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I'm back!!!!

Where was I??? yes, I remember.....

Beth-your Mondays sound busy with lots and lots and lots to do. How do you do it? I remember those days, ours are busy but some how not as busy as they used to be. Do you feel less tired?

Colleen-how ya doing? how's your week been?

LeaAnne-ohhh my gosh, yarn all day! How's the new job? I would be in :yarn:c9

Vicki-how's your work week been? things slowing down a bit?

Mary, Shannon-where did you all go?

Work was kinda boring today.....did I just say that out loud? :devil we are winding down quite a bit, all of our paper work is caught up. I don't want to jinx myself...tomorrow will probably be busy. Other than that, just trying to keep up. going to fold laundry the sit and :hook and catch up on my t.v. shows. Haven't had time to watch a thing all week. I am dying to see DWTS. BBL!

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The Yankees won!!!! :cheer:clap They're not out yet!!! (although I hate to say it, I think Friday night is going to be tough and TX may just win and advance to the World Series)


Stacy- Funny about your Halloween decorations--maybe a ghost took them?:lol


LeeAnn- :yay for only a few more days of work!!! Enjoy your last few days in your "paradise" and then have fun during your siesta!!!


LeaAnne- How's the working gal doing?


Colleen- How is your volunteering going and how is your DD doing with school? Got any crochet mojo back?


Beth- Hope you had a great day today- and that you got to work on your mom's vest


Vicki- Saw you had a headache again- hope it wasn't too bad:hug


Shannon and Mary- missing you guys and thinking about you:hug:hug


Marisa- Sunday sounds like it might work- The team I care about- The Giants are playing on Monday night!!! It would be fun to meet up for a short while- we could work on our Bernat squares! I don't know if I have to work yet on Sunday, but even when we do, I usually get out around 2.


Well, off to try the next Bernat square! Worked late tonight and didn't get home till almost 6:30 - then of course had to make dinner (burgers tonight) and watch the rest of the game.


Cya in the AM!

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Hello everyone,


I think I can sit back and take a breather. Today I got some help with the folding, stuffing envelopes, sealing them, and applying address labels, so the 393 letters I need to mail for the ballet studio are ready to go! Once I drop them off at the post office, I can relax for a while. And I have some fun planned!!!


Tomorrow, I meet with my two adult crochet buddies for a couple of hours. I have strict orders to bring the sunflower afghan. And who am I to bypass a chance to show off???


Friday, I meet with 5 girls for a new crochet group that will meet twice a month. Two need to learn to crochet. The other 3 already know how. I looked at the free pattern at free-crochet.com today, and we decided to make that as a group, once the two new girls are up to speed.


Have a good night, everyone!!!:hug:hug:hug

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:hi, and :hug:hug:hug:hug friends! today was INSANE! ...yet great at the same time!


I wanted to say hi and good night, and good morning:lol


I will be by to post properly tomorrow (I have the day off to clean my house!:lol)


Luv You Guys....And I miss you all so very much!

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I was up since 2 this morning. I dont' know why I can't sleep, but I wish it would stop already!


LeaAnne, you sound so happy in your post, but you usually do! :manyheart I'm glad you like your work.


Marisa and Joanne, It would be so cool if you two could get together over the weekend. If you ever head south, let me know!


LeaAnn, sounds like you've been very busy. It must be kind of strange looking forward to the end of your position. A vacation sounds good, though.


Sarah, any luck with the mouse trap?


Stacy, how is yoga? how is school? How are those beautiful adorable girls? How is Jorge? How are you?


Colleen, Are the leaves still pretty colors up there?


Mary and Shannon, thinking of you ladies!


Vicki, how is your head this morning? Are the new meds helping any at all? How is dd doing? When is the next belt test?


today the Satellite tv guy comes and makes my husband very happy. I am meeting some friends this evening for a couple of hours of crochet and :blah :blah :blah Should be a good day! Talk to you all soon.

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Good morning!

Beth- It sounds like you have a wonderful day today and tomorrow-:c9 crocheting with IRL buddies!!! How fun for you!! But sorry you are having a tough time sleeping. Hope you are planning on a cat nap today so you'll still be awake for your couple of hrs of crochet time tonight with friends!!!:hook


LeaAnne- Enjoy your day off---cleaning!!!:lol:lol Seriously, how is it going juggling adding work to your busy days?


I actually went to sleep last night by 10! Didn't even attempt the Bernat square since I was really tired- Not a good idea to try something new when you are tired!!! Got up at 4:30- guess the internal clock said Rise and Shine!;)


Another busy day in Paradise, but hoping to leave today at normal time...then come home for some crochet time.


Hope you ALL have a good day! Remember your vitamins.:hug

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:hi everyone!


I am still here. Just in a big funk. I am hoping to get some answers about one job today and that will help me know what direction I'm going. I can't wait, because my mind does not like not knowing!


Beth asked if the colours are still pretty here. Our tree out front is completely bare, but there are some still in colour. It has been windy and that is blowing them down quickly. Today is the first very cold fall day with a high of only 5 degrees Celsius :wbrr and they are forecasting flurries over night. :snow I'm guessing we might be having a very cold halloween this year.


Joanne asked if my crochet mojo has come back. Nope and today one of my planned jobs is to pack it all up and put it in the crawlspace. No sense in it sitting out if I'm not using it. It will come back eventually.


I have been skimming your posts and I'm glad to see you are all doing well and keeping busy. :hug:hug:hug all around!

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Hi all

Colleen- Hope you get the answers you are looking for with the job situation! Wow, flurries already!!! My front trees are bare too- which means Old Man Winter is right behind. but today was a nice crisp fall day!!!


Hope that everyone had a good day and I did get home at a decent hour and plan to crochet at least one of the mitre squares- we'll see how long it takes me if I do anymore!!!


Thinking about all of you, but I'm on a time crunch here with this Bernat CAL- and working extra hours isn't helping!!!


Yankees on again tomorrow night so want to take advantage of no games tonight (Thanks to FOX dispute with my cable provider, I don't get to see Marisa's team tonight)


Have a good evening everyone!!

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Well I ended up working at the clinic today. That's good, because I made some money and it made my day go fast. I got some good information today and now I feel I can relax a little bit on the job search, which is great because I haven't been enjoying life very much lately. :whew


It's official, my yarn has been put away. :( That way it won't make me feel guilty about not crocheting. I don't need to feel that way because it's my hobby! Anyway, I put away everything but the flannelghan (which I still haven't finished.


Joanne - :hug to you for working more hours. I hope Fox sorts things out so you can enjoy your sports soon.


LeaAnne - I would love to hear how the job is going! I bet things seem busy while you get into a routine and a new job always makes you feel so tired for the first couple weeks. I've been thinking about you :manyheart


LeeAnn - :yay for being done your job on Tuesday! I hope you get some much deserved downtime.


Marisa - I hope your work week is going well.


Stacy - It sounds like you are looking forward to your mom's visit!


Beth - How is your busy week going? I hope you enjoyed your crochet group..was that today, with the new crocheters? If it was, how did it go?


Vicki - How are things going with you? Is DD busy getting ready for her belt test? How is DH doing with his not-so-new anymore job?


Shannon and Mary - We miss you here :hug


I hope everyone had a terrific Thursday. Thank you all for your words of encouragement these last couple weeks. They helped :yes

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Colleen, It's good to hear that you've had some encouraging news. Maybe you'll get your crochet mojo back when you aren't so stressed over the job situation. Today's crochet group was a bunch of moms with kids about the same age. Only two of us showed, but that's OK. We still have a good time.


Joanne, our leaves are just turning here.


I'm sorry, but my brain just turned off -- symptom of getting up at 2 am.., 8 p.m. is LATE!!! I'll just pass out some hugs and say goodnight!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:night:sleep

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Hello all!

Beth-you sure were up early! I don't know how you do it, I would be soo tired. Your crochet meeting sounds like a little slice of heaven! Crocheting and chatting is my favorite pastime! Did they just love your sunflower ghan? I bet!

Joanne-that is soo neat that you and Marisa can meet up! How cool! I wish that I could meet ya all, it would be dreamy. When will the problems with your cable be fixed?

Colleen-glad that you had a good day! Do you think you will be able to work more hours at the clinic? Crocheting should be fun and never a chore, :hug Last year I went about 6 months without crocheting,...now I am as addicted as ever!

Marisa-how was your day? I forgot how long you will work today, hopefully not too late.

LeaAnne-new jobs are always exhausting, especially organizing the family. Hopefully you will have enough time to relax and regroup.

Stacy, Vicki, Mary, Shannon hope all is well!

going to try to sit with my yarn, that is if the kiddos do not need help with homework.

hugs n extra squishes!

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hi, girls!


I have been trying to keep up with reading what you have all been up to... I have all but 2 washes, and will be caught up on the home front. yesterday, I worked 9-2:30, went to the ortho at 3:30 with Jamie and Linds. Got home at 4:45, in time to drop Pete at soccer practice (and ask my friend the coach to drive him home), came home, got Jamie ready and brought her to dance, and went to Parent Teachers at the High School! When that ended, I picked up Jamie, came home, helped Pete finish a project for school, helped Jamie with some homework...and it was suddenly 10-something! Yikes! I hope I don't have too many more of that kind of day!:haha


I really am having fun at ACM... so far, I have only worked the registers, but have had lots of :lol with my customers! The days just fly by! I have to say that is hard getting used to working and doing my regular Mom/maid/taxi/everything else job... I have been exhausted at night! I am working tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. There is a big 3 day sale going on(Joanne:devil), so it will be nice and busy:yes So far, so good... I am liking it!


Colleen - I hope you get good news that helps you know which way you are headed. It's really hard to be happy when your mind is so consumed with getting something resolved. :hug and prayers for you, friend... and I think it's wise to put your crocheting away until things are settled. I have put most of mine in the closet until I settle into this routine. The only things I left out are the flannelghan, and 1 skein for preemie caps. Here's a couple of extra :hug:hug for you!


Joanne - Thank you so very much for the nice thoughts this week:hug:hug I hope you have yet another wonderful weekend! You so have earned it! I love how you plan so many fun things to do:manyheart It's just awesome! Have a blast at your meet up this weekend!


LeeAnn - you sure sound like you have been keeping busy, too! It will be good that you will be getting some time off soon:manyheart How many grannies are you up to?


Beth - meeting up with IRL crochet buddies is Way Coolness! I am so happy that you get to enjoy nice times with friends who enjoy the same passions as you:hug:hug I saw the tickets for the Nutcracker go on sale, and immediately thought of you and your DD:manyheart


Sarah - I hope you are feeling better and that you caught that dreaded mouse! :hug and :U to you!


Stacy - It is so wonderful to see you here posting! You are one busy Momma! :nworthy! I am so proud of all that you are juggling these days, and that you are doing it with a :U...:hug:hugwoot! just over a week until your Mom arrives, right?


:waving Marisa! I hope your week hasn't been too bad, and that you and Mary have lots of fun this weekend! I should probably tell you that I hold a special place in my heart for your Phillies, because the softball team that I used to help coach was the Phillies! besides, they are National League, so I can cheer for them AND my Sox:devil


Vicki - Are you still feeling better? You are a very strong lady, doing what you do, and as if that weren't enough, while dealing with migraines! :eek Just remember that you are amazing!:hug


Mary and Shannon, please know that I am thinking of you and holding you and your families in my prayers every day:hug:hug:hug


Well, I am off to put the last load for tonight into the dryer. :xfin that I get the last of the towels done early in the am... I am sure that tomorrow night will be busy enough, as my little social butterflies...errr... chickens cook up their Friday night plans:rofl


Love and :hug:hug:hug to you all, my dear friends! I hope you have a wonderful evening, and and even better Friday!

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Hey everyone :hi


Sorry I didn't make it in last night, but it was late until I got home from the sixer game and didn't even turn on the computer. We won :yay and me and mary had been given courtside seats, so that was an awesome experience!!!! :clap


Have the Phils on now and are up 3-2 in the 5th and both teams are really making alot of mistakes that professionals just should not make :( Oh well....


Stacy - did you get some new decordations?


LeeAnn - didn't get my yarn yet :( Haven't gone back out looking for any just yet. :yay for the job ending on tuesday, hopefully you're able to relax a bit then :hug Tonight was our late day so we worked 11-7.


Joanne - :yay Can't wait for sunday now :D It will be well deserved after my weekend of class :yes


Beth - Just how far are you from Philly? :think Do you drink alot of caffeine? I used to like crazy and was having trouble sleeping :( I cut out caffeine past about 1 in the afternoon, which made a world of difference :yes Just thinking of suggestions for ya ;)


LeaAnne - Glad to hear that work is going great :clap We miss you too :yes


Colleen - :hug :hug :hug :hug Sorry you're in a rut right now, but glad you got some positive news to help suppress the stress of the job hunt :yes And don't worry, your yarn and hooks will be happily awaiting your return when you get your mojo back :D

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LeaAnne - Thanks for the ACM tip, I need a bit of yarn for my nephew's xmas ghans :yes And yep, I'm a red sox fan also...my very first profession sports game was the red sox in fenway park when I was in 8th grade, it kinda stuck after that :lol


One thing about baseball that I've noticed is that no matter what your team is, everyone always has a pick between the red sox and the yankees :think


Not spending the weekend with Mary. My friend Kathy and I are going to the seminar. It's for continuing education to keep our licenses up to date and certification for this technique so it kills 2 birds with one stone :devil

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Hiya friends!

Just getting ready to hop in the shower, but wanted to check in.

Marisa-wooohooo! Yarn shopping is always fun, sounds like a great plan to go to AC Moore. :devil I am going to continue with my x-mas gifts next week. I have a friend that loves the fingerless gloves, have you ever tried making them? I have a pattern that I think is fairly easy in my stash. I just have to clean out my yarn stash before starting, it has grown by leaps and bounds. My cupboard is spilling yarn. What a cool sight! :lol

LeaAnne-juggling is difficult at times. you had a super super super busy day yesterday, hopefully you will not have too many of those, they are stressful.

Sarah-how ya doing?

I am up to 30 squares...I am going to measure it out and see how many more I need. I love grannies!

best get to moving!

hugs n squishes! Nighty night!

have a great Friday!

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Good morning all and hope you all have a wonderful Friday!!!


Don't work too hard this weekend LeaAnne!!


I finished 1 of 16 squares for the Bernat CAL last night- that means 15 left to go!!


I think they should move along fairly quickly now that I did one.


Time to get ready for another day in Paradise- and fingers crossed we get alot done today so that Sunday will be a day off


Can't wait to meet up with Marisa on Sunday!!! A little hooky time with a very special person is always fun!!!!!


Remember to take your vitamins Oh, you may get a kick out of this, I had to buy more vitamins so I bit the bullet and bought ones for women +50....and wondered what was different about them then the ones simply for women---well, they have Ginko biloba in them!!!


have a good day!

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Good Morning, and Happy Friday!


I wanted to wish you all a great day and let you know that we just got a hail storm, but the hail looks like teeny snowballs, or little styrofoam pellets:think I don't think I have ever seen it like that before!


Have a great day, and please.... take some :hug:hug:hug:hug!

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Good morning :coffee It surely came to soon today :(


LeeAnn - I also have alot of yarn, but of course need to buy more :devil I have to say that probably half of what I have has designated projects :yes But I need to get more for the spiral ghan and then for the other 2 boys, I need greens and oranges (their favorites).


Joanne - Have a great day in paradise and hopefully you get enough done that you're off on sunday :D


Catch y'all later.

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Good Morning, and Happy Friday!


I wanted to wish you all a great day and let you know that we just got a hail storm, but the hail looks like teeny snowballs, or little styrofoam pellets:think I don't think I have ever seen it like that before!


Have a great day, and please.... take some :hug:hug:hug:hug!


Good morning LeaAnne, sounds like it might be sleet :thing Have a good one :yes

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We're having internet issues, so if you don't hear from me for a while, expet that to be the problem. Have a great TGIF!!! I am SO excited about the girls' group of crocheters I get to work with today!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to everyone. I need to keep playing with the computer, see if I can get the internet up for the rest of the house...

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TGIF! I'm starting to feel more myself. I'm getting caught up on my housework. I've got fish on for supper, mashed potatos and veggies to go with it. I'm starving!


Beth - Hope your internet issues get worked out.


Marisa - Have a great weekend at your course!


LeaAnne - I've seen hail/sleet like that many times. It looks like fake snow :lol We didn't get any flurries here, but I hear they did north of here.


Joanne - I hope your 50 + vitamins make you feel young and vibrant! Enjoy meeting Marisa on Sunday.


LeeAnn - 2 days of work left :yay Enjoy your grannies.


Stacy - I hope you and the girls had a good day.


Vicki - I hope you are fitting in some time to relax a bit and that you are feeling a bit better.


Mary & Shannon - Thinking about you friends.

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Just quick post. No haven't caught mouse yet. Haven't seen it again. Busy cleaning, trying to get caught up from being sick. Cough is mostly gone. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Thinking of you all.


:hug:hug:hugto everyone.

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Sarah, I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. don't go rushing into a lot of cleaning and wear yourself out! You are still mending, and need to take it easy for a bit.


Colleen, your dinner sounds YUmmy! I need to figure out my dinner. Everyone else is having pizza, which isn't exactly my favorite.


Marisa, I am about 3 hours south of Washington, DC. I don't know how far away Phillie is, because I always head North West, driving through Pittsburgh, to get home to Ohio.


LeaAnne, I've seen snow/sleet like that before. It is very strange. I hope you are enjoying work!


Joanne, Let us know if you notice any difference with the new grown up vitamins. If it helps your memory, could it help mine, even if i haven't met the minimum age requirement yet?


LeaAnn, Mmmmmm, yarn overflowing from cabinet....:c9 What an awesome image. I have mine stuffed in a china cabinet. I love being able to see it. I keep moving other things out of the cabinet to have more room for yarn. I am actually using it now.


Stacy, happy Friday! Any good plans for the weekend?


Vicki, How is your head? I hope it feels better.


Mary, Did you get any snow?


Shannon, Thinking of you and your family.


Oh my, teaching crochet is SO much fun, and so rewarding. I had 3 girls who showed up knowing the chain stitch, and eager to learn more. All 3 can do sc and dc now. We will meet next week. The librarian was thrilled to have us there (it shows that she is hosting teen events, which gets her brownie points.) Yesterday the www.free-crochet.com had a baby harp seal pattern, which uses only sc. The girls found it on-line, and printed it out, so they all have legal copies. We will make that when the new girls get the basic stitches down. It should be so much fun.


Tomorrow my son has a swim meet in Joanne's favorite Virginia town -- Williamsburg.

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Howdy all!

Oooooo laaaa laaaa...a whole weekend to myself! I just don't know what to do?? I am still working on convincing dh to go for a drive...we may have to stop and buy yarn...ya never know.:devil:devil Work went well, it was the last day with kiddos, I will surely miss them all. I have had a great season and look forward to next year.

Sarah-so glad that your cough has let up and that you are feeling better. What are you working on?

Joanne-how was your day? did you get everything done so that you can have hook time w/Marisa?

Marisa-have a great weekend and course!

Colleen-your dinner sounds just delicious! mmmm mmmm good! We are eating leftover, can't cook if the kiddos are not here. :yes

Beth-that is soo cool that the gals are loving learning how to crochet! Makes my heart happy! I have been meaning to ask, how are your ds's doing as far as dating? My ds has a friend that he likes to hang out with, I think he likes her, but they are just friends. Perfect for me! I am not ready to share him yet. :lol

LeaAnne-did you get any hook time in?

going to sit and wait for the in-laws, they are on their way. BBL!

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LeaAnn, my oldest son doesn't have much time to date, my middle son is currently unemployed, so he doesn't have much money for dating. He texts the girl non-stop though. My oldest son has asked for Fridays off, so he can start spending more time with his "girl."

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