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Some good clean fun?!

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:rofl Thank you, I needed that.


Oh yes, and DD is being a witch for halloween. It's a black dress with a bright pink inlay that has black spiders on it. It's very cute. She wore it to school today and they paraded around the "big kid" classrooms.


you are welcome!:hug:hug

DD's costume sounds adorable! I bet she was so proud to be "on parade"... I love that!


so what else have you been up to? I "wicked" miss you!!!!!

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I "wicked" miss you too. I saw some woman on a TV show that was from Boston and she said that too :lol I'm glad you are enjoying your job.


Yes, I think she enjoyed the parade. She saw all her friends big brothers and sisters and they sang "five little pumpkins" for the classes. They went to the office and sang for the principal, vice principal and the secretaries too.

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Jamie is going to be an orange winged something. Lindsey is a character from the movie "the Goonies". Krissy is a funny clown, and Pete is going to be Jason from Friday the 13th:eek

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I "wicked" miss you too. I saw some woman on a TV show that was from Boston and she said that too :lol I'm glad you are enjoying your job.


Yes, I think she enjoyed the parade. She saw all her friends big brothers and sisters and they sang "five little pumpkins" for the classes. They went to the office and sang for the principal, vice principal and the secretaries too.


I meant that the woman said "wicked" not that she missed me :rofl

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Jamie is going to be an orange winged something. Lindsey is a character from the movie "the Goonies". Krissy is a funny clown, and Pete is going to be Jason from Friday the 13th:eek


Wow! Creative bunch. Has Pete watched Friday the 13th? That's a scary movie!

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so, today I got to help a lot of room mothers decide on projects to buy to do with their kids at their Halloween parties at school:) It was fun to be on "the other side" of that:lol

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so, today I got to help a lot of room mothers decide on projects to buy to do with their kids at their Halloween parties at school:) It was fun to be on "the other side" of that:lol


Oh that sounds fun!


I like your October goal list by the way.


My computer is updating and it's wicked slow. It's driving me crazy. Did I use it right there?

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so are things going ok with you?


Yes, things are good. I was pretty stressed when I was job hunting, but now I've decided to just relax until I hear about this one possibility and then take it from there. It's out of my hands for now.


Otherwise things are good. My volunteer jobs are good. The one is a 6th grade class and I'm enjoying helping them with their writing. The two 5th graders are a bit of a handful, but they're good kids. I'm trying to focus on helping them with vocabulary.


We're going to my mom and dad's for my birthday dinner tomorrow night, so that will be nice.

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I am mostly gone when they are, so they don't really notice anything.


...grrr! 2 DD's just called that they need rides home! I have to go.


Have a nice evening with your folks tomorrow night1


I sure am glad that I got to "see" you, if only for a few minutes!


Love ya!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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I am mostly gone when they are, so they don't really notice anything.


...grrr! 2 DD's just called that they need rides home! I have to go.


Have a nice evening with your folks tomorrow night1


I sure am glad that I got to "see" you, if only for a few minutes!


Love ya!:hug:hug:hug:hug


I'm glad we got to visit for a bit too. :hug:hug:hug Have a great weekend! Good luck tomorrow at work and I hope the parade is lots of fun!

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quick post...


Keith was the hit of the courthouse. Everyone Doug works with LOVED his costume and it was made even better that Doug was able to take the time to go with us to trick or treat through the courthouse.


I forgot my camera so will get some pictures of the two of them in their matching uniforms this weekend. Some of Doug’s co-workers took some pics so I’ll try and get copies of them also.


Keith got a bucket full of candy so he’s happy…

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Good morning everyone :coffee


We lost the game last night AGAIN :no So now we are 0-2! They keep playing well in the 4th quarter and coming back to make it a close game, but Collins needs to tell my boys they have to play like that the WHOLE game and not just the end. Iguodala was on fire and I think it's because he's 'interviewing' to get traded :think


Now I have my sheets in the wash while I'm waiting for the cable guy to come again for the 3rd time :eek I sure hope they can figure this out because it's very unreliable and termperamental as to when it wants to work. I pay alot of money for a service, I expect it to work right!! And I understand that things go wrong, but it's their job to figure out what's wrong and make it right :yes So today is either 3rd times a charm or 3 strikes your out :lol I sure hope I don't have to look for a new provider :xfin


Beth - AWESOME tote!!!! :yay I always love when they come out better than we expect :lol


LeeAnn - Usually I just slice up a sweet potatoe and put it in the oven, salt it when it comes out and dip in ranch dressing :drool However, right now I have some frozen ones in the freezer which is what I had the other night and are already seasoned....I dipped those in ranch too :lol


Colleen - :yay for buying yarn and a dress!!!! And don't worry, DH will realize it's not wasteful when he sees you it in ;) and WTG on your scarf :clap


LeaAnne - Work is going well, we had a bit of a situation this week, which I think we got cleared up :think I've got way to may things on my hook and need to become a complete crocheting fool for the whole month of november!!!! :eek This is about to be job #2 all month as xmas is right around the corner!!!! The yarn I picked up the other day was for all my nephews afghans so I totally need to move on it. The sprial is probably about 3/4 complete and I've changed my vision for the other 2 and started the oldest one's by getting the first square done :lol


Sarah - I can't wait to see a pic of Keith and Doug :yay Glad they were such a hit and how did Keith like being 'daddy' ?

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My sons have the nicest girl friends! We had them over, along with another friend, last night. During the midst of the fun, I snuck out with the crocheting, knitting, sewing girlfriend, and we went YARN SHOPPING!:c9 It was so much fun. She really likes going with someone who doesn't want to rush through the yarn aisle. We had fun in the whole craft store.


Well, I need to get my dd off to ballet, so have a fun day!:hug:hug:hug

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Is it really morning?? I was so tired last night, after running back and forth like a crazy woman and cleaning....I just couldn't take it and fell asleep watching t.v. before 10. The kiddos had a good time, however dd was bummed that they didn't have the "cake walk" she loves that game! Dh is going to bake her a cake today.:cheer

Marisa-sorry to hear about your cable. Yup, I would be upset too! I really do not like having to wait for others to get it together. :hugyou are right, x-mas is right around the corner. I need to get crackin'

Joanne-how was your Friday? Have fun at dd's and bf's house!

Beth-how sweet that ds's friend likes to buy yarn:c9 I would be super thrilled too! Your tote came out fantastic! I just adore it! Great gift! Did you follow a pattern?

Sarah-how neat that Keith looked just like his daddy! :D Can't wait to see pics! Have you been crocheting at all?

Colleen-buying a new dress is never un-necessary. I bought 3 pairs of shoes for myself yesterday. :eek I was originally looking for winter boots, they had a sale buy one get one half off....then they had some nice pretty black heels on sale so had to buy those too! I was kinda worried about it, but dh loved them all and didn't say a word. Smart man! :)

LeaAnne-have a good day at work! Hopefully you will get to rest this evening!

best get to making breakfast! hugs n squishes! Feels so good to have all of my chores done except for a couple loads of laundry.

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After all that talk about sweet potato fries yesterday, I made myself some for lunch. Yummy!


:think LeeAnn, I can't remember where you and the kids went yesterday that didn't have a "cake walk"...:think Is it your DD's birthday or is this a just because cake? At any rate, good for you with the new shoes. :dreaming Did you get nice winter boots?


Beth - I'm glad you enjoy your son's girlfried, but be careful not to hog her or your DS might move onto another girl that mom doesn't like so much. :yes We don't want that. :no


Marisa - Good luck with the cable guy and your crochet adventures!

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