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Good morning!


Beth- The sunflower afghan is gorgeous!!!! Beautiful job as always!!!! I'm tired just looking at your Monday schedule!!! Hope it flies by quickly.


Sarah- good luck with the mouse situation. Peanut butter does work- we had a few mice in the basement when my DD's were younger and the peanut butter on the trap did the trick.


LeaAnne- Have fun in Yarn Paradise today!


LeeAnn- What are you making with your grannies? For you or a gift?


Colleen- Hope you had a nice weekend- continued positive thoughts for you on your job search.


Marisa- Looks like you had a good sports day- both your Eagles and the Phillies won!


Stacy- Hope the roomies kids behaved themselves for you so you could get your geography (and your crocheting) done!


Vicki- J-E-T-S- good game! Hope you have a good week!! And that it flies by!


Well, my friends, off to get ready for a long week in paradise- work this Saturday ---


OH, and I finished the 4th square for this week's Bernat CAL! So glad that is done!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


It got a little busy after I left here last night. I worked on my sprial ghan quite a bit yesterday and it's now aobut 41 inches prior to the last round and border. I'm just not sure how big to make it :think I'm pretty much through my yarn and need to finish here or go pick up more yarn. But what size to I want for a child? He's only 2, but I want it to be roughly the same size at the 4 and 6 year olds are going to be that don't even have a pattern picked yet :lol:think Any suggestions?


Joanne - Wow, sad news on the Rutger's player :( Surely will keep him in my prayers that he can pull through and not too severe that he can rehab :xfin On the upside, glad to hear that dd's bf likes his hat soo much and inpires you to make him a scarf :yes Great day in Philly sports yesterday :clap:yay And WTG finishing your bernat squares...now I'm ready for wednesday ;)


LeeAnn - My parents went to Pittsburgh this weekend to drive a family friend out to meet up with her family and then spend saturday night at my sisters house. I forgot they were going there this weekend when I decided not to go up last weekend :( My family all enjoys handmade items :yes Your in laws sounds sooo sweet, enjoy your weekend with dh :hug :hug


Sarah - Good luck with that mousie :xfin We always used peanut butter too :yes Keith is going to be a cute daddy's helper :yes And is probably very excited about it too. How's your cough doing?


Beth - Gorgeous sunflower ghan :yes So far I have 8 brown centers made :blush It's the only thing I have right now that's portable so it will be going to the basketball games with me :lol Sounds like a busy day for you, hope it goes by smoothly. And good luck with the vest for your mom, I'm sure you'll do a great job with the sizing :yes


To everyone else, have a wonderful monday

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:hi, friends!


I am homme! Safe and sound, with lots of laundry and dishes waiting for me! hahahaha! I actually got through the door last night at 10:19, right when Beth posted asking if I was home yet! :think:lol We had lots of fun, and lots of laughs. My best purchase of the weekend were Lindt truffles for me, and a nice pair of RayBan sunglasses for DH for his birthday!:clap He's gonna be sooooo surprised! I can't wait until thursday!:hyper


I read through your weekends....


Beth - :drool:drool:drool! I love how your sunflower ghan came out!! It's simply gorgeous!


Joanne - so glad you got to see the Giants game:cheer


LeeAnn - :cheer:cheer:cheer for Joann Fabrics and the bamboo hook! I love mine, too!


Stacy - glad you guys got to enjoy the stars the other night! That sounds like lots of fun!:D


Vicki - glad that they up'd your meds, and :xfin that it does the trick.:wink


Colleen - :hi and :hug:hug


Sarah - did you catch that crazy mouse?


Marisa - :cheer:cheer:cheer go Phillies!!!!!! :devil


well, as I mentioned, I have some chores that need to be finished up today... I am working tomorrow and Wednesday.


:hug:hug:hug for you all, and i will see you soon! :c9

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LeaAnne -glad training went well and you had fun on your shopping trip


Marisa - :yay for the robe.


LeeAnn - Glad parent teacher conference went well. And :yay for DD and DS getting good grades and visit from your sister. Glad you enjoyed the wedding and had a great day yesterday.


Vicki - hope they can get your meds straightened out.


Beth - :yay for some crochet time with friend even if it was cut short. Your sunflower afghan turned out lovely.


Joanne - that was sweet of your DD to let you come over so you could watch the game.


Stacy - glad you guys enjoyed astronomy night. and yes doing homework earns crochet time =0)

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Mice don't bother me (rats, roaches, ants and spiders on the other hand...) I didn't even jump when it ran across my foot. Just go up and started trying to catch it. Keith is TERRIFIED of it. Haven't had a chance to take him to the pet store yet. Haven't caught the mouse yet either. Need to figure out a mouse trap for it. It's not very big, smaller that a normal computer mouse. Haven't seen it again either. But it went a month between the first time we saw it and when Keith saw it, then a couple of days from when he saw it to when it ran over my foot..


Keith hasn't really figured out yet that the shirt is going to be just like daddy's work shirts. But I have a feeling once he does he's going to want to wear it A LOT. All the patches from Doug's shirts are sewn on so just need a patch with Keith's name on it to finish it. The ones on the sleeves didn't end up even but I'm not going to take them off and redo them.


Still have the cough, though not quite as bad. Hopefully it'll be well on it's way by the time I run out of antibiotics.

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Quick stop in to say hi!! Didn't get home till 5:45 or so and have to get lunch ready for tomorrow, coffee pot set up for the morning and clean up after dinner before the game starts!


I hope you all had a good day!!!


I'll cya in the morning for a more proper post (if I am not tooooooo tired from the game)


And i wouldn't be me if I didn't say;


:cheerGo Yankees :cheer:hook

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Hi gang! How's it going! I just wanted to come on and say hi to everyone and let you all know that I was still here and still kicking and still around!

I have been taking the migraine meds and they seem to be working. I have not been migraine free, but they have not been very bad either. This is a good thing! Hopefully this will continue!

I have not been able to pick up my crochet hooks lately. A very sad thing! I have been so busy lately that I just haven't had the time! I need to get back to doing it because I really do enjoy it. I need to find the time. I miss it.

Just wanted to stop in and say hi. I need to go and work on my paper. Have a great night ladies!

TTFN my besties!!!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I didn't get home until late. I ran to the pet store after work to pick up a new GOOD filter for my turtles like the one I had, but died on me :( It did last me a good while though. Saw online it was on sale and got to the store to find it's only on sale online, so will now order it. Just sad that they have to wait a few more days to get cleaned since they are filthy right now :(


Ran to Michael's for some more yarn for the spiral ghan since I want it bigger. Don't want my nephew to grow out of it too soon :think They didn't have what I needed so will make a pitstop at wal mart this week :think I'm using Vanna's Choice which they carry :yes


Got boston market for dinner :drool It was sooo yummy!!!!


LeaAnne - Welcome home!!!!! Glad you had such a wonderful weekend and :cheer Go Phillies (even if you're only cheering for them against the Yankees ;) I know where you're from :lol )


Sarah - Sorry you're still coughing and didn't find the mouse yet :( I'd be sleeping with the lights on every night :lol


Joanne - Did I mention lately GO RANGERS!!!! :cheer:rofl


Vicki - Glad the migraines have calmed down with the meds, even if they're still there at least they're suppressed enough to live your life :yes Get to that crochet hook young lady....I hear it calling your name from here :lol

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Good morning! Welcome to Tuesday!


I'm not bright eyed yet, so this will be short...


Joanne, was the game worth staying up for?


LeaAnne, welcome home! Your trip sounds like alot of fun.


LeaAnn, when you said you were going to a parent teacher conference, I thought you were the teacher giving the conference. :think I'm glad your child is doing well in school. Doesn't that feel great!


Mary, thinking of you!


Colleen, Thanks for the quick stop-by. It's getting close to time for the next Christmas song. I can't wait. The inspiration has been a huge help for me.


Stacy, how did babysitting for roomie go? Did you get your studying done? Did you get any crocheting done?


Vicki, I'm glad the migraine is better. I do not know how you can work in a stressful job, facing children with special challenges while in pain, and do it properly. You are an amazing woman.


Shannon, big hugs to you!


Marisa, I hope your turtles' filter comes in soon.


Sarah, I hope you will post pics of the shirt you are making for Keith. It's so sweet that it will have his name on it.


Have a fun Tuesday!!! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning,


Beth- to answer your question on whether it was worth staying up for the game- the answer is a resounding NO! Yankees really blew it with their bullpen. They lost 8-0! The Rangers pitcher was amazing and our starting pitcher actually pitched well. But in the 8th inning, the bullpen gave up 6 runs~~ Oh, well, still a few more games left in the series- the next one tonight.......


Colleen- Hi there yourself!


Going to just wish everyone a good Tuesday and to those going out to work -have a great Tuesday!!! (and even if you are not going out to work- have a great day too!)


Cya later

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Good morning eveyone :coffee


I feel like it's going to be a long day at work today :think I guess we'll see :lol Game is at 4 so I will have it on there :yes Such a pain with them playing on the west coast!


I hope everyone has a wonderful day :hug :hug :hug

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:hi all!

Happy Tuesday! Dh stayed home with an upset stomach this morning. I have class in a couple hours, but came home to do some laundry and straighten up, instead of making my usual coffee run. I have decided that I really need to start eating healthier, so I will be saving my coffee runs for maybe Friday- but just one day a week instead of the usual 3-4. :blush

Last night I took another yoga class at the Y- this one was much more active than Saturday's, but still only stretching, no actual poses or routines. Oh, well. I was complaining to dh right before I went, that I need more stretching exercises. :rofl The girls really seem to enjoy their childcare room. :yes On Friday, I can register them for youth classes- Isabella wants to take cooking and soccer, Mia wants to take cooking, ballet, and dance, and Eva wants to take ballet. Luckily the older two can go to the same cooking class and the younger two will go to the same ballet class. I might tell Mia she can only do two- or I will be running around like mad every day! :lol


Joanne, sorry to hear about your Yankees! I hope they do better today.


LeaAnne, :yay for your shopping weekend! Sounds like lots of fun was had! So, have you officially started your job?


Leeann, glad to hear the conference went well. And a visit from your sister- how fun!


Marisa, don't you hate it when something is only on sale online?! Joann's does that a lot here, too. But if we take in the printout of the online ad, we can get it for the same price in the store. :think Weird. Anyway, hope your filter arrives soon. As for the blanket, I made 2 sunburst rr's for my kids a couple years ago, and made them to be 48 inches. My 5 y/o can still comfortably use hers but my 7 y/o outgrew it last year (she's rather tall anyway) but she still cuddles with it while watching tv, etc. :yes I hope that helps your size confusion.


Sarah, yikes at not finding the mouse! Mice don't bother me, either, although I think it would if one lived here. :blush Roaches, spiders, etc, all freak me out. I hope you find your little friend soon!


Beth, Your sunflower afghan is gorgeous!!! Great work. I had a :heehee when you said how difficult it was to make something for someone 3 states away- I know how that is! I'm so worried that my mom's Ashlar will not fit, but I don't want to ask about specific measurements. :eek


To everyone else- lots of love and :hug:hug:hug. time to take my shower and get ready for class. BBL!

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Wow ladies, where is everyone :think


Phillies lost today :( Series is now 2-1 in favor of san fran!!!


I'm getting ready to go put on my pj's and sit with my :hook and :yarn for the graph ghan I have going. I think I've decided on patterns for my other 2 nephews and decided to pick up more yarn for the spiral to make it bigger :yes Not sure when I'll get out to get the yarn. Thought about it tonight, but just wanted to be home.


Tomorrow night is a sixers game, preseason again, regular season starts next week.


Then, I'll be away on the weekend from friday night through sunday. I'm visiting a friend in Newark, NJ that I went to chiro school with. We have a seminar that we do every year to keep a certification in a specific technique. Last couple years we traveled for it but decided to stay here this year to save money :yes Maybe I'll drag her to a craft store up there :think


Anyhow, have a wonderful evening and I'll probably check back in a little later.


Oh Stacy, thanks for the size info. I questioned my parents yesterday to see what they thought and they also thought bigger so he doesn't outgrow it. He turns 2 in a couple weeks and is 34" now.

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:waving, friends! :yawn:yawn...I am beat!


just wanted to stop in to let you all know that I am thinking about you:manyheart


I hope you are all well, and in case I don't make it by tomorrow....



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:waving all!


Dinner is done, dishwasher is running, kids are in pajamas already. The kiddos are watching a movie, so I'm going to get the Ashlar and hopefully get most of it finished. I've been :crocheting whenever I can, but I need to finish something! :lol


Oh, Joanne- the rain finally really hit tonight! :clap:cheer:c9 It sprinkled yesterday on and off, and the heaviest rain came while I was in class. This morning the sun was peeking through the clouds and I prayed that it would just pour. :lol Tonight while I was making dinner I got my wish- along with some thunder! It is also supposed to rain tomorrow, and again on Saturday. We'll see- the weathermen in CA are rarely right when it comes to that.


Lots of love and hugs!!!

Good night, besties! :night

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Good evening ladies!

Now where oh where have I been???? running around like a chicken. :lol have to finish helping dd with her homework but wanted to stop in quickly to let you all know that I am thinking of you and miss you all terribly!

Gotta run! Hugs n squishes!

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Quick stop by- running late.

another Yankee loss- so sad!


Marisa- My DD is in Newark! You will be close by- when are you heading back to Philly on Sunday? Just wait till you see how many squares we have to make this week for the Bernat CAL


Don't have time to respond now, gotta get ready for Paradise- but thinking of all of you and sending good thoughts for a great day!!!

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Toooooo Early!!! :morcoffee


happy Hump Day to those of you who work. I'm way too tired to be clever or inspirational, so just take a bunch of hugs, and know I love you!


I wish I could say Happy Hump Day- this is one of those never ending weeks for me- still hoping we don't have to work sunday- but so far it's looking like we will- so it will not be Hump Day for a few days yet:(:(



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Good morning ladies :coffee


And Beth, I agree....it's too early!!!


Joanne - I'm heading back on Sunday. I was going to mention it to you Jersey girls in the other cal ;) But I know Sunday's are rough as we're all usually watching football :lol My seminar runs sat 9-5 and sunday 8-1. Chances are my friend and I will stop for lunch before I hit the road. If you're interested in meeting up for a little bit, let me know since I'll be up that way :)


And yep, I saw that clue, 16 squares!!!!! Well, it does say that's the most we have and even with what's coming up we'd be ok to spread it out a bit :think


Gotta go try to wake up a bit, :lol

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Hi girls!!


Just a quick stop in to say hello! I need to pick up the girls, then we might go to the dollar store to check out Halloween decorations. I can't find any of mine. :think


Hope you're all having a happy Hump Day! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:clapGood day friends!

Again, it feels like I have been gone for forever! Things were kinda hectic, but good news! My job will end on Tuesday.:cheer:cheer Can't wait! It has been wonderful working but I will be so happy to take a little "siesta"

Joanne-I am sorry that you have to work this Saturday, hopefully Sunday will find you relaxing and getting some hook time in. The grannies are for the ghan that I started awhile back. I haven't counted them but I have a tote full, I think I will be connecting soon. I like to connect on the last round.

Marisa-Your upcoming weekend sounds very nice, catching up with friends is always fun! did you get the yarn you were needing?

Stacy-you are going to be super busy if your kiddos decided to join the Y! How fun for all of you! I wish that we had more options here in our neck of the woods as far as extra curricular activities.

going to sit down for dinner, but will post to the rest of you in a few. I didn't forget ya, time just got away from me!

hugs n squishes!

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