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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi everyone! Although I don't know where everyone is lately!:lol


LeaAnne- Have an awesome first day at the new job tomorrow!!!:hug The hours sound perfect!!!! And new wheels next Monday! How lucky can you get? Did you play the lottery?;)


Marisa- Have fun at the game!!! And hopefully you can sleep tonight!! The angels bowling were a little annoying last night!:yes And I hear we are getting a Nor'easter Thursday- I hope they are wrong!!


LeeAnn- Hugs and squishes to you!


I had a very long day at work- see what happens when you take a day off from paradise? I'm a little tired, but want to see who the Yankees will be playing. I'm rooting for the Rangers to win. So off I go to watch the game!!!


have a good night EVERYONE!!!:hug

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Hey friends!!


Gosh, I miss you guys so much when I'm not around!! :ghug


Colleen, glad to hear you and dh had a wonderful time together, and a nice relaxing holiday! :hug


LeaAnne, :cheer for training and being on the schedule next week! I am so happy for you! And getting wheels, too- look at you, all fancy 'n stuff! :lol:hug


Leeann, the clubhouse is sooooo cool! Do you think they'd share with all of us for a weekend? :rofl Sorry to hear the mama cat ran away. :( Maybe she'll come back, though- we had a cat that used to run away for like a week at a time. She always showed up when she was hungry, though. :yes


Can I just stop right here and say dh is looking at me like I'm nuts? Apparently I was nodding when I typed that part about the cat. He was like, what in the world are you nodding at? :rofl


Joanne, glad you had such an awesome weekend with your girls! It is so caring and thoughtful of you to show your support for DD's b/f's artwork, as well. :manyheart Good luck with Weight Watchers- I know several people who have used it and had excellent results.


Beth, so happy to hear you had an awesome time with your sisters!! :yay Sorry to hear your kiddos are sick- I hope they mend quickly!


Marisa, have fun at the game! Hope you can get some peaceful sleep. :hug How is your back feeling?


Vicki, glad to hear you are being referred to a neuro. Hopefully he/she can find what is causing your vertigo! :hug


Shannon, Mary, Scooby, Sarah- hope you are all well! Lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you!


So...We got rid of the lice. :whew She went back to school on Friday and they didn't even know that's why she was gone. Apparently no one listened to the messages that day. :think Oh, well. She is all clear, and thankfully it didn't spread to the other girls. So far no word on my grandma. My mom will still be visiting in Nov., as far as I know. She asked me to make some hats for her, because she has trichotillosis, and doesn't want the girls to see how much hair she's lost.

Oh, guess what? That test I took- I got 96%! :cheer:clap:yay Oh, yea! I thought I did well, maybe a B or so...but I was so excited to see what I got! Only 5 people in the class got A's. :manyheart

I've gotten pretty far on my Ashlar sweater, just the rest of the body to do and the edging. Should only take me a few days once I actually have time to work on it, but mid-terms are next week already, so it will have to wait until after that.

Well, I think that's all from here. Be back when I can! Love and hugs to all!!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:yawn.... stopping by to wish you all sweet dreams, and for those of us who will be surely posting before me (Joanne:wink) Happy Hump Day! :woo


that's it... all I got left for today...


off to bed I better "Git to Gittin'"


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Good evening ladies :hi


We won :yay final score 103-92 :think I'm actually a bit surprised and I think this new coach will bring the team up a bit :yes Got several new players too and will miss some of the old that were traded and meanwhile wish some that stayed, went :lol


I'm heading up to bed as soon as I check into all the threads I need to on here and I'm beat so am hoping I'll sleep well tonight :xfin


Oh and Stacy - my back is feeling much much better, thanks :D I still do get a little twinge when I cough or sneeze but not too much

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Happy Hump Day and Happy First Day of Work to LeaAnne!!!!:cheer:clap:cheer


Marisa- Sounds like you have a fun-filled season ahead of you!!! Should be interesting with Doug Collins at the helm- I've always liked him!!! I was a fan of the NJ Nets until they really started blowing up the team trading all good players away- I think their impending move to Brooklyn in a couple of years really turned me off though- this was supposed to be a NJ team, then "The Rat" who knew nothing about basketball, but was all into real-estate development got the bright idea to move the team to Brooklyn. Now he's not even the owner anymore and sold the team to a Russian billionaire. Who knows where the franchise is heading? But at least they'll play in Newark where the Devils play, so may try and catch a game this season. DH has been rooting for the Lakers the last two seasons. I have a soft spot for the Celtics- but I could root for the Sixers too- (the only Philly team I would):lol


Stacy- :clap:clap:clap on your 96!!! You go girl!!!! That is awesome. So glad the lice issue is behind you!!!! And WTG on almost finishing your Ashlar sweater. So happy to see your purple post! And I knowhow busy you are between the three girls, the house, school and everything else!!!! That's nice of you to make the hats for your mom


Vicki- How'd you do at bowling last night?


Mary- Thinking of you:hug:hug


Sarah- Sorry to hear you are still not feeling well! Take some of these:hug:hug


Colleen- Thanks for popping by even if you haven't felt too chatty! Do you have your volunteering today?


Beth- How are your inventions feeling- are they better now that Mama has been home a few days?


Well, just looked at the clock and it is coming upon the time I must get ready for Paradise.



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Forgot to say hi to LeeAnn- hope all is well in your beautiful part of the country. Missed your hugs and squishes yesterday----Has Mama cat found her way home yet?


Shannon- Stop in sometime if you can and say hi- miss you around here!

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Good morning friends :tea


Sarah - I hope you start to feel a bit better soon :hug :hug :hug


Beth - It's funny, my alarm clock also says it's morning :think This might be a conspiracy!!


Joanne - I think Collins might be good for us, but it's still a little too soon to tell. But, I was very happy he didn't play Iguodala much at the end :clap He goes downhill after halftime EVERY game, yet in the past he's the one that always gets the ball :( And can't seem to make his foul shots in the 2nd half either :think Weird, but he's not a great leader or 'closer'...his place is the #2 man IMO, he was great behind AI, but up front, not soo much.


Have a wonderful day everyone..........and LeaAnne at orientation :clap:yay

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Hi gang! Just a real quick post before the day begins!! Bowling scores were good! A 145, a 135, and a 173!! I took 3 out of 4 points!! YAY ME!!!

Neurologist on Thursday at 1!! Don't ask me how I got an appointment so quick. Hubby will be home so he is going to go with me.

Kids are getting ready to get off the busses and I have one in a wheelchair to get upstairs. I will talk to you all later!


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I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so hopefully can get some relief from this cough soon. Hope everyone is well. Back to trying to clean. Good news, fiance has managed to get a dishwasher from someone who works for the county who's remodeling his kitchen... that'll make life a little easier...

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Good luck at the neuro tomorrow Vicki!!!! WTG on the good bowling scores!!


And :yay for a new dishwasher Sarah- that surely will make your life easier. :yesGood luck at the doctor to you too


Marisa- I really liked Iverson- and I'm on the same page as you about Iguoudola (sp?). Hope you had a good day today!!!!


LeaAnne- How was your orientation?


Time to figure out dinner- hope everyone is having a good day.


Going to work on my Bernat Clue#4 tonight!

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Good day friends!

I missed you! I was gone for a whole day but it felt like forever. :lol

Marisa-glad that your teams are doing well and that your back doesn't hurt as much.

Joanne-those long days leave me tired too..the weekend is almost here!. :clap

LeaAnne-how was your first day? I am soo happy for you! Getting a new car is exciting!

Sarah-a dishwasher? Cool! you will just grow to love it. Anything on the hook these days?

Vicki-so glad that dh will be able to go with you to your dr. appt. Hope he finds the culprit.

Stacy-you can move in to our clubhouse. :yes:yes Mama cat still hasn't returned...we are keeping our fingers crossed. WTG on your exam! You go!

Mary-yooohooo!!! Where are you?

Beth-how are your kiddos feeling?

Colleen-sometimes I am not chatty either. :hug

Not much going on here, dh is picking up our new t.v. today! :cheer:clap Our old one has died a painful death. Sorry I didn't hop on last night, we went for a walk:faintI know...I almost fainted too. :devil I need to get back to walking, it makes me feel good and gives me energy. guess I should get dinner started...bbl!

hugs n extra squishes!

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Let me try this again! I just typed up my post and when I went to post it up, got a message that my internet was disconnected although everything told me it was connected :think Oh well, cable guy's coming saturday.


Vicki - WTG with your bowling and getting the neuro appt soo quickly, someone may have cancelled right before you called :think


Sarah - I hope you get some help at your dr appt too, you've had that cough too long now :yes But on the upside :yay for the dishwasher ;)


Joanne - What did you decide on for dinner?


LeeAnn - Sorry your old tv died, but how exciting for a new one :)

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LeeAnn- Yay for the new TV!!! And RIP into the old one!!! I really need to start walking again but better yet, getting my badorkus to the gym! I packed up my workout clothes and put them in the car so there is no excuse for not stopping on the way home from work tomorrow!!


Marisa- I hope that the cable guy can straighten everything out!


Off to do some hooking! Crochet hooking that is!! (just want to make sure we are all clear here:lol:lol:lol:lol)

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:hi, all!


today was good. paperwork done, W-4's and the like. Got a time card, and a tour of the store (as IF I needed it:lol:lol)


I am super tired tonight, so am going to say goodnight. Please know I am holding you all in my thoughts and prayers... and I promise to chat longer tomorrow... all that's on my agenda is... you guessed it! Laundry & :crocheting! :rofl



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Going to say good night and good morning all in one post!!! Getting a jump on the day! And I want to sleep in for a few more minutes tomorrow morning with any kind of luck


I'm beat! And I don't like the Bernat CAL Clue # 4 square!!! It took too much time- too many ends to weave....and now I have a headache.


Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!!!

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:hi everyone,


This job search is really occupying my mind, so forgive me if I've missed things. I had my first morning at my new volunteer job today. It's a 6th grade class and I'm helping with reading/spelling. Should be fun! I tutored today too. We are enjoying nice fall weather, so we went to the park after school.


Joanne - You may not like it, but I love your 4th square. Those colours are fantastic together! I hope you get a good sleep.


LeeAnn - I hope you get a good rest too. :yay for the new TV! Enjoy!


LeaAnne - Glad your first day was good and that you know your way around the store now ;):lol Enjoy your :crocheting tomorrow.


Marisa - Did you go to the basketball game? If not, it sounded like you were there :lol Silly internet. :angry


Sarah - I hope the Dr. gives you something to kick that cough.


Vicki - Good luck at the Neuro tomorrow :hug


Stacy - So nice to see your post. Good news that the lice is gone. Good luck finishing the sweater. Your mom will love it. And WTG on your quiz :clap:clap You are awesome!


Shannon - :hug Missing you girl.


Mary - thinking about you friend :hug


Beth - How are you doing? Have you recovered from your sister weekend? How are the inventions feeling?


I am off to sleep now. Hoping to find DD some new winter boots tomorrow :xfin The day we need them is sneaking up on us. Goodnight friends.

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I'm calling it a night and heading up to bed. Going to read a bit before falling asleep, and I stress the 'bit' part :lol I made my clue 4 square for the bernat cal and I'm with Joanne, it was kinda rough. Not hard, just difficult getting it to lay right :think


Colleen - I sure was at the game :D I'm soo excited that the season is beginning. Me and Mary have season passes, so go to every game :eek It's about 44 games including the 2 preseason :yes I also need to get some winter boots....something I've never really owned in my adult life and that's living in the Poconos (however, they know how to keep everything pretty clean) Well the winter here in philly last year was horrible because they waited until the snow finished falling before trying to clean it up...what a mess. I ended up outside in heel boots to shovel out my car bc it was the only ones up to my knees I own :rofl Too funny. At least they were nine west with a rubber sole :whew Totally need to remedy that situation for this year. Thought y'all could use a laugh to picture that

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:yesGood night all!


How cute that we all say good night to each other. I love it!


Marisa-I had a good laugh at your boot situation! :lol You are too funny! I bought winter boots last year, finally...after walking thru the snow in crocs, I drove to the store on my lunch break and broke down and bought a nice pair of boots. :devil


Joanne-sorry the square was being a bugger. Get rest and sleep in tomorrow.


Colleen-good luck buying shoes. Your new vol job sounds :c9


LeaAnne-have fun :crocheting tomorrow~!


talk to you all tomorrow!




hugs n squishes! Nighty night!

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Good morning! :coffee:morcoffee


I have my 6 month dermatologist check up this morning. Yuck. Good luck to everyone else who is going to doctors! Sarah, I hope your cough gets fixed. Vicki, I hope the neurologist can tell you why you are having vertigo.


Marisa, have fun boot shopping! I love boots!!! We get snow about once every 2 or 3 years here, so I don't need winter boots, but I'd love to have some!


LeaAnne, I'm so excited for you about your new job. It sounds like a lot of fun!


Joanne, I hope you got a little extra sleep this morning. It's hard to overcome the internal clock, though, when you are used to getting up at the same time.


LeaAnn, Congrats on walking, and on the new tv.


Mary, I'm thinking of you, and picturing God's country in the fall.


Colleen, I hope you have good luck with the job search today. The volunteering sounds great. Have you considered tutoring as a job? I'm working twice a week with a boy in algebra, and loving every minute of it.


Stacy, May you avoid all the weirdos out there! I am so proud of you for doing so well on your test.


Shannon, thinking of you!


It's Thursday, so i have a lot of cleaning to do after the doctor appointment. I hope you all have a great day!!!

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I know I said I was posting my good morning last night- but of course all plans for a little sleep in- didn't happen. My brain woke up and said "good morning- time to start the day" at 5AM!!!:lol


Colleen- Good luck on the job search! And with boot shopping!!!! I am not looking forward to the thoughts of snow on the ground (with the shoveling that results from said snow) For today, though, we are going to get rain through tomorrow :(


Enough already with the rain!!!- wish it would go to Cali- Stacy loves the rain!!!!:yes


Marisa- thanks for the :lol:lol this morning! The visual in my head of you in heel boots diggin out your car- Yes, time to invest in a pair of snow boots!

I got a pair of Totes about 4 years ago that I love- they are my Snow boots. I also have Uggs that I wear (but not when the snow is deep) I love my Uggs- keeps my feet nice and warm!!!


In the light of the day, the square doesn't look THAT bad I guess- I do like the colors- I am going to try a few changes tonight on the second one and see how that goes.


Well, time to get ready for Paradise!;)


Good luck at the Neuro today Vicki-hope he/she can shed some light on the vertigo!!!


:hug:hug to all!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I was up almost an hour ago, but just kinda laid in bed for a while but couln't fall back asleep. Just spoke with my sister and we decided we're going to buy my mom a plane ticket for christmas so she can go visit my bro and sil when she has the new baby :clap Now we have to figure out what to get my dad since he can't go with her at that time of year :( They still heat their house with coal, so they both can't leave the fire unattended or it will go out and the pipes will freeze :lol Sil is due at the beginning of february.


I hope all you ladies headed to the dr's today are able to resolved your issues :hug :hug :hug

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