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Quick stop in before the game!

Sarah- love the poem and the story about Keith and the mouse! Did you get a chance to take him to the pet store to show him?


LeaAnne- Hope your training went well- and enjoy the outlets! I went to the outlets about 5 years ago with my cousin in NH! Gotta love the no sales tax!!!! have a great time!!!!!


Beth- Did you get to do some "hooking" today?


Colleen, Stacy, Marisa, LeeAnn, Mary, Shannon, Vicki- thinking of you and wishing you all a great weekend!


Time for some baseball in a few minutes!!!:cheerGo Yankees :cheer:cheer:clap:cheer


No. Don't like driving right now cause when a coughing fit hits it gets hard for me to drive.

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:waving, friends!


just wanted to drop by and wish you all a great, terrific, fabulous, healthy, restful, and famiy-filled weekend! Not to mention plenty of hookin' time!:wink


training went well, but man! I am :tired! :lol:lol

and I got my schedule for next week: Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat, and Sunday! It's only 27 hours across those days, but I am thinkin' that's enough for now:yes


:hug:hug:hug:hughere are some hugs to use while I am away... we leave in the morning. I have BIL's flannelghan and a skein for charity all packed up for the ride:clap (what can I say? I just couldn't make up my mind!:devil)


Luv and extra hugs to you all, and I will catch up with the indy hi's on Monday!

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Good evening everyone,


Went to the mall after work with Mary, she wanted to look in JCPenny so I joined in. Got a robe for $20 and it's a good quality :clap I was looking for one since last year but was surprised at how pricey they were and wouldn't spend the money, just kept wearing a sweat jacket in the house :lol It was half off for a doorbuster sale so figured the time was right :lol


We had dinner at chik-fil-a in the mall, which was quite tasty.


I have to get up early, the cable guy is coming between 8-11 :clap Oooo, and I got a pamphlet from my cable company in the mail today telling me that versus is now included with my regular package :yay Very exciting news for me!!!!


Beth - I've done that a few times jumping up in the middle of the night thinking it was time to be up. Actually almost got in the shower once, water running and all :rofl


Sarah - funny story, but I'm with Keith!!!! I can't deal with rodents at all....at work, I get the insects and mary gets any mice, which only happened once since we have the pest control there every couple weeks. One morning I went in and there was a dead mouse in front of the water cooler so I put a trash can over it and left it for her to take care of when she got there :rofl The poem was great!!!! :manyheart


LeaAnne- Glad training went well today and :yay for all your hours next week, it's good they're split over several days :yes Enjoy your weekend!!!!


Joanne - GO RANGERS!!!! :cheer:devil (I'm sure you'll pay me back tomorrow for quite the same reason :think )

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Hello hello!

Didn't make it back here last night. The parent teacher conference went well. Dd has all A's! :cheer:clap I am soo proud of her! She is reading and writing a whole grade ahead. What a smart gal! Ds is not doing so bad either:D, 5 A's and 2 B's, he's soo brainy. :c9 I told dh "we must be doing something right". :lol

Joanne-this week seemed to take forever, so glad that it is the weekend. What have ya planned?

Stacy-how was your night with the stars?

Marisa-I'm with you, mice and rodents scare the living daylights out of me! :) If I see a mouse, oh my gosh, I freak out, hyperventilate and all that good stuff. Dh has to catch it then we have to bleach everything,...it's a process. JC Penney is dd's fav store. Great deal on the bathrobe! I love mine!

Colleen-I just know that something will turn up for you. You are right, your dd will be in school before you know it. Good luck dear friend.

Beth-you sound very busy with x-mas gifts and learning to crochet left handed. wow! dd is a leftie, so am I, but I crochet with my right hand...wierd huh?

Sarah-what a beautiful shawl! The poem is soo sweet! Great work!

LeaAnne-so glad that you had your orientation and got it out of the way. Your schedule sounds like :c9

Vicki-TGIF!!!! wooohooo!

My little sister stopped by today, so excited! She is leaving back to New Mexico tomorrow but stopped in to visit. She goes to college at UNM. I miss her so much!

tomorrow we are going to Peublo to a wedding. The in-laws are driving up too, we are super pumped! I haven't spent time with them in what feels like forever. I can't wait! Still have to get a few things done before calling it a night. Talk to you all Sunday!

Hugs n squishes!

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LeaAnne- Have a blast this weekend and enjoy!!!


Marisa- I have Cablevision and have to pay for Versus!!!!! So jealous!!! It's only $5.00 extra, but still........plus now Cablevision and Fox are in contract disputes and I don't have fox....which means no Philly/Giants game tonight or no NY Giants game tomorrow. I'm not in a very happy mood right now!


LeeAnn- Enjoy the wedding and so happy that your kiddos are doing so well in school--yes, you are doing something right!!!!!


Beth. Colleen, Stacy, Vicki, Shannon, Sarah- Have a fab weekend!


Off to do some cleaning!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Nothing new since last night :( Just up waiting for the cable guy now for the internet, which of course is not giving me any problems yet this morning.


LeeAnn - :yay for ds and dd doing soo well in school, they surely deserve that clubhouse :yes Well, JCP has quite a bit in the juniors section at buy 1 get 1 88 cents today...they seem to run that sale quite a bit :think Lots of other good stuff through 1 pm today.


Joanne - :hug :hug :hug I can't believe you won't get the games :( You're welcome here ;) If it were me, I'd be at a friends or at the sports bar down the road :lol Good luck, I sure hope they figure that one out quick. Does fox own tbs?

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Morning all! It is a bright and pretty Saturday here and it should stay that way! DD has tkd practice in a little bit and then afterwards we have lotsof running around to do today! I did the grocery shopping last night because I knew we were running today! Hopefully I won't miss too much of the baseball game this afternoon. They won last night, but of course the magic chair took me over and I missed the big inning!

Here is what the neurologist said: The migraines are not being managed well enough (tell me something that I didn't already know!). So she raised the topamax level and wants to see the MRI that I had done a couple of years ago. She said there is no need to repeat a test if I had it done and it was all clear, which it was. I need to bring the pictures of it when I go back to see her in November. We'll see how I am doing in the next couple of weeks when I go back. I go back the pcp in January for a follow up with him and I'm sure both the neuro and the pcp will talk to each other before then.

It was a CRAZY week in my classroom this week! It was such a week! I am glad it is over and hopefully next week will be better! Enough said about that!

Hopefully I can get some hook time in this weekend! I have so much stuff to do and I forgot my flash drive at school. I'm such a dope! I have to add some stuff to a master schedule and it is on the flash drive. Dopey me. I have to do some stuff to my paper and I have some reading to do.

Ok, I need to get going. Talk to you later and have a great day all!!!

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Good morning, technically, for a few more minutes...


I met with some IRL crochet buddies at a coffee shop today. It was cut short because my dd's ballet class was cut short, and I was her ride. Now I get to spend the afternoon chauffeuring son #2 and his sweetie to a movie, then window shopping with dd. Sounds like a good one. But really, I'm in the mood to sew my sunflower squares together, so I'd rather stay home.


I hope you all have a good day. vicki, I hope your new level of meds helps with those migraines.



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Beth- Sorry that Dd's ballet class got cut short, which in turn cut short your IRL Crochet buddy hanging out! But, at least you got to spend some with that.


Marisa- Fox doesn't own TBS (thank goodness), but this whole contract stuff better be worked out soon- I am really not a happy camper that I'm going to miss the PHilly game tonight (which is on Fox) and also going to miss my NY Giants tomorrow!!!!


Vicki- Hopefully the new dose of the topamax will help you out! And I've done stuff like leave a flash drive at work too! Funny you mentioned it, cause I was just saying to DD last weekend, that I love flash drives- cause they are so portable, but 1/2 the time I forget it!! Hope you get to see the game today after all your running around.


Colleen- What's on your agenda for today?


Stacy- How did Isabella like going to the astronomy class to view the stars?


Well, off to the grocery store so I can get back in time for the Yankees!

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Hi all!!


Just stopping by with lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug. We've had a nice, relaxing day, and now it's time for showers and bedtime. Maybe I'll be back later, but if not- hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Stopping through to say good night and comment on my flyers and phillies losing tonight :( Tomorrows a new day :xfin


Slept during the baseball game and not very tired now so I think I'll go up and read until I'm ready to fall asleep :think


Good night ladies :c9

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Good morning to all and Happy Sunday-

May it be a relaxing day for all!!!


I am going to DD's house for the the 1PM Giants game- She offered to stay home today so I can watch the game. (Fox is still blacked out due to contract dispute with Cablevision) I told her she didn't have to, but she said she wanted to- she knows how much I love watching!:manyheart


Hope everyone gets to do what they want to do today!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :coffee


:yay Joanne for dd staying home so you can come watch the game :clap Very sweet of her :yes


I've got a couple things to do this morning and then I'm home the rest of the day :clap


I hope everyone has a wonderful sunday and that you all get some 'me' time in there ;)

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Good morning,


I woke up at 3, and tried to crochet myself back to sleep, but couldn't sleep again until 5:30, so I'm totally off schedule this morning.


I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hugTop of the morning to ya all!

Beth-so sorry that you woke at such an early time. Maybe you can catch a cat nap later on today.:hug

Joanne-how sweet of your daughter to stay home with you to watch the game. Sorry to hear that their is such a mix up with the stations. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.:hug

Marisa-a relaxing day sounds like the perfect idea!:hug Are you watching football or baseball this afternoon? sorry that I am out of the loop, can't seem to get it all figured out. :think:hug


Vicki-hope the meds do their thing and you find relief. Sorry you had such a crazy week.:hug

Stacy-sounds like a wonderful day with your family, I just love those moments.:hug

Colleen-whatcha up to?:hug

The wedding was sweet, very organized and oh soo lovely! We had a chance to go to the mall afterward-they have a Joanne's! wooohhooooo! Happy happy! Of course I bought yarn...let me get it, it is Rainbow Boucle in shades of navy and light blue...can I just say that it is beeeauuuutiful! I also bought a new bamboo hook. One for me and one for mother in-law. I can't wait to try it out. They just opened in July. I can see myself planning more trips just to buy yarn. I also found some yarn that I had been needing. It is called Giggle Print, I started a baby ghan awhile ago but ran out of the yarn, they discontinued it at HL, what a find!

We had dinner at Olive Garden:c9:c9 that is ds fav. All in all a fantastic time! Have to catch up on chores today,...not sure I want to. I want to play with my yarn!

BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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Hey girls!!


Joanne, how sweet of your dd to stay home so you can watch the game! :manyheart I've heard of the problems Fox is having- we haven't had a problem yet, though. I sure hope we don't- dh will be very upset if he can't watch his football. :yes


Leeann, sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday! I love Olive Garden, but dh won't go anymore because he got sick the last 3 times we've gone. :( Your yarn sounds fun! And :clap for bamboo hooks- I love bamboo hooks!! I received an entire set in a swap last year, and it's almost all I use.


Beth, so sorry you couldn't sleep. Sending lots of :hug:hug:hug your way- I hope you at least had lots of coffee this morning! :D


Shannon, Colleen, Marisa, Vicki, LeaAnne, Sarah, Scooby, and Mary- hope you all are well! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


My girls are with the IL's today, but we are watching Roomie's kids. Dh told her we would a few months ago. He also has a study group over. I have some geography stuff I need to work on, but man- my hooks are calling me!! And they are loud. :lol It is rainy and dark here :manyheart which of course, is the perfect :crocheting weather. I have about 15 rows left on my Ashlar, plus the edging. But I want to make something quick, like a scarf or coffee cozy or something. :think I'll have to dig through my yarn. Hmm...if I work on my geography for a half-hour, then I can :hook for half-hour, right? :yes Sounds good.

Oh, I almost forgot- Isabella loved the astronomy night! We saw the surface of the moon with a professional-grade telescope, saw all of the craters, etc, Jupiter and 3 of its moons, I also saw the red "strip" around the middle, which is actually continuous storms. So cool! The two younger ones got antsy, and when I took them to the bathroom, Isabella also got to see Uranus, which she described as a "little blue fuzzy." :heehee Afterward, we took them to Starbucks for cocoa. Fun!

Have a great Sunday, besties!! :ghug

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Good morning,


I woke up at 3, and tried to crochet myself back to sleep, but couldn't sleep again until 5:30, so I'm totally off schedule this morning.


I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


:hug Sorry you had trouble sleeping, hopefully tonight is better :xfin


:hugTop of the morning to ya all!



Marisa-a relaxing day sounds like the perfect idea!:hug Are you watching football or baseball this afternoon? sorry that I am out of the loop, can't seem to get it all figured out. :think:hug

The wedding was sweet, very organized and oh soo lovely! We had a chance to go to the mall afterward-they have a Joanne's! wooohhooooo! Happy happy! Of course I bought yarn...let me get it, it is Rainbow Boucle in shades of navy and light blue...can I just say that it is beeeauuuutiful! I also bought a new bamboo hook. One for me and one for mother in-law. I can't wait to try it out. They just opened in July. I can see myself planning more trips just to buy yarn. I also found some yarn that I had been needing. It is called Giggle Print, I started a baby ghan awhile ago but ran out of the yarn, they discontinued it at HL, what a find!


We had dinner at Olive Garden:c9:c9 that is ds fav. All in all a fantastic time! Have to catch up on chores today,...not sure I want to. I want to play with my yarn!


BBL! Hugs n squishes!


Football this afternoon and baseball later :D So they are both covered :lol Glad to hear the wedding went so smoothly and yarn at Joann's and olive garden.....sounds like a great day to me :manyheart


Hey girls!!


Shannon, Colleen, Marisa, Vicki, LeaAnne, Sarah, Scooby, and Mary- hope you all are well! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


My girls are with the IL's today, but we are watching Roomie's kids. Dh told her we would a few months ago. He also has a study group over. I have some geography stuff I need to work on, but man- my hooks are calling me!! And they are loud. :lol It is rainy and dark here :manyheart which of course, is the perfect :crocheting weather. I have about 15 rows left on my Ashlar, plus the edging. But I want to make something quick, like a scarf or coffee cozy or something. :think I'll have to dig through my yarn. Hmm...if I work on my geography for a half-hour, then I can :hook for half-hour, right? :yes Sounds good.

Oh, I almost forgot- Isabella loved the astronomy night! We saw the surface of the moon with a professional-grade telescope, saw all of the craters, etc, Jupiter and 3 of its moons, I also saw the red "strip" around the middle, which is actually continuous storms. So cool! The two younger ones got antsy, and when I took them to the bathroom, Isabella also got to see Uranus, which she described as a "little blue fuzzy." :heehee Afterward, we took them to Starbucks for cocoa. Fun!

Have a great Sunday, besties!! :ghug


Yes I agree, if you do a half hour school work you can crochet for half hour :devil I hope you get alot done in a short time!!! Have a great day!

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LeeAnn- How do you like using the Bamboo handle hooks? I have one in G, H, I, J, K- and it's all I use anymore- I love them!! And WTG on getting more yarn!!!!!!


Stacy-I like your thinking- work on geography for 1/2 hr and then work on your crochet- then go back to geography and then go back to crochet. I was thinking of making a coffee cozy too- saw a felted one in the Bux for 3.95 and thought to myself- perfect thing to make to try felting!!! Maybe tomorrow night- Gotta get the last Bernat CAL square done tonight- plus I'm working on a wool scarf for DD's BF for one of his Christmas gifts- He actually had the hat I made him last year and said he loves it-- so knowing that he appreciates handiwork (of course he does- he's an artist!) I am more than happy to make him a scarf!!!


Marisa- Well one half of your day ended up with a winner!!! Let's see how the Phillies do- oh, yea, that's right, I can't see it because of stupid Fox!!!


Hope everyone had a good day today. I did- The Giants won!!!

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HI all!

Just checking in to see how everyone's Sunday was.

Joanne-glad that you had a great day! I do likey the new hook! I am going to go back soon..:devil my dh said, "oh no! Looks like we are making another trip to Pueblo soon!" yep, he's soo right! Smart man! :yes It is always nice when others appreciate homemade goodies. I myself, would rather have something that is made from the heart than store bought.

Marisa-I just thought of it, you didn't go to your parents this weekend. I bet they are missing you lots! did you get a chance to get lots of :hook time in?

Stacy-alternating between homework is a great idea! I am so glad that you are finding time to both, all work and no play is the pits.

the in-laws popped in, they brought us a load of wood, that was soo sweet of them! They are always thinking of thoughtful things to do. What great people! They are picking the kiddos up on Friday, we will have a weekend to ourselves...I am already thinking of what we can do...Pueblo??? hmmm...it's only 2 hours away.

back to :crocheting working on grannies, I love them!

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LeeAnn- Oh a weekend to yourselves! How fun- and yes a trip to Pueblo sounds like a fine idea!!! And your in-laws sound so nice!


LeaAnne- how was your shopping excursion with your friends? Have a good week at work ---er I mean Yarn paradise


Just read that the Rutgers player who was injured in yesterday's football game is paralyzed from the waist down- he had surgery to stabilize his spine. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. The one positive is that because the game was held at Giants Stadium he is in a top -notch hospital.


Off for the night to get that last Bernat CAL square done--that I've been procrastinating doing!

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Just quick pop on. Been cleaning, trying to figure out a mouse trap as the mouse came back last night and ran across my foot and I spent an hour trying to catch it. Also working on Keith's Halloween costume. He's going to be Daddy's helper. I'm taking patches from Doug's old work shirts and sewing them on one of Keith's play shirts that's the same style and color as his dad's work shirts and Doug is going to get him a patch with Keith on it. Then I'll take him to the trick or treat/haunted house at the courthouse.

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Sarah - Eeeeeekkkkk! I don't mind mice, too much (but I have 4 indoor cats -- we don't see mice too much!) but one running across my foot would have freaked me out! Good luck catching it.


LeaAnn, so nice of your in-laws to bring you wood and give you a weekend alone with your hunny! I vote for Pueblo!


Joanne, I'm so sorry to hear about the injured football player. Spinal injuries are so serious.


Marisa, I got plenty of sleep, once I went back to bed. I just had to work through that period of restlessness. I almost hope I wake up early tomorrow, so I can get more done.


Stacy, did you get any studying or crocheting done?


LeaAnne, are you home yet? I have something to show you....


Mary, Colleen, Vicki, Shannon, I hope you had a wonderful, restful, love-filled weekend! :hug:hug:hug


May I hae a drum-roll, please.... Presenting, my sunflower afghan!!!



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Good morning, and pass the coffee...


My hubby had to stay up last night to watch the Redskins until they didn't have a chance to come back. It was a close game the whole way, though. Too bad I'm not as into football as he is.


Joanne, back to Paradise! I hope your week goes well. Keep us posted on the injured football player, OK?


LeaAnn, thanks for the compliment on the afghan. I HAD to show you guys! :manyheart


LeaAnne, how was the sisters weekend? Did you get any good shopping done?


Marisa, How did your weekend go? Did you get to relax?


Sarah, Any luck with the critter depopulation of your house? I could let you borrow a cat or two or three.... When I do set traps (I am the in-house exterminator for the ballet studio) I use peanut butter as bait. It stays on, and the smell really attracts them.


Stacy, it seems a shame that your children are gone, but you end up watching the roomie's kids. Are they less terrors when your children aren't there?


Vicki, is your headache any better? Did you have a good weekend?


Colleen, how is your dd doing in school?


Mary and Shannon, thinking of you! :hug


Today is the typical Monday -- Oldest ds works and has college, dd and I volunteer then grocery shop, all 3 kids have homeschool (I need to write out their weekly lesson plan), I tutor, I work, dd dances, and younger ds has swim practice. Mondays make me tired.


Now that I've finished the sunflower afghan:yay I am going to be concentrating on the vest for my mom's Christmas present. When I couldn't sleep last night, I calculated measurements, trying to decide how many rows I need in each area. She's almost a foot shorter than I am. It's hard to determine if something will fit from 3 states away.

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