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Some good clean fun?!

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Sorry I didn't post yesterday. We had a virus in the pc, and it messed up the internet access, so I had to get that straight, more or less. (I usually use the laptop, and it's fine, but the kids need the pc for school work.)


Happy Thursday! My bed is calling me, and I may give in and go back to sleep.


Mary, Colleen, LeaAnn, LeaAnne, Joanne, Stacy, Vicki, Marisa, Sarah, Shannon, John Boy, MaryEllen, Ma, and Pa, have a good night! I mean day!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Howdy do!!!

Joanne-chicken and veggies sounds like an excellent dinner! I am hoping to make homemade pizza, will have to make the crust soon as it takes awhile to rise and all that good stuff. I am using a pattern for the fingerless gloves from Interweave Crochet but I found the link on Ravelry. http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/orchard-mitts

Please let me know if it doesn't work, it seem difficult at first but it is fairly easy. I will post pics as soon as I finish one.

Beth-you should go back to bed if you are tired. :devil:hugI would :lol

just sent everyone on their merry way, going to sit and crochet before attacking the cleaning. I have one more load of laundry and then bathrooms on my agenda. BBL!

All my other friends, please have an Excelente day!

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Vicki - Sorry you had a bad week, but WTG with the bowling...good way to relieve some anger/stress ;)


LeeAnn - You're better than me...usually if I lose a post, I don't try to redo it :( WTG on getting the costume finished and some cleaning done. I need to clean for the weekend so I guess I will have to start tonight :think since we have another basketball game tomorrow night and my parents are coming on the weekend. And how exciting to find a gift from your uncle waiting for you :yay


Sarah - Keith will be cute as daddy!!! :yes And good luck with the soda :xfin It won't be easy, but with the will power to get through the first week or two, it will be all downhill after that :yes


Joanne - Dinner sounds yummy and yep we had a good time at the game. It was much, much more crowdd than usual :eek We did lose but only by 10 in the end and were down by 30 at half time so at least they did fight back :yes


Colleen - :yay for you and dd getting the play room cleaned up :yes And when I get in the mood for juice, I usually get the Ocean Spray Diet stuff, it's quite tastey :yes


Beth - Sorry you got a pc virus yesterday....those are not fun :(:hug


Need to get rolling, still have to jump in the shower before heading out to work.

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Hi All!

I did it! Finally finished...whew! Had to frog another one..but TADA! What do you all think???

Also made the pizza dough, macaroni salad, cleaned the bathrooms, laundry, dishes and on and on....going to put the toppings on the pizza and put it in the oven.

BBL! Hugs n squishes!



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LeeAnn- thanks for the link! How did the pizza come out? My DD's BF loves to make homemade pizza so I gave him my pizza stone that we only used once! He loves it!


Marisa- Glad you had fun at the game- even if the Sixers lost. Bet it was fun having a full house!!!


Stacy- Are your tests for the week over? Bet you are glad that they are out of the way!


Beth- hope that you got the pc virus taken care of- not fun at all. That's why I LOVE my macbook- apple computers usually don't get viruses! (knock wood and all that stuff- don't want to jinx it)


LeaAnne- How was your day off?


Colleen, Stacy, Sarah, Shannon, Mary, Vick- Hellooooooooooooo!!!


Off to get the clothes out of the wash and into the dryer! Doing laundry tonight instead of the weekend- on Saturday, I have to take my car to get brakes. Friday night my boss is having a get-together at her house and then Saturday night, DD and SIL are having a Halloween/Birthday party so I want Sunday to be free for ME!!!

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Hi All!


I did it! Finally finished...whew! Had to frog another one..but TADA! What do you all think???


Also made the pizza dough, macaroni salad, cleaned the bathrooms, laundry, dishes and on and on....going to put the toppings on the pizza and put it in the oven.


BBL! Hugs n squishes!

TADA!!! I think they are BOTH great!!!!!! :manyheartWTG!!!!:clap:clap:clap

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Hey ladies :hi


Checking in while waiting for my sweet potatoe fried in the oven to finish :drool They're smelling quite tastey :yes


I have a load of towels in the washer so I guess Joanne and I are on the same wavelength :lol Tomorrow night I have the next 76er game and then saturday morning the cable guy and my parents are coming sometime saturday and staying over night, however I'm still waiting for confirmation :lol My father is riding my motorcycle back to park it for the winter and he'll take my air conditioners out as well. Which also means I need to clean :eek But I really really just wanna crochet which I haven't had much chance for this week so far :(


LeeAnn - Awesome costume!!!!! and WTG around the house!!!! Feel free to head this way tomorrow ;):lol


Joanne - Sounds like you have a busy weekend in store....it should all be fun though :yay

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WTG LeeAnn on the costume! It's so cute! WTG on getting so much done today too.


I had a day like that too. I cleaned the bathroom, 1 load of laundry, vacuumed, baked banana bread, and made chicken and rice soup.


:hi to all my besties! Have a great evening.

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Marisa-hope your parents can make it. Cleaning is the pits! :lol I made a list and my oh my it seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. I want to Spring Clean but in the winter. :blush did you get any crochet time in?:hug

Joanne-the pizza was yummy. ds helped, we made two, one half cheese half cheese and sausage. The second had bells peppers, onion and sausage. I like making them but they are time consuming. Your weekend sounds like it is going to be fun and exciting. Are you dressing up?:hug

Colleen-happy to see your post! will your dd be having a party at school?:hug

Tomorrow is going to be another super busy day. Dd has a Halloween party from 12-2, I will drive in to help her get ready. She is going to wear fake eyelashes...sooo cute! Ds is going to go bowling in the morning then he is going to his school dance. I will pick both of them up at 3:30 then rush home to feed them dinner before driving back to town for a carnival at our church from 5:30-7:00...after that I think I will collapse! I am tired just thinking of it all....then on Saturday my little brother is coming over...Sunday we are taking them all trick o treating for one hour. I do not like it but agreed to give it a try.

other than that, I did get to crochet a teeny tiny bit this evening. I started another set of the fingerless gloves using the wool. I think I really like that pattern!

best get myself ready for tomorrow and make sure that everyone has everything that they will need. Dh is dressing up as a pirate! hugs n squishes dear friends!

Before I forget, LeaAnne, Sarah, Stacy, Shannon and Mary-thinking of you and missing all of ya!:hug

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LeaAnn, great job on the costume! that looks so professional. I did go back to bed. And I have people coming over tomorrow, so I should have been cleaning like a mad woman. Oh well. I have most of tomorrow...


I want to finish my strawberry tote tomorrow. I have to sew on the handles, and that's it.

Hugs to all.

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Good morning and TGIF!!!!!!


Have a fun (but busy) day LeeAnn!!! As far as dressing up for Halloween, tonight I don't have to, but DD said to wear a costume. DH and I will just put on our Giants gear and go as Giants football fans!


Beth- Can't wait to see the Strawberry tote! Good luck with the cleaning today!


Marisa- Have fun at the game tonight. And how were you Sweet potatoe fries? I love them, but with WW trying to watch what I eat, but I think this weekend it's going to be blown between the 2 parties. Oh, well, next week will be better!


Colleen- Does your DD get dressed up for Halloween in school today? I know all the kids around here do for a Halloween parade in the afternoon at their schools. Chicken and rice soup is one of my favorites!!


To everyone else- Have a great Friday- miss seeing you around here!

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Good morning everyone :coffee


Nothing new since last night.


Colleen - Mmmmm, banana bread :drool I think I can smell it from here :lol


LeeAnn - My parents are definitely coming, I'm just not sure exactly when just yet :think I'll have to call my mom today :yes I hope your busy day goes smoothly :hug


Beth - I'm excited to see your finished strawberry tote ;):D


Joanne - My fries were wonderful, they're one of my favs :D

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Hi all. Our internet is very splotchy today, mostly doesn't want to work, so I'll post a quickie, in hopes it will actually stay up long enough to go through. :hug :hug :hug for everyone! Happy Friday to all, and to all a good weekend!

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Morning friends!

Marisa-have a good day at work! I don't know if I mentioned it, but I made sweet potatoe fries over the weekend, the kiddos did not like them...:think I loved them! How did you prepare them? I drizzled them with olive oil, thens sprinkled a concotion of salt, pepper and garlic powder then sprinkled paprika on them. I followed Paula Dean's recipe. Dh thought they were strange, but like a good hubby he ate them.

Joanne-your costume sounds perfect! I have been trying to squeeze walking in. I walked Wed and Thursday, don't know if I will get to it today, but I will surely try. How are the Bernat squares coming along?

Beth-you up yet? I always think of you as I am getting up in the a.m. thinking to myself, "Beth must be up and running!"

Colleen-chicken and rice sounds just perfect! Yesterday it was 10 F in the a.m. but warmed up to about 5o F....brrrr

got the kiddos and dh off to work, they left me quite a mess to tidy up.:blush I am going to take it easy today, after I crochet for a few then I will tidy up and get ready to start the day runnin'.

Hugs n squisheeeesss! Will check in later!

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:waving to all of my dearest friends!


I have missed so much! Good Grief! I gotta go read up on what you have all been up to this week! I sure do miss you girls!


be back in a few:wink

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Beth - That bag is beautiful! Good job! Your sister is very lucky.


:hi LeaAnne - Nice to see you. :hug


How was everyone's day?


I went shopping today. Bought some homespun to make a couple Belle scarves (one for a Christmas present and one for me :D). Also bought myself a new dress to wear to DH's Christmas party. He thinks I'm being wastefull :rolleyes.

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LeeAnn - Your sweet potato fries sound good. That's what I put on my homemade potato fries too. I buy the McCain's frozen sweet potato fries and love them. My family won't eat them though. Hmmm, maybe I should put the oven on now :think:lol

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Beth - I :manyheart your tote!!!! it really is beautiful! I am so excited for you that it turned out better than you imagined:c9:c9 I hope that all is going well in your neck-of-the-woods! Is the studio keeping you crazy?


Colleen - glad to hear that you are getting a reprieve from the job search... is the volunteering going well? What is DD going to be for Halloween? :clap for enoying your stay at home-ness:D


LeeAnn - That green M&M came out AWESOME! congrats on being rehireable (I had no doubt:wink) ...and it's so nice to see you are enjoying being home:c9


Joanne - how's it going with you? are you keeping up with the Bernat CAL? What else is on your hook? do you have anything fun planned for the weekend?


Marisa - Glad your seminar was successsful! And I got a kick out of hearing about your ACM excursion this week! Luckily, so far, I stay pretty far away from the yarn department:blush:lol Is your work going well? Have you been hooking?


Sarah - Keith's costume sounds adorable! Are you feeling much better? I was thinking of you and that mouse... maybe you should get a :cat:think

I hope that all is well, and that you are enjoying happy days, friend!


Vicki - How are you holding up, girl? I saw that you got another migraine... are the meds working? is the vertigo better? Oh, and :h5 on the AWESOME bowling scores!!!!


Stacy - how did you make out on your exams? How are the girlies doing?


Mary - yooooooo hooooooo! I misssssss youuuuuuu! :hug


Shannon - is Janna-ness all ready for Halloween?


I am working on the adjustments I need to make to working. both physical and mental... it's getting better, but MAN! I am tired! I am having lots of fun with the job, though, and already am recognizing regular customers. We are having a Halloween event tomorrow, and I am working from 9-4. That will make 30+ hours this week. I have Sunday off, but will be walking in our city's Halloween parade. the 5th graders at our elementary get to submit a float every year. This year, it's Krissy's turn. they chose to do a New England Patriots float, and they have a Randy Moss Vikings jersey that will be made into a scarecrow and tied to the front of the truck:devil. The kids get to ride, and the parents walk behind and give candy to the kids along the way.

That's about it from here....other than to say I love you guys, and I miss you lots!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Sorry about DH saying you are being wasteful:( ... do you get to say the same about greens fees?:think:devil


:rofl Thank you, I needed that.


Oh yes, and DD is being a witch for halloween. It's a black dress with a bright pink inlay that has black spiders on it. It's very cute. She wore it to school today and they paraded around the "big kid" classrooms.

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