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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi all,

Beth- It sounds like you are having a blast teaching crochet!!! It sounds like so much fun!!!


Good luck to DS in my fav VA town- Williamsburg!!! Yay!!


Colleen- glad to hear a little more "happiness" in your voice!


LeeAnn- Have a great weekend minus the kiddos!!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy- and yes a ride for yarn sounds delightful.


Sarah- Happy to hear that you are feeling better- maybe the mouse decided to take up residence elsewhere.


Marisa- I'm going to look to see if there is a place more convenient place to meet up. Although there may be an exit off the GS Parkway that isn't too far from the usual Starbucks.


LeaAnne- Hope you had a good day at work.


Stacy- How was your Friday? How's your Mom's Ashlar coming along. Only a week till you see her- you must be getting so excited!!!


Shannon and Mary--Hugs


Vicki- Hope the headaches aren't too bad and that you stay awake for the Yankee game- i.e. the magic chair doesn't put you to sleep.


Off to get the hook and yarn ready to do more squares and get settled in for the Yankee game.



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:waving friends!


just a quick drop in... I am sitting watching the Rangers/Yanks and working on BIL's flannelghan:c9


Have a great night, and know I am thinking of you all!



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:hi everyone! My dinner did not turn out at all. I used a recipe for the fish that I've had great success with in the past, but it came out all mushy. Yuck! No one ate it, but I forced myself to eat one piece of fish (mother's duty) .... and then had to take a gravol :lol I'm okay now. DH picked us up a pizza :rofl Oh well, can't say I didn't try!


Marisa - Safe trip!


Beth - Glad you enjoyed teaching crochet.


Sarah - Nice of you to stop by. Take care of yourself.


Joanne - Enjoy stitchin' to the Yankees!


LeaAnne - I hope you are enjoying your Friday night. Hopefully not too much taxi-ing. Did you get your car yet?


LeeAnn - Enjoy your weekend alone. How nice. :c9 Is there something that would entice DH to go on that drive with you? A hardware store or something? :think:lol


We have to go look for a new bathroom tap tomorrow. Ours is leaking like the dickens and it can't be fixed. Otherwise it should be a nice quiet weekend. I hope...:xfin

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Sorry to say that the Yankees lost! But the Rangers really played like a team that wanted to win. So now it's time for Football and hockey!!


Wonder if Fox will settle with Cablevision in time for me to watch the World Series?


colleen- sorry about your dinner...but pizza sounds good to me!!!! Enjoy your quiet weekend.


Well, I'd better get to bed- just realized it's almost midnight!!!


I got 2 more squares done- so only 13 more to go!!

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Quick good morning and Happy Saturday to all!!!


Got up, had a cup of Joe, stopping in to say hi- and wish you all a great day -whether you have lots of plans or no plans- enjoy the day!!!


Off to get ready for Saturday in Paradise!!! At least Saturday's I can really dress down- Rutgers football tee and jeans!


Go Rutgers!!! They are all wearing a sticker on their helmets that says "believe" in honor of the football player who remains paralyzed. They are playing at Pitt today and i read that both teams are going to do something in his honor. I'm sure it will be special.


Remember your vitamins!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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gd morn ladies :hi


sitting at my seminar and we're having our 1st break :clap


hopefully it picks up after this. the 1st hr is always the same presentation and after the 1st 8 times, its just rough to get thru :lol


check back later :D

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top of the morning to ya friends!

Joanne-I'm glad that you can dress down on Saturdays. I have often wondered, is it a hospital that you work at or a nursing home? That is very thoughtful of the football players to honor an injured friend.

LeaAnne-I am thinking of you too! Hope that your Saturday is fun and filled with happiness.

Marisa-Oh my! The first hour of seminars and trainings can drag on, hopefully the rest of the day flies by!

Colleen-I have soo done that with dinner before. One time I made sesame chicken-don't know what I did wrong, but I had to force some down to demonstrate then just gave up and went out for burgers. :lol

last night we went out to dinner, Chinese:c9 dh is not a huge fan but after me pestering him, poor guy finally gave in. After we stopped we went shopping, I did buy yarn...I know it, shouldn't have...but it was calling my name. It is the Carron Simply Soft in Lt. Country Peach...ohh soo dreamy! I am going to make a prayer shawl.

going to sit and :hook

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Pictures at pumpkin patch today... then I'll be driving myself crazy doing collages of the pictures on Walgreens.com cause they're having a free 8x10 collage until midnight tonight, so will be doing them for various members of my family and Doug's family.

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The collages sound like they will make great gifts Sarah!!


LeeAnn- I don't work in either a hospital or nursing home anymore! I've been working in insurance in the utilization management dept for almost 10 years now! Right now I've been assigned to work on the conversion of our computer system- each month we move more clients over into the new system and I love it. It involves a great team of co-workers and we do lots of testing. Kind of hard to explain, but I like what I'm doing now better than what I was doing before.


Marisa- Hope the seminar got better and enjoy your Phillies game tonight. Alas, I can't watch! Stupid FOX!!


Hope the rest of you all had a great day!


Off to eat dinner!

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:hi everyone!


Sarah - That is so funny, we've ordered those collages for Christmas gifts too. I just ordered the last ones. We framed one and put it in our kitchen.


Joanne - You did it! You finished your work week and now you get a whole day off! :clap Enjoy it. Philly is beating our Leafs right now :grumpy


LeeAnn - Yummy, Chinese. I hope you enjoyed your day with your :hook and :yarn. Is it quiet there?


Marisa - I hope your seminar got more exciting as the day went on. It's all in the presenter, isn't it?


:hi to everyone else!


We had a productive day. We got a new bathroom tap and DH installed it. It doesn't drip, which is nice and it looks so shiny and new. I also picked up some groceries, made a macaroni salad for dinner, and baked some granola bars. DD finished her letter to Santa and I'm starting to think ahead to all those Christmas things that need to be done/purchased/ordered. I ordered prints of the pics from our Disney trip and ordered our Christmas cards. Lots done! :tup

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Happy Sunday all,

WTG on having a nice productive day Colleen!!! Letter to Santa Time already! Where did the summer/fall go??? I'm so not ready for Christmas time----!!!!


Marisa- Sorry to read this morning that your Phillies are going the way of the yankees- home for the winter! And all the writers had been saying it was going to be a Yankee/Philly World Series- Boy were they wrong!!!


LeaAnne- thinking about your working this weekend- hope it's going well.


LeeAnn- hope you and DH are having a great time sans kids!!!


Stacy- How's life in Cali- one more week till your Mom comes!!!! And I saw on FB that you and the two older ones were doing Christmas lists too!!!


Sarah- Did you get the collage thingy done last night b/4 midnight?


Vicki=How are you doing? How's the headaches? How's living in TX in the midst of all those Ranger fans?


Mary and Shannon- thinking of you!


Beth- How did DS do in the Williamsburg swim meet? (or is it today?) Lost track of time with all this working!!


DH wants to go to the movies today so we are going to see Red - the first showing of the day @11:40- Since he did so much cleaning yesterday for me while I was at work, I'll amuse the guy and go with him to the movies- LOL (Personally, I'd rather stay in and crochet since I still have 13 more squares to do for the Bernat CAL)


Hope you all have a good day! And I WILL enjoy my only day off this week!!!

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Good morning, everybody. I haven't had my coffee yet, so this may be a little :loco


Colleen, your day sounds very productive. Those are the best ones, when you look back and feel like you accomplished a lot. Can you share the recipe for granola bars? I recently found gluten free oatmeal, and I'd love to have something on hand I can eat for breakfast that's relatively good for me...


Joanne, I hope the Fox fiasco resolves itself soon. What a pain for you!


Sarah, I'll bet the pumpkin patch pictures (say that 3 times fast!) turn out wonderfully! The collages sound like very nice gifts.


LeaAnn, congrats on the new yarn. I hope you enjoyed your dinner out.


Marisa, is the seminar one day or two? I hope it went well for you.


LeaAnne, how goes the flannelghan?


Vicki, I hope you are having a headache-free weekend.


Stacy, I hope you are enjoying yourself.


Mary and Shannon, I'm thinking of you!


I took my son and his friend to the swim meet yesterday. Traffic was so bad. It was like driving on a parking lot, not an interstate. We got there late, but they started late to give our team a chance to arrive. The people who got off the interstate to go on back roads took longer than I did, so I guess I did OK. My son did awesome! His friend did very well for his first swim meet. We went to Unos Chicago Grill to celebrate. They have a nice gluten free menu. It was very good. Then we dropped John at home, and stayed and :blah :blah :blah for a couple of hours.


have a good one!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Happy Sunday friends!

Beth-your evening sounded wonderful. Visiting with family and friends is just the best! We are spoiled here, we do not have traffic, small town, we only have two One-ways, one going east and the other west. How funny huh?

Joanne-I sure do hope you enjoy your only day off, glad that dh cleaned. maybe you can crochet this afternoon??? your job sounds exciting and busy.:hug

Colleen-you are on the ball! Reading your posts always motivates me. thank you!

Sarah-how did the collages come out? How fun!

We had an absolutely lazy day yesterday, I crocheted and vegged and just had a great time! :DToday is back to reality. :yes I am working on laundry and tidying up. I have to sew dd's costume for Halloween. She is going to be a green M & M, how cute! I hope that I get to it today, if not this week for sure. I am so excited, two more days of work left!!! weeeheee! Oh what shall I do with myself? I have made a "to do" list, this helps me to stay focused and not spend all of my time crocheting. :lol k,...best get to work before the kiddos get home and wonder what happened to the house!

Hugs n squishes!

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DH and I went to see the movie Red and enjoyed it. Now I'm going to go meet up with Marisa and we are going to work on our Bernat CAL squares together!


Glad you had a fun weekend LeeAnn- so jealous- only 2 more days of work for you!!! Oh, could I do without traffic. I don't mind driving- but hate all the congestion. That's one reason I leave for work early in the AM- I would much rather not have to deal with traffic. It would be nice to be able to leave about 20 min before I have to be there which if there is no traffic is what it takes. That's the ONLY good thing about when I work on Saturday- I leave @7:30 to get there by 8- with time to spare!


Well, off to gather my yarn/hooks and head out to meet Marisa!!!


Have a good rest of the day!

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:hi besties!!


I feel the need for a big, huge, group :ghug!! Seems like we are all crazy-busy lately.


Colleen, extra :hug:hug for you! I'm sure it was difficult to put away your yarn- hopefully your mojo will return when you aren't so stressed about the job situation.


Beth, :clap to your son on his swim meet! Where did you find g/f oatmeal? Also...what kind of flour do you use for baked goods? Mia is having a much worse problem since starting school, even though we send her with a lunch every day. She has had either diarrhea or some kind of tummy problem for almost a month. Our ped. doesn't want to test again since it came out negative last time but something is going on and I have been reading labels like mad, trying to figure it out. So I am going to start baking her snacks and I'm also trying to figure out what she can take besides sandwiches, etc, for lunch.


LeaAnne, I'm happy to hear your job is going so well! :cheer:clap:yay


Leeann, how cute that dd is going to be an M&M!! :manyheart What is ds going to be? :cheer for only 2 more days of work left, but I know you will miss the kiddos! Do you start again next year? Or was this only a temp thing for this year?


Sarah, collages sound like wonderful gift ideas!! :yes I hope you are feeling better.


Vicki, I hope you are feeling better! Is dd ready for her belt test? Is she dressing up for Halloween?


Marisa, I hope you made it through your boring seminars!! Has your filter arrived yet?


Mary, how is everything going in God's country? :hug:hug:hug:hug Thinking of you, my friend. :manyheart


Shannon, lots of :hug:hug:hug to you. Miss you, girl.


Joanne, have fun at your meet-up with Marisa! How fun! Sorry to hear you had to work on Saturday- but at least you got to dress down. :yes


Busy weekend here. Dh told me on Thursday night that BIL and his family were coming on Friday. Friday morning I had a meeting at Eva's school, then had to finish all of my shopping and hurry home to clean up. They spent the day here on Friday, then on Saturday we went to the zoo and pumpkin farm. :clap The kids had so much fun. They hung out here last night, and left this morning. Poor Mia has had diarrhea so often that she got diaper rash last night. :( I feel so bad for her- I put some aloe on it, then she wanted me to lie down with her and we both fell asleep. This morning, we put up the Halloween decorations, exchanged her costume (the wig didn't fit) and did some other errands. Now we're just chilling at home. I have 3 tests next week to study for so I'll probably head over the coffee shop pretty soon so I can have some quiet.


Lots of love and hugs all around! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Where did you find g/f oatmeal? Also...what kind of flour do you use for baked goods? Mia is having a much worse problem since starting school, even though we send her with a lunch every day. She has had either diarrhea or some kind of tummy problem for almost a month. Our ped. doesn't want to test again since it came out negative last time but something is going on and I have been reading labels like mad, trying to figure it out. So I am going to start baking her snacks and I'm also trying to figure out what she can take besides sandwiches, etc, for lunch.


Stacy, I'll send you a pm.

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Another quick post. Pumpkin Patch Pictures turned out ok. Keith was a little cranky so getting good shots wasn't easy. The collages turned out ok. I sometimes do them as presents, but the rest of the time just give them to Keith's Grandparents/Great Grandparents on both sides just cause it's an easy way to get pics of him to the ones that don't live in Texas w/o breaking our budget or are too far away to visit regularly (Doug's Dad) Caffiene withdrawal headache so will post more later after Doug comes back with some soda for me.

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Stacy- Great to hear from you- you are so busy!! Good luck on the tests this week. I'm sure Beth will have some good ideas for you to help Mia. So what are your kiddos going to be for Halloween? I can't believe it's next Sunday already!! The time is just flying by- maybe that's because I have Christmas gifts to make on the mind and not enough hours in the day!!!


Sarah- Glad to hear that the collages turned out ok. I think they make great gifts. By the time you read this, hope the caffeine headache is gone!


Beth- Kudos to DS on the swim meet- and sorry about all the traffic you hit- Traffic is the pits!!!


Marisa and I had a nice meet-up and we each finished 2 more squares. We met at the Bux and of course I had a pumpkin spice latte!!! YUM!!!!


Well off to work on another square.


Hugs to all!

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:hug:ghug:hug:ghug For you Stacy!


Joanne - Glad you enjoyed your day off, the movie and meeting up with Marisa...and the Bux! :lol Wow, that's a good day!


LeeAnn - Your quiet day yesterday sounds great! Two days left :clap Are the kiddos home?


Marisa - How was your weekend?


Sarah - Glad the pumpkin patch went well.


Stacy - You are so busy, I don't know how you do it. :nworthy Good luck on your tests this week and I hope you figure something out for Mia soon. Did they look at IBS? Does she eat/drink anything with preservatives or aspartame in it? How about lactose intolerance? That's a tough one. Maybe try a gluten-free week and see how she does. :hug I know a woman who suffered with diarrhea and tried gluten free for a year or two only to discover it wasn't Celiac.


Beth - Wow, that was nice to hold the meet until you go there. Especially since your DS always wins :rofl You'd think the other kids would have been anxious to start without him :rofl Your day sounded fun, despite the traffic.


LeaAnne - How are you, workin' lady? When do you get your first pay check? :hyper How are the chickens adjusting to having you working?


:hi Vicki, Mary, Shannon and anyone I've missed.


For those of you in the Christmas Carol CAL, I posted the November song on Saturday.

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Hello everyone :hi


I'm back home :clap


The weekend went pretty quickly actually and the seminar was much better than it has been in the past :yay So now I have 12 credits completed :whew We went out last night to a mexican restaurant and ate in the bar so we could watch the phillies game (my friend has cablevision so no fox at her house :( ) We stayed there for the whole game, then back home to bed for an early morning.


After the seminar we went to Ruby Tuesday for lunch which was a little drawn out because our waiter was training :eek He did good though, just a little too scripted :lol But he'll relax as time goes on I'm sure :yes


Then met up with Joanne, and yep, just like she said.....we both finished 2 squares :yay I had just a plain old coffee (decaf) with just one pump of the pumpkin spice flavor....yummy!!!!! It was very enjoyable to just sit, crochet, and chat about some sports ;) Before we knew it, about 3 hours went by!!!


Now I'm half unpacked, so want to finish up that and then I'll sit on the couch for a few before bed :think


Catch y'all in the morning

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Hi all!

Stacy-you sure a busy busy busy! Three tests??? Oh my gosh! You can do it! I hope that you figure out what is making Mia's tummy hurt, poor gal. Will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.

Colleen-do you work this week?

Joanne and Marisa-so happy that both of you were able to meet up and enjoy chatting, crochet and coffee, couldn't be better!

Sarah-did you get your caffiene? I am addicted to coffee! I have to and I mean have to have it first thing in the a.m....if not...watch out!:devil

Beth, LeaAnne-how was your Sunday?

the kiddos came home, I missed them! They had a fantastic time! They were spoiled and each came home with new hoodies, a movie for ds, a purse for dd, and a few odds and ends. My mom and little brother came over this afternoon for a visit. I cooked lunch then cleaned up and continued with my crocheting while visiting.

I did not get to dd's costume, but I will! I am trying to convince ds to dress up, but he's at the age where he's not sure...ya know how 13 is. :think

The migrant season will end now and start up again in May-June. I look forward to going back, I had an awesome time! I can't believe how fast the time went, it is such a neat program. I will have my exit interview this week and they will let me know if I am re-hirable. I had a good evaluation at the beginning and am hoping that it continues.

guess I should get my tush to bed. Night all!

hugs n squishes! Have a great Monday morning!

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Good morning and Happy Monday to all!


LeeAnn- Sounds like your DK's had a good weekend just like you did!! And, I too, am a caffeine addict. Welcome to the Caffeine Club!!



I hope that everyone has a good Monday- as good as a Monday can be! I'll be working on squares again tonight as I watch the Giants football game- I may need to take a 20 min cat nap after work- since it'll be another late night for me!


I'll check back in after work!:jack


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