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Some good clean fun?!

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:waving, all, and Good Morning!


Sarah, Vicki, and Beth - good luck at the Dr.'s today! :hug:hug:hug


Joanne and Marisa - I must say I am so far kind of disappointed in the Bernat CAL. I hope you both get to finish your week 4 squares quickly! I sure didn't see color changes coming!:lol


Marisa - :lol about your boot story! What a mental image! I hope you pick up some snow boots for this year.


Stacy - WTG on your quiz!:cheer:cheer I am so very proud of you! Glad that the buggie situation cleared up quickly. I pray for your gram every day! :hug:hug:hug I can't wait to see your Ashlar... mine keeps calling my name, but usually the "Mooooommmmm!"s are louder!:lol


Colleen - I am praying for you, that you find the perfect job for you soon! I am sorry that it is weighing so heavily on your mind:(.... I surely know that feeling, and wouldn't wish it on anyone! :xfin that you find some good boots today! I need to start thinking about that, too.


Mary - I sure do miss you!!! Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers each day. I am also hoping that you are getting to do lots of stitching:hug:hug:hug


LeeAnn - Isn't it the best? having awesome friends to say "good night" and "good morning" to? I hope you have a truly wonderful day today, and that you get to sit with your :crocheting, and enjoy that new TV!!!!! :hug


Shannon!!!!!!! Everybody's missing you!!!!!!


Well, I guess I should scoot.... my dryer has stopped, and I need to keep moving. all of this washing needs to be done between today and tomorrow, because I am going away from early Saturday to late Sunday nite. I know that there will be plenty of new laundry waiting for me when I return:blush


Have a great day, friends, and I will try to come back by in a little...


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I'm back. I have an upper respiratory infection (which is what we pretty much figured) and am on antibiotics. Took awhile to get the prescription cause the intial one the doctor prescribed was out of our budget ($60!) so he had to call something else in that fell under the $4 prescription at wal-mart. Doug has Keith and is out at his mom's so I'm going to eat lunch and then sit in my chair and read and possibly take a nap...

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Sarah - Hope you feel better soon.


I had a good laugh at the winter boot chat. :lol I'm getting smart (I hope). I ordered 3 different styles of boots on-line to pick up in the store. I had a coupon and two of the three were on sale. DD can try them on in comfort at home, wear them around inside a bit, and decide which ones fit best. :tup Let's hope that works!


I am going nuts. I can't sit and relax. I keep looking for job postings and running different scenarios around in my head. I know that it takes time, but I want to start earning now. :sigh It take time, right? It just takes time.


Well I'd better go fold my second load of laundry and make up the turkey fried rice I'm making. We'll have it with pork chops and carrots for supper.

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Hi all,


My dermatologist gave me an "all clear." I don't have to get anything snipped, chopped, or burned off, and I get to do it again in 6 months. I expected worse!


Colleen, :hug So sorry the right job hasn't found you yet. I hope it does, soon. It's a shame it's weighing so heavily on your mind when you should be enjoying a little more free time.


Sarah, I hope the medicatino clears up the infection soon, so you feel like yourself again.


LeaAnne, enjoy your weekend away. I'm sure the laundry will have had time to spawn again while you have your back turned.


Mary, I hope you are staying warm and dry.


Joanne, Did you have a good day in paradise? I'm sorry your internal alarm went off so early.


LeaAnn, I read through the posts and think of the Waltons on tv. Good night John Boy.


Marisa, did you find any boots?


Stacy, any projects due soon?


Vicki, any news from the doctor?


Shannon, any news from Louisiana?

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HI all,

Good news Beth!!! So happy about the derm appt.:clap


Sarah- Hope you got to rest a bit and with the antibiotics you should start feeling better real soon!


Colleen- Sorry that the job search is weighing heavily on your mind!! I hope that something turns up that is perfect for YOU! Any thoughts about going back to where you used to work? I think that was a great idea about the boot!!


LeaAnne- Going away again? Wow- new job, new car- traveling about!!! What a life:lol:lol:lol (Just kidding around- you work hard and deserve it!!!)


Marisa- Hope your day went well.


Stacy- Come and get the NJ rain....please!!!


LeeAnn, Vicki, Mary, Stacy, Shannon-----:hug to you


Off to work on the square!


Have a good night!

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Hi friends!

Just stopping to check in!


Beth, I'm so happy to hear your appointment went well! :cheer:clap:yay


Sarah, hope the meds kick in and you start to feel better! :hug


Colleen, good luck with the boots. Sounds like you have a good plan- maybe dd will find something she likes if she can try it on in the comfort of her own home. Good luck with the job search! :xfin that you find something soon. :hug


LeaAnne, where ya goin'? Is it time for your sister's pig roast again? Thanks for the prayers for my grandma. :hug I have to get hold of my aunt tonight because my mom has been too "busy" to go visit and see how she is doing. :sigh


Everyone else- please accept lots of love and hugs. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I had a fairly easy yoga class today, and the teacher complimented me on one of my poses. :manyheart Health class was fairly easy, too, except that the instructor forgot (again!) that I need to re-take the quiz. Tonight dh's astronomy prof is having a viewing party, with several professional telescopes set up toward different starts. So we're going to that- Isabella is super-excited.


That's all the news from here. I'd better get moving and make dinner. Lots of love and hugs to all! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:cheerHI All!


Another good day in paradise! :P have a parent teacher conference tonight at 6:15, will have to be brief and then post later this evening.


Beth-Soo glad that your dr. appt went well! Happy happy for you dear friend!


Joanne-bummer that you could not sleep late...my internal clock tries to wake me up but my ol body doesn't cooperate. :rofl end weaving for squares can be tedious. I started working on my grannies last night, I needed a break from scarves. ;)


Stacy-your evening sounds just fun! Can I come too? we have a planetarium at our local college, it is awesome! Have a great time! :h5 on the poses for your class! Awesome!


LeaAnne-what an amazing time you will have this weekend! I love traveling. (but only during the summer, fall and spring, winters here are horrible for traveling) We are going out of town to a wedding on Saturday. :clap but will be back late that evening.


Marisa-your gift to your mom is just too sweet! What a blessing! How was your day at work?


Colleen-something will come up soon. Have you been staying home for a long period of time?


Sarah-rest, rest rest! Hope you feel better soon!


I hope that I did not forget anyone, will be back later this evening..gotta run!


hugs n squishes!

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Good evening everyone :hi


I'm so glad there's only one more day of work for the week :yes


LeaAnne - Have a great weekend?


Sarah - Rest up and kick that infection ....... you know where ;)


Colleen - :hug keep searching, when it's right for you it will turn up :hug


Beth - :yay great news from the doc. I haven't gone boot shopping just yet :lol Probably won't for a couple weeks yet, but we'll see. When the spirit moves me, I'll run over to dsw :think


Joanne - Good luck with your square :xfin I'm working on my 2nd tonight as well....well, I started it this morning before work and am going to finish while watching tv.


LeeAnn - I hope you conference goes well :hug

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Will try to respond to everyone later tonight. Just wanted to share what I just finished. It's the angel wings shawl by CroJulee and here's a link to it cause for some reason I can't upload it on here...



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Sarah- the shawl is beautiful!! Great job on it!!!!


Stacy- have fun looking at the stars- I'm sure Isabella is going to have a ball!!!


Marisa- I finished the 2nd square- and changed it up a bit- and like it much better- it's all balanced and symmetrical. I posted what I did on the Bernat CAL. I 'll have to take a pic tomorrow since of course I went to take a picture and the battery needed charging--which it is doing now.


Oh, I forgot to comment that it is really awesome that you and your sis are going to give your Mom an airline ticket so she can fly out to welcome her new granddaughter in February!!!


Night all!

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:yay Beth for a good appt at the Derma! I'm so happy for you.


Joanne - Happy square making!


Stacy - WTG on your pose! Enjoy the astronomy night.


LeeAnn - I hope the parent-teacher conference went well. You must be down to the end by now. Happy granny squaring!


Marisa - One day left. I hope it goes quickly and you have an enjoyable weekend planned. Your season tickets sound fun! I LOVE the Christmas gift idea for your mom!


Sarah - I have to check out your link. That shawl is so pretty, can't wait to see yours.


Thanks all for the words of encouragement about my job search. I know it will take some time, it's just hard to relax. When something is on my agenda I just want to get it done, but there is only so much I can do. LeeAnn, I was laid off due to the economy in Sept. 2008. Following that I found work at a Physical Therapy clinic and worked part-time until last December when my DH changed jobs/schedules so we decided to have me stay home. So I haven't been home much more than 10 months. I still fill in at the clinic for sick days/vacations. We're managing fine on one income, but it's not easy. DD is getting more independent each day. Next year she'll be in school full-time, so it's good timing I think.


LeaAnne - Did you get any crocheting done today?


Shannon - :( Miss you bunches.


Mary - You are in my thoughts!


Vicki - I hope your appt went alright.


:hug (and squishes ;)) friends!

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Will try to respond to everyone later tonight. Just wanted to share what I just finished. It's the angel wings shawl by CroJulee and here's a link to it cause for some reason I can't upload it on here...





Very pretty! Good job!

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Beautiful shawl Sarah :clap


WTG Joanne liking your 2nd square better :yay I think I like mine a bit better too since my edges are slightly straighter. But I think I'll use my 1st way for the other 2 just because I found it fairly easy to work over the ends when attaching new color instead of pulling through for some reason. At any rate that cuts at least half my time down on weaving in the ends :think

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Good morning and TGIF!!!!:clap


I posted a pic of the 2nd square in the Bernat CAL. Still not 100% happy with the way this one turned out. I think you are right Marisa- it was easier to hide some of the tails when you fasten off each row. I'm going to try that on the 3rd square, and still start the row with the actual stitch instead of sl st first. On the first square, I fastened off, then did a sl st to start the next row as per the pattern. On the 2nd square I changed colors like I normally do and then just started the next row with the actual stitch (that made it a little more even on the edges). . Maybe by the 4th sq I'll have this all figured out.


Vicki- How'd it go yesterday? Aren't you glad it's Friday? And it should be interesting with you living in TX and rooting for the Yankees!!! Go Yankees:cheer


Well, off to get ready for paradise. Have a wonderful day everyone. Running a tad late here!!!!:hug:hug:hug

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good morning, and Happy TGIF!!!:)


Sarah - I love your shawl! the colors are very appropriate for the season, and you did a wonderful job on it:clap I hope you are starting to feel a little better as the day goes on:hug


Beth - :woo for a clean bill at the Derm!!!!! What's on your hook these days?


Stacy - so nice to see you posting again! and :h5:h5 on your schoolwork! I knew it would go well for you:wink:hug


Joanne - WTG on getting your 2nd square done! I hope paradise treats you well today:hug


Marisa - TGIF! Are you going "home" this weekend?


Colleen - Good thinkin' about the boots!:yes did you hear back from your friend about the job opp? the job market around here is not great either, the only openings seem to be in retail. I didn't get to :crocheting yesterday, the laundry project ended up being a lot more than I had bargained for!:devil


Mary and Shannon - missing you!


Vicki - how did your neuro appointment go? I am thinking of you:hug


so... my weekend.... each year, my friend and her sisters go to the outlets in New Hampshire and stay over for 1 night. It's a lot of fun, poking around, going to eat, :blah:blah A few years ago, I was invited, and had a great time! I missed the last 2 trips, but her sisters and my DH all insisted that I go this year:devil.... :yes DH!!!! he's pretty cool, I have to say! I am excited to get away for some girl time! Maybe I will find a couple of gifts while I am up there, too. If not, no big... I just am looking forward to it!

On a side note, I got a call yesterday from the assistant mgr at ACM, and am going in to get my training going... TODAY!:cheer from 9-2! Good thing I got everything done yesterday:lol


I guess I should get going... lunches to make, chickens to raise.... well, you know the rest!


Have a wonderful day, friends, and I will try to be back later!



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Good morning :tired


I'm with Joanne - TGIF!!! I really don't know why friday morning is the hardest for me, should be monday :think Oh well, trying to wake up and hit my snooze an extra time this morning :blush Now enjoying my coffee so should be bright eyed and bushy tailed by the time I'm done with my shower :lol


Have a great day everyone and I'll 'see' y'all later.

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Marisa, hope you got your bounce back in your step after hitting snooze another time. Some days I really hate my alarm. I had a very realistic dream that the alarm already went off, and I fell back asleep, so I woke up in a bit of a panic at 3:30 this morning.... Grrrrrrrr. it was nice to crawl back into my warm bed for another hour once I realized the time.


LeaAnne, congrats on your training today! It is a good thing you got all your work done at home. You asked what's on my hooks these days.... The list is big. Mom's Christmas vest, my vest, my sister's strawberry tote bag (also a Christmas present) the sunflower ghan, and a practice swatch to try to teach myself to crochet left-handed, so I can teach a girl to crochet left-handed....


Joanne, TGIF to you! I hope your day in paradise is.... paradise.


Sarah, I love your shawl! I have made that pattern before (I love it!) but I've never edged it the way you did, in a different color. It's awesome! I hope you are feeling better!


Colleen, I hope the perfect job lands at your feet! It sounds like you are staying busy with the volunteering, tutoring, and the mom and wife jobs. How was your Thanksgiving?


LeaAnn, Do you have anything planned for the weekend?


Mary, do you still have lovely colors on the trees up there?


Shannon, what have you been up to with Janna-ness?


Stacy, way to go on the yoga! Not only are you doing an amazing amount of things at one time, you are doing them well!!! I am very proud of you!!!


Vicki, I hope your headache is better today. Are you having problems with vertigo now? When do you expect to hear any results from the neurologist?


I guess I'll do some housework :sigh then go play with my crochet :crocheting:manyheart

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Funny story from a little bit ago


A mouse went running down the hallway at the same time as Keith went down the hallway and I at first thought it was a toy Keith had thrown so told him to go get it. He was terrified to go down the hall and kept going near the hallway but wouldn’t so I went to go see what it was and that’s when the mouse ran under the dryer.


But Keith is being so funny cause he’s so scared to go near the dryer now… This is going to be an interesting day cause the dryer is across from his room and the bathroom. I shouldn’t laugh at him but it’s funny watching him get halfway down the hallway and turn around and run back…

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Beth - Hope you get the housework done and enjoy your crochet time. I edged with a different color/type yarn on the shawl cause I ran out of the original yarn and it's was discontinued (bought it on clearance). Glad your dermatologist appointment went well.


Colleen - sorry you haven't been able to find a job, I know how you feel. I've been searching for awhile myself.


Vicki - hope your appt went well and you hear back soon from the neurologist and can get things resolved.


LeeAnn - Glad you had a good day yesterday.


Stacy - yay for being complimented on yoga pose. I miss doing Yoga but until we get the DVD player working with the TV can't do it. Did Isabella enjoy the astronomy class last night?


LeaAnne - hope you enjoy your shopping. And your new job. =0)


Joanne - glad you got that square straightened up =0)


Marisa - LOL at the alarm. Doug goes through 2 or 3 snoozes before he gets up...


Shannon - hope all is well with you.


Well need to finish dishes. And try and finish cleaning the living room. Thinking of taking Keith to the pet store and showing him that mice aren't scary... Though it was really funny watching him get halfway down the hallway and then chickening out and coming back in the living room until I went and shook the washer and dryer to show him the mouse was gone (think it went out through the vent hole) so now he'll go back in his bedroom...

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I wrote up a poem to go with the shawl when I send it off to it's recipient...


Angel Wings


The wings of an angel

So fluffy and warm

Bringing you hugs

To warm your soul


When you're down

Just wrap this around

And feel the warmth

Of hugs sent from afar.

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Quick stop in before the game!

Sarah- love the poem and the story about Keith and the mouse! Did you get a chance to take him to the pet store to show him?


LeaAnne- Hope your training went well- and enjoy the outlets! I went to the outlets about 5 years ago with my cousin in NH! Gotta love the no sales tax!!!! have a great time!!!!!


Beth- Did you get to do some "hooking" today?


Colleen, Stacy, Marisa, LeeAnn, Mary, Shannon, Vicki- thinking of you and wishing you all a great weekend!


Time for some baseball in a few minutes!!!:cheerGo Yankees :cheer:cheer:clap:cheer

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