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Some good clean fun?!

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I want to be part of the caffeine club too!!! :hyper I get those really bad headaches if I don't drink it. The worst part of my cold was when coffee tasted bad. I still wanted it, but :yuck


Happy Monday???:think If possible.


Today my oldest works then goes to college. My daughter and I volunteer, I tutor, I work, she dances, and my other son swims. I also need to run to the bank, and do some more errands.


I am making progress on the bag I'm making for my sister. It will be fun to tie it into the November Christmas Carol CAL...


Have a good one!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning everyone :coffee


Nothing new since last night, but did not work on any more squares. After unpacking, I paged through the newspapers for sat and sun that were waiting for me when I got home. Then, just decided it was time for me to be in bed :yes


Joanne - I hope work passes quickly for you, and yep, that cat nap sounds just about right ;)


LeeAnn - Good luck with your exit interview and I'm sure you are re-hirable!!!! :yes Glad you all had a wonderful weekend!!


Beth - Another busy day on your agenda :hug What bag are you making for your sister?

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:coffee:mug Yep, having my coffee here too! DD went off to school. I volunteer this afternoon, but have the first part of the day to do some shopping and some cleaning. I don't work this week and I am in a position to take a break from job hunting for a couple weeks, so I am going to enjoy my stay-at-home-momness for all I can. :c9


Beth - Almost forgot, the granola bar recipe I use is Playgroup Granola Bars from allrecipes.com They have flour and wheat germ in them, so not an easy convert. Plus they have brown sugar and honey in them, so maybe not a good breakfast choice :think Have you made home-made granola before? I love home made granola and that would be a great breakfast idea with your new oatmeal. Good luck with your busy Monday!


Marisa - Glad your seminar went well and that you and Joanne had a fun visit.


Joanne - I hope your Monday goes well. Do you listen to music during your commute to make it more enjoyable? I know some people listen to audio books while commuting too.


LeeAnn - I'm :xfin that you are rehireable (Pretty confident you are :yes).


Have a great day friends!

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Marisa, my sister is an elementary school teacher who likes strawberries. I'm making her a tote (my pattern) decorated with a big strawberry on the pocket.


Today did NO go as planned. When it was time for dd and me to go to take care of the kitties, I couldn't find my keys, so I called my son, who drove my car last (and had the van with it's seperate key at work) to ask where the keys are, and he said he put them where they belong. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, except we already misplaced MY set, so we have been using the emergency back-up set. I had to call and tell the woman in charge that I wasn't going to be there. Then I cleaned under my bed, but they weren't there. We checked the rest of the room, but they weren't there. I started tearing apart my son's room, and found the missing cell phone, but couldn't find the keys. Finally, I was taking a break, saw a Wal-Mart bag that had something in the bottom, and ... VOILA! My keys!!! By then, it was after lunch time. I did get some nice walking in, since I had to deliver a typed letter to work, and couldn't drive there, and my room and my son's room are both a lot cleaner than they were. I also had new kays made, so I have a set, he has a set, and there are the emergency backups being used as backups. Now to see if I can train him to actually put them in the same place every time he comes in the door.... He's not easily trained.


I hope you are all having a good day. Even though I'm not following the original plan, I think it's a great day. I am happy to have my house so much cleaner than it would have been!!!

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Hi girls!


Just thought I'd stop by to say I miss you all so much! I'm trying to recuperate from our trip to NY. I'm hoping to get on here more often now.


I love you all and hope you are all doing well!:manyheart

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Hi all,

Good day at work and got some grocery shopping done on the way home- now I have more healthy snacks in the house which I had run out of. It's all about the snacking, you know! LOL


Beth- What a day you had- but you are right- the upside is you have a cleaner house than you started the day with. And keys and Men--seems to be something about putting keys in a certain place. I can't remember a time where I can't find my keys- but DH---well that's another whole story!!!


Colleen- Enjoy your stay-at-home-momness while you can! Hope the volunteering went well this afternoon.


Shannon- Welcome home and:hug:hug:hug


LeeAnn, Marisa, Stacy, Vicki, LeaAnne, Sarah and Mary- Thinking of all of you.


Off to get my :hook and :yarn all set up for the Giants game that comes on in a little while....think I'll take a 20 min cat nap now!


Have a good night!

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Hello hello!

Joanne-that is cool that you can take a cat nap and feel well rested for the game. I hope your team wins!

Marisa-are you watching the same game as Joanne?

Beth-I used to loose my keys all the time. I have a basket that ds wove for me that I put them in, I still forget them in the lock..that would be dangerous if I lived in the city, not a good habit. But I have been working on it.

Shannon-nice of you to pop in!

Colleen-enjoy your mommy days! I am looking forward to staying home.

Today went well, we actually finished everything,..inventory, cleaning, stacking and more cleaning. I had my exit interview-I am rehirable! :cheer:clap All in all it was a good day. Tomorrow I am going in for four hours to help in the other classroom and then I will be done! OOOOOOHHHHH Haaaaappppppyyyy DAAAAYYYYS!

finished with dinner and homework early, this means I can sit and :hook, what a grea day!

hugs n squishes!!!

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Hello ladies :hi


Work was kinda of slow today which was a nice welcome and then mary and I went to ACM after work. I bought a whole lot of yarn and spent a small fortune!!!! Most for my nephews aghans except 2 skeins for myself to be used at a later date :think Then had supper at chickfila :drool


Sounds like everyone had a fairly good day and my eyes are tired so I'm going to finish checking in all my threads and head to the couch :yes


'See' y'all tomorrow

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Good morning!


Happy Last Day of Work LeeAnn!!!:yay And of course I knew you would be re-hirable, but I'll bet officially hearning it made you feel great!!! Enjoy the time at home!!!


Vicki- I saw on FB that you were going to pick up the :crocheting. What are you working on?


Beth- Hope that today starts out on a positive note- you know, no lost keys or anything:lol


Stacy Good luck on your tests this week!


LeaAnne- How's the working mom doing these days? Are you off today?


Colleen- Enjoy the time not looking for a job. That can be kind of stressful. And who knows- maybe the mojo will come back?


Marisa- Have another nice quiet day where you can look at patterns--did you pick out any neat ones yesterday?


Mary-Thinking about you:hug


Sarah and Shannon- What's on your agenda for the day. Are you kiddos getting excited for Halloween. A girl at work was telling me how her almost 3 year old nephew didn't want to take his costume off on Sunday when he was showing it to her- he is going to be a giraffe-


Time to get ready for Paradise! Have a good one everybody!:hug:hug:hug:hug


oh, and remember your vitamins!:lol

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:hi friends!


I wanted to drop by and let you know that I am still kickin around...:lol

I have Thursday off this week. I was supposed to have today, but the manager called and asked if I could come in.


My 1st paycheck went back to ACM for Jamie's Latin project. she needed to make an ancient Roman house. It came out pretty cool.


I gotta run, but wanted you all to know I am thinking about you... especially when I get to go to the yarn department:devil


:hug:hug:hug:hugto all! Have a great day!

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Good morning! :coffee


Today stated around 1:30 a.m., but I fought it until 2:30, when I gave up and started to crochet. I got an idea to dress up the top of the tote, so I had to try it. I need to line it, give it a final edging row, and prepare and attach the handles, and it will be photo ready.


I take 2 cats to the vet today. It's a much slower day than yesterday. I work in the evening. I would like to get the errands done I couldn't do yesterday, and some fun shopping! I need to find some washer-backed eyes for a project I'm doing with my crocheting girls, fabric to line the tote, and hopefully, something I can use for the handles. I have enough yarn to crochet them, but those tend to stretch, and I'd like something more solid.


LeaAnne, I hope you are enjoying your job. It sounds like you have made a positive impression, if you are being asked to come in on your days off already.


Joanne, enjoy your day in Paradise. I hope you get lots accomplished.


Marisa, enjoy your new yarn! I would like to add to my stash, but I kind of need to make room for new yarn first.


LeaAnn, congrats on your rehirability. Enjoy your last short day! What crocheting did you work on yesterday?


Shannon, welcome back! :hug:manyheart:hug I missed you!


Colleen, how was volunteering? I hope your day was good.


Stacy, Vicki, Sarah, and Mary, Have a good Tuesday.

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Good morning ladies :coffee


My internet is running really slow this morning so I started another bernat square to work on while waiting for pages to load :lol This will only be #6 :eek and the new clue comes this evening!! But, I did get another round of my spiral ghan done yesterday :yes


Joanne - I did find a pattern I liked, but don't remember what it was right now, but it's a free one on the premier yarn website :yes Have a good day at work.


LeaAnne - Wow, getting called in already, you must be a good worker :yes Have a good day at work.


Beth - Hopefully today is less eventful for you :hug :hug :hug I hope the vet visit goes well. And, sorry you're still not sleeping :hug Did you see the doctor about it?

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Quiet day here!


Hope everyone had a good one. I need to start working on square #8 and hopefully #9- new clue tomorrow!!!


Dinner is just about done but wanted to stop in and say hi!


Beth- hope you got a nap in- being up at 1:30 AM!!!!!


LeaAnne- Glad that you seem to be liking your job.


LeeAnn- YAY for your last day!!


Ok, gotta run- dinner is done!

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Wow ladies, only 1 post since I left this morning :think


I hope everyone's alright and being productive :yes Good luck getting 8 and 9 finished. I'm just trying to finish 6 and get the 7th done as well before I turn in tonight.


My turtle stuff was delivered at work today so when I got home I cleaned out the tank and fed them. Now the new filter is pumping, I forgot how much noise it made :think Not in a bad way, but like a waterfall :yes


I'll catch y'all in the morning :yes

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:hug:hugEvening all!

Had a late evening. I worked till noon then ran errands. This evening a friend from work had a last day get together....just got home. I am beat will post to ya all in the a.m. But please know that I am thinking of you!

hugs n squishes!:manyheart:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Just a quick stop in to say Good Morning, Happy Hump Day, Happy 1st day of LeeAnn's no working and happy last day of working for LeaAnne before her day of on Thursday.


The faster I go the behinder I get is how I'm feeling this morning- gotta run and get ready-



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Good morning ladies :coffee


Not much new since last night. Having a hard time getting my eyes to open up this morning :lol I probably won't be back until tomorrow morning, we have the home openning 76er game tonight for the regular season against Miami Heat :eek My expectations are not set too high :lol


LeeAnn - Enjoy your day off!!!!! :hug I'm sure it will be busy since it's the first :think


Joanne - Have a good day at work....and slow down!!! Maybe then you could catch up :devil

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Hi gang! It's been forever since I've been here! Things were not good last week. The special ed world came crashing down and I was right in the middle of it. I ended up in my diagnostician's office having a crying, screaming fit. Yes, it was one of THOSE weeks. It seemed to get a little better by the end, and things seem to be smoother this week. Let's hope they stay that way for a while!

We are getting ready for Halloween here! DD wanted to wear the same costume that she wore last year. It still fits her, so we just bought new make up for it and a new pitch fork and she is good to go. I think I may just need to get her some black shoes. I just thought of that as I was sitting here!

Last night was a bowling night and it was a good one! I got a 143, 162, and, - hold on for this one, 205!!!! Hubby was joking that he was going to need a crow bar to get my head in the door. I beat all three of his games. He was tired though so he had a rough night. Oh well. We all have those! Usually its me who does!!

I have only been able to pick up my hook sparingly this past week! I wanted to last night before bowling but I ended up with a migraine that did not want to go away. It finally did but it took forever!

I need to get going. I have a meeting on a student soon and I need to get my stuff together. I will talk to you all soon! If I don't get back on here before Sunday have a good Halloween!!!

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Top of the morning! I just had this super looong post and poof! It's gone...grrrr

Let me try again

Joanne-hope your day catches up withitself. :lol I often have those days, feels like I keep spinning my wheels.


Marisa-that is soo cool that you have something to look forward to at the end of the day. I always try to think of something positive when I am doing something that is less than thrilling....ie..cleaning...yup! that is on my agenda for the upcoming 2 weeks....today tho' have to catch up on laundry and sew the costume...don't know why I have been procrastinating, but I must and I mean must get my tush in gear and get it done. Your spriral ghan is just tooo neat!


Vicki-wtg bowling! You did awesome! Is there any way that someone can help take some of your stress?


LeaAnne-you are just wonderful! That is why your boss called you in!:D


Sarah-are you all ready for Halloween?


Stacy-how were the exams?


Colleen-how's your week been? I can't believe it is Wed! wow!


Beth-what's on the agenda for today?


I know that I had typed more but now can't remember. :P best get myself to sewing the costume and starting laundry. Will be back later! Thank you all for being the bestest bestest friends!


hugs n squishes!

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costume done. He's going as Daddy cause I couldn't get a patch with his name on it or make one myself so I'm using one of his Daddy's. Just need to find him something to put the candy in.


I'm addicted to cola, I'm trying to wean myself off it but it's slow going and I really don't like coffee. But I'm trying to lose weight and to do that I need to limit my soda intake.


LeaAnne -how's your job going?


Vicki - sorry things were so bad at work :hug:hug but YAY for the good bowling scores =0)


LeeAnn - glad your kids had a great time. Are you enjoying not working right now?


Marisa - glad you had a fun visit with Joanne


Colleen - hope you're enjoying your week.


Beth, Stacy, Joanne and anyone else I might've missed hope you all are having a good week.

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Hello all!


Finished the M & M costume...whew! Why oh why do I attempt to sew??? :eek:eek I frogged it a few times, but I think I did it. :cheer


Sarah-soda is addicting! I have to limit myself too..I am thinkig a nice cappuchino sounds :c9 will have to stop for one on my way into town.


I have enjoyed my first day home, nothing special going on, but was able to take a bath, tidy up, get caught up on laundry and the cccccoooossstume! Going to sit and work on grannies for a few minutes before heading out to pick the kiddos up from school.



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Hi all,


home from work and getting ready to eat dinner - it's just about done, but wanted to pop in and say hi


Vicki- I'm glad that this week is going better than last week. And:yay:woo:clap on those bowling scores!!! Especially the 205:clap:clap (that was probably releasing all the stress from last week:lol Hope you have a Happy Halloween too and nice that DD can wear the same costume!


Sarah- Keith will look cute going as his Daddy. And yup, you are right about the soda- and packing on empty calories. I've never been a soda drinker- but coffee--well that's another story!:lol


LeeAnn- :clap for finishing the M&M Costume!!!! Now you can get back to cleaning!:lol:lol (Just kidding) Sounds like a good first day of no work!!!


Dinner is ready--


Thinking of EVERYONE!!!:hug:hug

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Sarah - I've quit soda. It's not easy. All I can suggest is drinking lots of water and get yourself through the first few days with will power. Then it should get better. I still have it as a treat now and then, but I don't crave it anymore. I drank a fair amount of iced tea at first, but now I just drink water and coffee most of the time. I learned that juice has just as many if not more calories than pop, so keep that in mind.


LeeAnn - WTG finishing the M&M costume. You'll have to share pics. How nice that you picked up the kids from school.


Joanne - What did you have for dinner?


Vicki - I hope this week is better for you and WTG on the bowling scores!


Marisa - I hope you are enjoying the game!


LeaAnne - Tomorrow is your day off :clap Enjoy!


:hi Stacy, Shannon, Mary, Beth, and anyone else I've missed!


Not much exciting going on here. Wednesday is my busy day, I have both volunteer jobs. I'm enjoying the kids; they make me smile. It is VERY windy here. Almost blew me over when I picked DD up from school. I made a roast chicken today and a carrot salad. Of course no one in the family but me ate the carrot salad. :rolleyes I don't know why I bother, sometimes. :shrug:lol DD invited 2 friends over after school :eek. We're working on not inviting people over before she's asks me. :lol Last night DD and I cleaned out the play room (and we cleaned it out good!). Her friends never played down there, but now there is room to play. I swear kids don't need toys they just need room to play. Today they played school. It was cute.


That's about it from my little corner of the world. I hope everyone had a good day.

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Evening all!


Colleen-that is wonderful that your dd helped clean out the playroom and had friends over. I made sweet potatoe fries the other day, the kiddos did not like them...but they ate 'em! :-))))


Sarah-Colleen is so right, juices can have more sugar and calories than soda. I usually buy only 100% juice but my kiddos love having other goodies.


I forgot to tell ya all, last week when I got home. I found a card and gift certificate on our door. My uncle stopped by and left it for me. It was a graduation gift that he meant to drop off, but ya know how life gets..busy busy busy...what a thrill! I was soo excited! Today I stopped at our LYS and bought three skiens of Merinno Wool....ohhh it's beautiful! I am going to use it to make fingerless gloves...wooohooo! I started one tonight using plain old acrylic white. Dd wants them to match her costume instead of gloves so that she can still write and have fun. I will post pics in the a.m. Just had to share!


Joanne-have an awesome day tomorrow! night friends! Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- OH, lovely merino wool-what pattern are you going to use for the fingerless gloves?


Colleen- Yay for cleaning up the playroom! As for my dinner last night- nothing very exciting- chicken breasts and some vegetables. I remember those days of having to remind my DD's that they had to ask me before asking their friends over. Took a while, but they got the hang of it!! Enjoy your more quiet day today. Hope the wind has settled down a bit- seems like a lot of crazy weather going on everywhere. It's been really warm here the last couple of days (no complaints, but it's just strange)


Marisa- How was the game last night? I see your team lost, but the important thing is ---did you have fun?


LeaAnne- Enjoy your day off work!! Do you have to work this weekend?


Vicki,Stacy, Beth, Mary,Shannon,Sarah---have a great Thursday!

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