALL over his foot and leg trying to wipe it off his foot.


OK finally get H and Z in bed. Then it’s time to get DS ready for bed… Well get him undressed and trying to put a pull-up on him and the puppy ran off with DS’ underwear. So had to go get that. Finished getting DS ready and put him to bed. Called his daddy so he could tell him goodnight and turned off the light…


And now the kids are in bed

Think I'll go raid their candy as they got TONS...

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Good evening ladies :hi


It sounds like everyone had a pretty good day and enjoyed Halloween :clap I didn't get any trick or treaters :( Well, I've never seen any around here in the past either so I didn't even buy any candy :eek We usually get ALOT at work, but since it's a weekend this year.... :think


I had a wonderful visit with my parents, and my Aunt came too :yay She worked until 4:30 yesterday so they left when she got home and they got here around 7. We just lounged about here, ordered a pizza (my Aunt was hungry and enjoyed the grease!!! My uncle can only eat HEALTHY after a couple open heart surgeries so when she gets the chance to splurge :lol ) And watched a movie. I worked on my spiral ghan during the movie and we sat on the couch, me in the middle, mom to my left and aunt to my right and my mom kept pulling my yarn :rofl I knew when she was falling asleep because I had to pull my own yarn!!!! My dad sat in the chair and worked on my sudoku puzzles. We got up this morning and went to breakfast, picked up some soft pretzels for them to take home and then back here to work. First the air conditioners came out and packed up and then the bike. We had to charge it a bit first since it's been cold lately and I haven't run it in a while :think


Once they headed out, I went to the car wash, boston market, then to pick up my friend and we sat watching football and switching with Halloween 5, while I worked on some squares ;) I read a little bit of my book and fell asleep at the start of the Pitt game. Now I'm here finally getting a chance to chat ;)


OK, THAT WAS COPIED FROM MY OTHER THREAD, I figured no need to type the same story twice since it was long :lol


Beth - It's wonderful you get along with your son's gf's so well :yes:yay for your mom's vest and the new yarn :devil I was gonna try to talk you out of it, but was too late :shrug


LeeAnn - What WIP did you find? And let's just say it took me the same time to do my one car today :rofl And I didn't even polish it today :eek


Colleen - :hi and Happy halloween!


Joanne - My bike is now gone :eek I did go for a little spin around the neighborhood before they left with it :yes My dad had some good carhart work coveralls to wear for the ride and did feel the chill in the air when they started up the mountains after allentown. Glad you had fun at the party and :yay for getting FOX back finally!!!!


LeaAnne - I hope you got some pics of the parade to share :think:devil I hope work continues to go well :hug


Sarah - :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug and sooo many more coming your way :hug :hug I really just don't even know how to respond to your babysitting adventure :eek but you could make a movie :idea


See y'all in the morning.

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and here's a pic of Keith in his costume as Daddy. Excuse the expression as he didn't want his picture taken so I had to catch him by suprise...



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I so try to do that lol, but i fail miserably, BUT maybe this will help motivate me!

Welcome to our little slice of heaven! We are so much more than cleaning motivation. You will not meet a nicer group than our little CAL.

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Good morning, everyone!


Sarah, Keith is cute in his costume. You did great fixing it up. It sounds like the puppy is going to be more work than the kids!


Marisa, your day sounds nice! Not a typical Halloween, but very fun.


Crochetaholic, I hope you will enjoy our group. We share our day, partially about cleaning, but it's evolved into more than that.


LeaAnn, did your kids get a lot of loot?


Joanne, did you get the yarn at ACM?


Colleen, did you have a happy Halloween?


Mary, thinking of you!


LeaAnne, have fun working! I hope your job continues to be fun.


Vicki, I hope you don't have a headache today.


Stacy, what's up in your busy corner of the world? Did your girls go trick or treating? Is it a big holiday for your roomie?

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Good morning, everyone!


Sarah, Keith is cute in his costume. You did great fixing it up. It sounds like the puppy is going to be more work than the kids!


Marisa, your day sounds nice! Not a typical Halloween, but very fun.


Crochetaholic, I hope you will enjoy our group. We share our day, partially about cleaning, but it's evolved into more than that.


LeaAnn, did your kids get a lot of loot?


Joanne, did you get the yarn at ACM?


Colleen, did you have a happy Halloween?


Mary, thinking of you!


LeaAnne, have fun working! I hope your job continues to be fun.


Vicki, I hope you don't have a headache today.


Stacy, what's up in your busy corner of the world? Did your girls go trick or treating? Is it a big holiday for your roomie?


Shannon, how are you?


Today is busy, as most Mondays are. I volunteer, I tutor, I work, I teach, my daughter dances, my son #1 works, goes to college, and registers for the next semester of classes, my son #2 swims. I need to clean off the bookcase headboard of our bed, because we are getting our new matresses tomorrow! Insert cartwheel here. It is also sheet washing day -- every Monday is sheet washing day.

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Good morning!


Sarah- It sure sounds like you had a very busy 1st day of babysitting and I agree with Beth~~ it sounds like the puppy may be work than all the kiddos combined. Keith looked adorable as his Daddy and love the face he is making in the pic!!


Beth- I've never tried the Boucle yarn- but I'll bet it will work up quickly into a RR! Is it a bulky like Homespun? I'm thinking of starting a ghan in Homespun that is in my stash- and no, I didn't get to ACMoore yesterday!--was too busy at DD's house and then home to spend some time with DH before the crazy work week begins anew.


Marisa- Glad to hear you had a nice weekend- and pizza is always a nice treat. It got really cold here overnight (at least the coldest it's been this season) Good thing your Dad brought the Carhart overalls to wear home on the bike!


I got to watch the World Series last night!!! And the team I'm rooting for won!!! And of course, it is now 6:07AM so I'd better get hopping here for another fun-filled Monday in Paradise!


Have a good one all!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Sarah - Keith is adorable and can I just say that I have pillows on my couch in the same color as the one next to Keith in his pic :lol:think I hope you have a good day today, you deserve some relaxation :yes


Beth - I'm not really a halloween person :no I enjoy seeing the decorations, but that's about where it ends for me :eek I can't be bothered with the whole dressing up thing, but love to see the kids :lol I like when it's during the week and I get the kids at work...we have a big daycare on our block that runs out of 3 buildings so we usually get all of those kids :yes


Joanne - It is quite nippy here this morning too, down to 38 :eek I like the cold though, so I don't mind :no It hasn't gotten too bad yet, but I'm sure it's coming :lol


Everyone have a wonderful monday and I'll see y'all later :hug

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Happy Monday friends!

Marisa-your weekend sounded fun and filled with good company and del food. We took our ac units out a few weeks ago. It has been chilly here, not every day but it did snow last week. :eek I am working on a baby ghan using the hooded blankie pattern from Lion Brand. It works up fast but had been sitting in my pile for about 5 months. I am about 3/4 done, so should be finishing it up soon.

Joanne-glat to hear that the FOX issue has been resolved. :D Have a great day at work!

Beth-your days always sound so busy! How do you feel energized? new mattresses sounds just fantastic!

Sarah-oh my! Talk about Adventures in Babysitting! Woohooo! You had a busy day! Are you stay over at the in-laws for the entire week? Keith looked mighty handsome in his costume!

LeaAnne-missing you!

Stacy-how ya doing?

Colleen-can you believe that it is November?:eek:eek

Vicki-how was your holiday?

The kiddos had a good time yesterday, we stayed out till 7:30, they didn't get too much candy-good thing but made out fairly well. Ds has stated that it was his last year-ya know he's sooo old, now that he's at the ripe ol age of 13!:yes

Must work on laundry this morning, this afternoon I am taking my great aunt shopping. Should be fun but busy.

BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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LeaAnn, in my neck of the woods, a child can only trick or treat up to the age of 12. It's a rule. So my kids have been done for a while now. It's kind of nice. They watched a movie and answered the door, and I sat and crocheted.

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:hi everyone! Happy Monday! It is a beautiful sunny day here, but my goodness is it cold. It was a wear snowpants under your halloween costume kinda night last night, but we had fun. It hasn't snowed here yet, just cold. It's supposed to go down to -6 C tonight :wbrr


It is a Professional Development day so no school today. DD has a friend over for the morning and it's been great. They played for a while this morning while I vacuumed and mopped the floors. Then we went to the park and played hockey in the driveway and enjoyed the sunshine. Now they're watching a movie for a few minutes until his mom comes. I think we might go get DD's hair trimmed this afternoon and probably buy some essential groceries.


Marisa - Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend with your folks and your aunt.


Beth - I've never heard of a rule that kids can't trick-or-treat after 12. Not a bad idea I guess. The University students go door to door here but they ask for donations to the food bank. It's one of the foodbanks most successful drives. We didn't have as many kids as in past years, but that's because our neighbourhood is aging. Probably just under 100 kids we figure.


LeeAnn - Glad you and the kids had fun. I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying your crochet so much. What colour is the baby blanket?


Sarah - Oh dear, your babysitting adventure sounds challenging. Good luck the rest of the week.


Welcome crochetaholic! :welcome


LeaAnne - How was Halloween at the chicken coop?


Joanne - I hope your work week is off to a good start.


:hi Vicki, Stacy, Shannon & Mary

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HI all!

Just popping in to see how ya all are doin'!

Colleen-glad that you have had a good Monday and that dd was able to have a friend over to play with. I am using Red Heart TLC Giggle print and white for the blankie...I'm plugging away as fast as my little hands can go.

Beth-wow! We do not have an age limit for trick-o-treating. Ds has only gone 4 times, we do not go every year, but it was a good experience for him. He is extremely shy, so walking up to a complete stranger was a bit taxing for him, but I am glad that he is trying. (not that I want him to walk up to strangers, but I do want him to socialize more)

finished all of my chores, going to sit and relax before heading out to pick up my auntie.

hugs n squishes!

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Hey all :hi


Slow day here, slow day at work..... :think hmmmm, what's in the air?! :lol


LeeAnn - Can't wait to see your finished baby blankie :yes


Beth - I've never heard of a cut off age for trick or treating :think Probably a good idea though. What movie did y'all choose?


Colleen - The food drive is a great idea :yes

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