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:bday:bday :birthdayJOANNE:bday:flower:cake


I hope your weekend with your girls is continuing. Your day yesterday sounds :c9. I thought about you while I was at the game, because I know you enjoy a good sporting event.


:clap:yay:clap The hockey game was so much fun! We have watched Hockey Night in Canada from our couch every Saturday night in hockey season since we've been married and to be there LIVE was sureal. It was amazing! And of course the Leafs won 5-1. DH is happy because there were a couple fights. :rolleyes We got a hot dog from a street vendor before the game and sat amongst all the big buildings (we don't go to the city much :lol) It was so much fun! DD slept over at Grandma and Grandpas and they are bringing her home with them for Thanksgiving dinner this afternoon, so I've also enjoyed a nice quiet morning with my hubby. I've got the turkey on, the potatos are boiling and I will put them in the slow cooker. Then I just need to do the carrots later and set the table and stuff. It is so beautiful here :sunny and warm for the season. I'm going to go for a walk soon, once DH gets back from the Beer Store so he can watch the turkey.


LeeAnn - I'm glad DD's playdate went well and I hope :xfin that scratchy comes home.


LeaAnne - How exciting to have your mom moved closer, to have a girls weekend coming up (I am jealous that weekend sound F-U-N!). I hope you enjoy your day with your family.


Stacy - Sorry to hear about the lice and your grandma. Your grandma is in my prayers. :hug WTG on your quiz! We are all so proud of you!!!


Marisa - WTG getting stuff done around the house yesterday. Will you get out for a ride on your bike today? I hope so.


Beth - How is that girls weekend going?


Mary - How are you doing friend. Thinking about you this Thanksgiving weekend. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


Shannon - Like LeaAnne said... DUDE! where are you! :lol


Vicki - I hope you are relaxing this weekend.


Sarah - How are you feeling? Any better yet?


Well everyone, have a most wonderful day. I give thanks for you, my friends, and all the joy you bring me. I am truly blessed.

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Car is washed!!! I was there for about 2 hours and am now debating if I need to work out on the elliptical today after all the squats I just did :lol:think Anyways, since it was the first time, EVERYTHING got done, except vacuuming which I usually try to alternate some things. Washed, dried, polished, wheels, windows....but she's sooo shiny :D


LeaAnne - No worries on the squares. They work up quickly :yes I did the 4th this morning while I had a load of laundry in the wash. Which reminds me that I put it in the dryer before I left so now I need to fold it.


LeeAnn - :yay for your mojo :lol I get days like that too, esp when not feeling well and yep, like you I feel guilty when I can't/don't want to do anything :blush Did dh finish the clubhouse yesterday?

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:tdance Happy Thanksgiving Colleen


Enjoy the day with your family and good food!!!! Glad to hear you had soo much fun at the game last night, I just knew you would :yes Hockey live is soooo much different than on tv. I am soo glad that you got to have that excperience finally, after watching it only on tv for soo long. Now you'll always want to go :lol

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Hi gang! It is a BEAUTIFUL Sunday here! A little warm, but the windows are open and that is fine! I need to do some grading and some research, but that can wait. I needed to come and say hi to my besties!

No blue belt yet. Belt testing isn't until Oct. 30. We have a couple of weeks yet! Right before Halloween! They are having a Halloween party that night at tkd, so once belt testing is over, we need to get the place ready for the party. I get to help decorate! I've been recruited!

I went to the doctor on Friday. He referred me to a neurologist (I knew he would) because in his words my migraines are not being managed effectively and the migraines are causing the vertigo. And no, there are no allergies causing the vertigo issues. My ears are clear, so the vertigo has nothing to do with allergies. But, since I do have ear issues, the ear issues could be interfering and having a hand in the vertigo. It all could be intertwined. I did have tests run a couple of years ago by the ENT when I had vertigo that was caused by allergies, but they were inconclusive on what was causing the vertigo. So now I need to call the neurologist, hope this one takes my insurance and see what she says. Yesterday and today have been very good days and I have felt great. We will see how I feel come the rest of the week.

No, I don't have off tomorrow! I have to go to a professional development day today and I am not happy about it! I actually have time to cover tomorrow from 2 different sources! But since I was moved (not by my choice, mind you!!) into the new classroom, I have to go for Day 2 of the reading training. So none of the time that I have I can u se for tomorrow. I was not a happy camper when I found this out and I let the reading coordinator know it. I told her the reading courses need to be offered over the summer when I can find a babysitter. This was not fun!

Otherwise, nothing else is going on. I am going to do some research before I start my dinner. The Giants just beat the Houston Texans and the Jets don't play until tomorrow night. And, of course, the Yankees have moved on in the playoffs!!!!

Happy Birthday Joanne! I hope you have had a great day!

Happy Thanksgiving Colleen and Mary! I hope you both have had a great day!

LeaAnne - How are the chickens doing? I hope you are having a great day!

LeeAnn - How is teaching going? Still loving it? I hope so!

Stacy - I hope Eva has gotten rid of the lice! I never had it and hopefully DD never will! How are your classes going? I hope you are enjoying them!

Beth - How are things going by you?

Marissa - What kind of car did you get? I need to goback and read it all! I missed it! Good luck with it and I hope you are loving it!

Sarah - How are things by you? Hopefully well!

I hope you are all having a great day! Talk to you all soon and I will let you know when I get a neurologist appointment set up!



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Hi, all!


so nice to see so many updates today!


Colleen - I was tickled to read about how much fun you had at the hockey game! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving morning, too! :xfin that you will be hearing about that job opp as the week gets rolling:hug:hug


Vicki - I hope you get that neuro appt. sooner than later...


Marisa - sheesh! for a do-nothing weekend, you sure did do alot!:lol:tup Good for you, GF! WTG!


LeeAnn - glad to hear that you are feeling better, and that you got your "mojo risin'"!:lol


Joanne - Can't wait to hear all about your specialest Birthday!


:waving to the rest of the crew: Beth, Sarah, Stacy, Shannon, Mary!


Speaking of mojo... I am 1/2 way through strip 1 of BIL's flannelghan for Christmas! :cheer Oh, Happy Day! It's going to be black and dark grey...tres masculine!:wink


gotta go for now...but did want to stop by and see how everyone's day went!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hello all!

Been a busy day! I am enclosing pics of the finished club house! :clap:cheer:clap:cheer TADA!!!!! the kiddos have been in their all day! How cool is that!

Anyhow, still have a few chores left to do...ironing...but wanted to stop in and see everyone was doing.

Vicki-so glad that you were able to relax if even for a short while. Sorry to hear that you have an inservice tomorrow...hopefully this will be the last for awhile.

LeaAnne-WTG on the flannel ghan! I just put dh's on our bed this morning..had to buy new curtains to go with it.:devil We really needed new curtains, can't say that I am much of a shopper in that area, but I am getting better.

talk to ya all soon! Have to get crackin!



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LeeAnn - Nice Clubhouse!


LeaAnne - WTG on starting BIL's flannelghan!


Vicki - Good luck with the neurologist.


Marisa - WTG getting so much done. Did you get out for a ride today? We had been to one NHL hockey game before, in Phoenix where we saw the Coyotes play the Vancouver Canucks so we knew it would be fun live. But to go do see the Leafs play in Toronto was a treat.


I showed my mom and dad my Besties 'ghan today. They really liked seeing it all together and hearing where the squares came from and the stories behind them.

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Good night ladies :c9


I'm heading up stairs for the rest of the games. Both of my teams are up for right now :clap:xfin


I finished 5 of my 8 bernat squares and am going to take that up with me. I got several rows of my graph ghan done and a few rounds of the spiral ghan too :D


I very rarely actually don't do anything :no However, today wasn't bad. After the car wash, all I did was some laundry (sheets).....I didn't even cook, just had a frozen pizza :lol I'll be sorry about that during the week when I have to buy lunch :( I'll pull some meat out of the freezer to throw in the crock pot one day :think


Great club house LeeAnn :clap

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I'm Baaaaccccckkkkkk!!!!! :fame


I would love to do that weekend all over again, only with a different group. We were on the 10th floor with a balcony over the ocean. We could watch dolphins (and a very nice sunrise) from there. Very cool. The food was awesome. We went on a dolphin watching boat ride. That was fun. We walked a lot, talked a lot. The room was great -- kind of small, but well laid out -- 2 double beds, the bathroom with the jacuzzi, and tiny kitchenette, and a living room with a table for eating, and fold out couch.


It is good to be home. It was great to get sleep last night.


I will get caught up on posts later.



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Good morning ladies :hi


Welocme back Beth!!!! I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend...it was well deserved :hug :hug


Welcome to monday :( I feel like I didn't sleep well last night :( Both of my teams won!!!! :clap:yay


See y'all later.

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Good morning and it's a wonderful Monday since I don't have to go to Paradise today!!!:clap


Welcome back home Beth- sounds like a good time and I know what you mean about sleeping in your own bed!!!


LeeAnn- the clubhouse is really cool- bet your kiddos are going to have lots of fun times playing in it!!!!


LeaAnne- WTG on starting BIL's flannel'ghan!!! And yes, very manly colors!! Hope you hear soon about when you will be starting your new job!!


Colleen- I could "hear" the excitement in your voice! Glad to hear that you and DH had such a wonderful time together at the Leaf's game- and it is always so much more fun when your team wins!!!! :yes


Marisa- Congrats on your Phillies sweep- and your Eagles (much to my chagrin) win!!!;) Have a good day today!!!


Vicki- Tonight is the J-E-T-S!!! I sure hope they stick it to the Vikings! I hope that the neuro can get to the bottom of your vertigo and that you don't have to wait too long to get an appt.


Stacy- How's Isabella doing? And how are you doing? Seems like there's never a dull moment! How's your Grandma? Will your Mom still be coming in November?


Shannon- Miss seeing you around- hope all is going well with you, DH and Janna. How are the new floors?


Mary- Thinking of you and hope that you had a nice Thanksgiving!


Sarah- Are you beginning to feel better?


Today is the last morning with my DD before she heads back home to Beantown. :( We are going to the art gallery this morning where middle DD's BF has his artwork displayed and then DD will get on the train to NY to get the bus back home.


I had such an awesome weekend with all of them:manyheart.


Have a good day everyone!

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hi, and Good Morning!


Joanne - WOW! what a big weekend you had! :c9:hug I am soooo happy for you!


LeeAnn - the clubhouse came out AWESOME! I bet your kiddos are just tickled to death to have their own place!:c9


Marisa - sorry that you didn't sleep well:( Do you have to work today?


Colleen - Glad you had an awesome Thanksgiving holiday! I hope today you are all getting to rest up from it all :c9


Vicki - good luck with your professional dev. day... I hope it goes by quickly for you!


Beth - :welcome home, dear friend! It sounds like you had a super time!:c9 And :cheer:cheer:cheerfor your own bed!:wink sometimes that's the best part of going away...coming home to your own bed!


:hi to Shannon, Stacy, Mary, Sarah! I hope you all are having a good morning!


I need to do some grocery shopping this morning, we are out of school snacks, drinks, etc. DH is gone to Cleveland for a Sales Awards dinner, and will be home tomorrow night.... sounds like the perfect chance to get some :crocheting done!:devil:devil


Have a great day, all, and I will be back later to check in... meanwhile, I need :coffee:coffee and a little :fire under my badookie!:lol


Have some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugand pass 'em around till I get back!:D

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Just checking in- while I wait for DD to get out of the shower- we'll be heading out shortly.


Colleen- Isn't that always the way- you feel like:crocheting and can't find something you want to make?


LeaAnne- Have fun at the grocery store:lol:lol but more importantly hope you get some :crocheting time in while DH is away.



Beth- Hope your inventions are feeling better- saw your post on FB that you came home to 3 sick ones!!! And yes, maybe they are allergic to you being away from them:lol:lol

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I go to orientation on Wednesday morning at ACMoore!!!!!

I might get some hours this week, but for sure will be on the schedule next week! YESSSSS!


...if I knew how to do a backflip, I would do one now!:lol:lol:lol


ok... I am done:lol ... just wanted to share the big news.



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Awesome news LeaAnne!!!! How many days per week are you going to work?


I'm so happy for you!!!:hug


DD's BF's artwork is simply amazing- what a talent!! We had a nice little visit while looking at the art work- he has his work displayed in the Art Gallery @ NJIT- with two other artists. DD and BF rode their bikes from their apt to meet us. Then I dropped DD off at the train station and she is on her way back home. :(


I stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home and picked up some healthy food. I'm starting Weight Watcher's tomorrow (through work) and I know I probably gained about 5lbs this weekend between the Mexican food, the ice cream, the pizza, the cupcakes, the bagels for breakfast!!!


Tonight I need to unwind from all the wonderful excitement of the past weekend and gear up for work again! (or I should say Paradise).


Hope you all have a wonderful night!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Super quiet in here today :think


Joanne - Glad you had an enjoyable last day off :clap Now you get a short week :yay


LeaAnne - :clap:cheer:yay:woo for your orientation!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Yep, I worked today and it wasn't too busy so was able to go through some paperwork :yes


Colleen - It's a total bummer when you want to make something, but dont know what :think:hug Did you figure it out?

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Evenin' all!

Quick post, but wanted to check in.

Joanne-so glad that your visit with your dd's was :c9. The cupcakes look yummy!

LeaAnne-sooo happy that you will be able to get some hours in this week. Did you get a chance to :crocheting?

Colleen-did you have a relaxing day after all?

Marisa-aren't those relaxing days just wonderful? We had a quiet day at work too..some times you just need those days to catch your breathe.

Beth-Welcome home! oh soo happy that you had a fantastic weekend with your sisters! I bet your kiddos missed you terribly.

off to watch DWTS! hugs n squishes!


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Hi everyone,


LeaAnne, congrats on the job!!! I am so glad you got it. Now how to work there and actually bring home a paycheck instead of yarn.... :think


LeaAnn, I'm glad you had a quiet day at work. I was so tired, I forgot to take my yarn with me! :eek I had to read a magazine during my down times, which was pretty much the entire evening.


Joanne, I enjoyed hearing about your wonderful birthday weekend. So nice of your teams to win for you! It must be cool to go to an art gallery and know the artist whose work is displayed there. Thanks for sharing a pic of the cupcakes.


Mary, Colleen, Stacy, Vicki, Shannon, Marisa, Sarah, I am hoping you all have a great day! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Raining like crazy outside so it should be a fun commute to paradise!!


Vicki Congratulations on your J-E-T-S win!!! Hope your day yesterday went by quickly. Have fun bowling tonight.


LeeAnn- Glad to hear you had a quiet day. They are nice!


Beth- I wish I had down time at work where I could crochet:c9 The only time I can do that is at lunch time. How are your inventions feeling?


LeaAnne- Enjoy your last day at home before starting your new job:hook


Colleen- What did you end up doing yesterday?


Stacy, Shannon, Mary, Marisa, Sarah- Have a good one!



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hi, gang!


Joanne - those cupcakes sure do look yummy!:P It was a really nice adventure and fun filled weekend for you with your DD's! I am so glad you got to enjoy them all:c9:c9 have a great day at work...errr....in paradise!:lol


LeeAnn & Marisa - I was happy to read that yesterday was quiet for you both:U :cheerfor breath catching, and being able to catch up on paperwork! I did get to :crocheting this weekend, too! I am up to block 6 of strip 1 of BIL's flannelghan. I changed the pattern to make this one longer... 17hdc's per row by 17 rows. The blocks are rectangles instead of squares.


Beth - :lol Your post made me chuckle! :goodorbad.... paycheck or yarn? :rofl Here's the funniest part - at the interview, I never even asked what the employee discount would be! I have to keep in mind that I have my own "store" in the attic that I should be shopping in anyway:blush


Colleen, Mary, Stacy, Sarah, Vicki, Shannon - :hi! Have a wonderful morning!


I don't know yet if I will get more hours this week. The manager is trying to squeeze me into this week's schedule. Next week, though, I will have some hours. The job will be between 20 and 28 hours per week, most of which will be on weekdays from 8:30 - 3:clap I will get home just after my chickens on the days I work. I need to remember to speak with my neighbor this week about setting up a carpool arrangement for the elementary. I could drive in the morning, and she could pick up in the afternoon. The elementary lets out at 2:40. DH's new car is scheduled to be ready for us on the 18th...then I will have a job and my own wheels!:eek What is the world coming to???:lol


I gotta go and make some lunches, and get the morning going....


See you all later on!

:hug:hug:hug for everyone!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Well, I had another restless night of sleep.... The angels bowling was just too loud and kept waking me up :lol Tonight is the first home preseason game for the sixers, so will be there. Not sure if I'll get on here afterwards, so if not I won't be back until the morning.


LeeAnn - You're right, it sure is nice to get a quiet day once in a while....have to enjoy them when they're here because they're very rare :yes


Beth - I wish I got some downtime to crochet at work, but like Joanne, only on my lunchbreak :(


Joanne - It's raining here also, started last night and should go all day :eek


LeaAnne - I can't wait to see your flannelghan, I'm sure the rectangles will add a little twist ;) And it shouldn't be too hard for them to fit you in for this week, since they'll have to train you, they shouldn't just throw you into the shark tank :lol

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Hi, friends!


I just finished eating my lunch, and thought I would drop by for a quick :hi... I have lots of cleaning to finish, and am just not feeling like playing this game today:lol


Hope you all have a swell afternoon....Just wanted to let you all know that I was thinking boutcha!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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