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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi all! It is Thursday and it is the end of the day! I am glad! It was a good day actually. My kids are doing well in the class. Things are slowing down a little here, which is a good thing. I can breathe a little! I have teachers who are crying revolt and I said if I am not revolting, no one can!


Bowling was bad this week! I was bowling with the world spinning, which is not a good thing. I think I got a 96 the first game, a 146 the second, and a 138 the third. The only reason I did so well in the second game was because I got three strikes in the tenth frame! Nothing like waiting until the last minute to do a good thing!

I go back to the doctor tomorrow for the vertigo. We will see how that goes. It has not been a good month. September was horrible! Hopefully things will calm down and I won't have it nearly as much as I did this past month. That would be nice. It is not nice to have to teach with the world spinning!!

Belt test is October 30!! DD is going for her blue belt!!! They are going to have a Halloween party that day too. I will help decorate for it. I got drafted for that!

Nothing else going on here. I will come back on and let you all know what the doctor says tomorrow. It will be after work. I made the appointment so I didn't have to miss the day. I love being able to do that!

TTFN my besties!

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Hi all,

The Yankees are on - I love that they are playing so early in the evening!!!


Vicki- Good luck tomorrow- I'll be thinking about you- hope they can get to the bottom of the Vertigo. And WTG for DD going for her BLUE belt!!! Are you watching the Yankees now?


Colleen- I can't wait for the weekend- it's all about ME!!!:lol:lol DD is coming on Saturday- should arrive around 2-2:30 or so. It's going to be so good to spend time with all 3 of my girls!:manyheart It's the BEST Birthday present I could ask for!!!:manyheart

How cool that Your Thanksgiving is on my Birthday- have a piece of pumpkin pie for me!:)


Sarah- That's so cool about Keith adding already!! It must have really surprised you when you were doing the dishes!


Marisa- Hope your day went well.


Beth- When you leave for your sister weekend! Have a BALL!!!!!


LeeAnn, LeaAnne, Mary, Stacy, Shannon- :hug:hug:hug to you all!


Off to watch the Yankees!!!!! And crochet some more squares!!

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Hello all!

Colleen-can't believe that Thanksgiving is this weekend for ya! How neat is that! I take it you are doing the cooking, will you have help? I usually do all of the cooking for the holidays. It used to stress me out, now I enjoy it. I plan ahead and take my time and try not to stress and just relax.

Stacy-how ya doing? read your fb post, hopefully it wil be all cleared up.

Sarah-that is wonderful that your ds is adding! WOW! Soo proud of him! You are a good mommy.:hug

Marisa-how sweet that your parents want you to go home for the weekend. Awww. Your stained glass ghan sounds like it is going to beautiful, I am sure it will be worth the time and energy. Today I wore a sweater that I made several years ago. It is done in sc's. the entire thing! I love it and am so glad that I made it, but will never make another one. :lol The cal sounds so exciting! I will have to look into it.

Joanne-I am sure you look amazing! How thrilling to have a weekend with your girls! Soo happy for you!

Beth-have a great weekend with your sisters! Mine is still not talking to me,...maybe one of these days.

Vicki-so happy to see your green post! I am hoping that this month will be less stressful for you. Please let us know what the doctor says.

I didn't finish the washcloth, can ya all believe that? I was too tired to crochet. :P I know, I know, that doesn't happen often,...but I hope to get it finished this evening...I better or I am going to kick myself.:lol

guess I have to feed the family...dern! Wish I had a cook! BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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My house is almost clean. I have some picking up to do and I'd like to get the floors mopped (didn't get to that today, DD's little friend was over for most of the day). I am having coffee with a former coworker tomorrow. I am baking a coconut cream pie and some cupcakes. We're having some friends over for a pizza party tomorrow. And I also have to buy my last minute groceries.


LeeAnn - Yes, Canadian Thanksgiving is earlier. It is a celebration of the harvest and our harvest is done so this is when we celebrate. Second Monday in October. It's a beautiful time of year. The leaves are in full colour and the apples and pumpkins are harvested. I am doing the cooking. I could very happily let my mom do the cooking (or my MIL although she's away this year) but my DH insists we have our holiday meals at our house and I guess that's nice. My mom always helps though. She's bringing the cranberry sauce, desserts and a salad. I'm making the turkey, the potatos and the veggies. I'll make gravy and stuffing too.


Hey by the way, I heard the neatest trick from a mom at the park. Make your potatos up ahead of time, mash them and put them in the crock pot. It keeps them nice and hot and then you don't have to worry about mashing right before the meal or cold potatos. :clap I love that tip!!!


Vicki - Nice to see your post. I'm glad things are calming down. I hope the Dr. can help you get rid of that vertigo. :cheer for DD and her blue belt!


Joanne - Your weekend sounds so nice and I can hear how happy you are in your post. I will definitely have a piece of pumpkin pie for you :yes...and maybe one for me too :rofl


Marisa - Good for you sleeping in. I wish I could. I have a little 5 year old alarm clock that is not allowed out of her bed until 7:00 and every morning at exactly 7:00 I'm awoken with "It's 7 mommy, you can get up now"...oh goody! :lol


Sarah - Isn't it amazing how quickly our kids learn. You should be proud of your smart little man.


:hi Stacy, Shannon, LeaAnne, Mary, Beth and anyone I've missed.


Have a great evening everyone!

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Today was one of the prettiest days I've seen in a long time, and the whole weekend is supposed to be just like it! I did some housework, making sure the kitchen is very neat and tidy before I leave, went shopping, and planned things. I have my clothing packed for the trip.


Tomorrow, I am taking my oldest ds to the salon, and the two of us are getting our hair trimmed. the kids are meeting friends at a bowling alley for homeschool bowling day. This will be fun. I have to drop some items at the ballet studio for the yard sale they are having this weekend. I need to run to a grocery store. I am leaving around 3:30 for the hotel. I'll check in around 4, then take advantage of the jacuzzi until it's time to get ready to go pick up my sisters at the airport. One is flying from Florida (she's the one who arranged the trip) and the other is flying from Ohio. They will both fly into the same airport for their connecting flight to Virginia. And they will be in the same row of the same plane. My sister couldn't arrange side-by-side seats, but I would think someone would be willing to change with one of them. My sister from Ohio doesn't know they will be on the same flight. I wish i could see her face when she finds out. Any way, I'm very excited!!!


Joanne, have an AWESOME birthday weekend. It's cool that your birthday is 10/10/10 this year.


LeaAnne, I can't wait to hear about your trip! Happy Anniversary again. And congrats on the new job. I can't wait to hear about it, too.


Colleen, I think it's wonderful that you cook for everyone for Thanksgiving. I have been teaching my kids the joys of holiday meal preparation for some time now. They each have made a turkey at least once. It's helpful that they can do so much. Soon you'll be teaching your dd how to make pumpkin pie!


Mary, Happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope it is a time full of family and joy!


LeaAnn, I am shocked that you didn't finish that washcloth. Things usually fly off your hook so fast. You must be tired. I hope you are feelihg OK.


Sarah, speaking of feeling OK, are you getting better?


Marisa, I haven't heard much about your back lately. Is it doing OK?


Stacy, I'm thinking about you and your family. I hope things are going alright for you.


Vicki, so nice to hear that things are settling down a bit at school. And WOW! Didn't your dd just start TKD? Blue belt already? How many has she earned so far? You must be so proud of her! She's not mine, and I am certainly proud! I hope you get some relief from the vertigo from the doctor. That must complicate everything.


Shannon, thinking about you. I hope fall is treating you well.


Off to bed! I have a busy day planned for tomorrow. If I don't get on, have a wonderful weekend!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


(I gave you some extra, since I may not "see" you for several days.)

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Good morning and TGIF!!!!!! :cheer So excited for my birthday weekend!- the weather here in NJ is also supposed to be perfect!!! Ah, life doesn't get better than good health, good friends and family and nice weather!:manyheart


Beth- Have a super fun time with your sisters!!!:yes That is so neat that your sister's will be on the same connecting flight to Va!!! Yup- she sure is going to be surprised!! Enjoy your time together!!!!!:manyheart


Colleen and Mary- Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Vicki- Good luck at the Dr today!


To everyone! Enjoy your Friday- and remember your vitamins.


The Yankees won last night!!!!:cheer So happy:D- and I went to bed around 9:30- after the game and got some rest for my upcoming fun weekend with my DD's!!!:c9

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happy FRIDAY!!!!


I am home, safe and sound:c9 We had a really wonderful time!:U We really enjoyed the place we stayed at, ate lots of yummy food, and had a little luck too! All in all, we just got to enjoy each other, which is something we rarely get to do these days!:lol


Joanne - Happy Birthday weekend!!!!


Beth - Happy Sisters' weekend!!!


Colleen and Mary - Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Sarah - :cheer for Keith and his math skills!


Stacy - I hope all is well, and that you are getting time to relax


Marisa - I hope you get that stay at home and do nothing weekend!:wink


Vicki - TGIF, girl! Need I say more?:devil:xfin that your appt. with the doctor brought you some answers


LeeAnn - get some good rest, you must be in dire need of it!


Shannon - stop by and let us know how you are, ok?


I gotta run, and get my house put back together for the weekend, but wanted to drop by to let you all know that I made it back!

p.s. I am awaiting a call from the ACM store mgr, to let me know when I start work... the background check was due back this afternoon:xfin

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Good evening ladies :hi


Sorry I didn't make it back last night or this morning. Last night I had a friend over and we watched Piranha and then man vs food :D This morning totally slept in again (not good today colleen) I woke up when I should've been getting in the car to leave :eek I usually get up and hit the snooze and lay back down then the phone usually goes off, which it did...but apparently I turned the regular alarm off instead of hitting snooze :(


I've decided I'm staying here this weekend. I have some laundry to do and have to run out to pick up a few things, but all in all plan to relax and get out on my bike a bit since the weather should be gorgeous :xfin


Sarah - WTG keith :clap


Vicki - Glad to hear things are stating to slow down a bit. How'd your dr appt go?


Joanne - Phils are down :( 4-0 now :rant Enjoy your bday weekend with your girls :cheer


LeeAnn - My parents want me to go home EVERY weekend :lol I do enjoy being there though :yes


Colleen - Have a great thanksgiving :hug:drool


Beth - My back is doing much better, thanks :D Still get a little twinge when I cough or sneeze, but overall HUGE difference :clap Have a great trip with your sisters :yay


LeaAnne - Glad to hear you had a nice trip :hug And, any particular reason for the :xfin on the background check :think Something you wanna tell us? :lol:wink

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Hi all,

Very, very quiet here!

LeaAnne- Welcome home- glad to hear that you and DH had a wonderful time together!!! And I'm with Marisa- anything we should know about the :xfin on the background check? :lol


Marisa- Ugh, Oh, U Conn just returned the ball for a 100 yd touchdown- and now they are tied w/Rutgers. Sorry about your Phillies- but they can still come back- but I'll be honest, if the Yankees and PHillies make it to the World Series, I'm gonna be worried!!! Yay- Rutgers just returned the ball for75 yards and scored again! This is going to be a wild game I think!


LeeAnn- Welcome to the weekend! Have a wonderful one!


Vicki Hope all went well at the doctor's today- and that they figure out something for the vertigo!


Colleen- So is your house all ready for a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend? Have a good time with family!


Mary and Shannon- thinking about you!


Beth- By now you and your 2 sisters should all be together and having a wonderful time together!:manyheart


Stacy- I got a postcard from Starbucks yesterday for a free birthday drink- so of course I stopped on my way home for a Pumpkin Spice Latte to kick off my birthday weekend!!!


Well, off to watch all these sports games-

Have a wonderful evening!

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Beth-hope your weekend is fantastic! I am super pumped for ya! Enjoy!

Joanne-ooooh so happy for you too! Oooh laaaa laaa, your dd's will be here soon. I bought 2 skiens of yarn today, for scarves and so thought of you. How are the scarves coming along?

Marisa-your weekend sounds like it is going to be relaxing and fun. bike riding sounds like a great idea! I haven't rode mine in what seems like forever. Maybe Sunday??

Colleen-have a wonderful holiday!

Vicki-how'd it go? hope well. (dr. appt)

Stacy-what's on the agenda for the weekend?

Sarah-how bout you? watcha workin on?

LeaAnne-Welcome back! I missed you! So glad that you and dh had a splendid time.

I think my crochet mojo is dwindling...help! I don't know if I am just super tired but I feel drained when I get home. I tried vitamins but they are not helping. I am not sure what's going on with me. on a happier note, dd has a playdate tomorrow. :clap She's so excited! We are going to pick up her friend at 9 and then take her back around 2. I am soo happy for her, I was really worried about school this year. Other than that, I plan to clean, veg and spend time with the kiddos. Dh will be finishing the club house tomorrow. I can't wait! We are thinking the kiddos will need furniture...maybe bean bags. What do you all think?

going to gather my yarn and hooks and see what motivated me. I did finish the washcloth tho.


hugs n squishes besties!

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Hi, girls!


...I had my fingers crossed about the background check that it would be completed when they said it would... it wasn't. :irk How funny are you girls?! You made me chuckle!:lol


Anyhoo... that means that I did not get my call, and now won't until Tuesday, I am guessing... I hate waiting...


On a good note, I did get my new glasses today!:c9 Man, it sure is nice to be able to see well!:D


Marisa- glad you opted to stay home and get some down time.


LeeAnn - :cheerfor a playdate for DD, and here's a :fire under your badookie so your mojo will come back! :lol


Joanne - What a way to kick off your b-day weekend with a pumpkin spice latte from the Bux! Enjoy your time with your girls tomorrow!


:waving to everyone else... I am headed off to bed. We have soccer at 8:45am, then I am hoping for a date with my :hook, since I can now see what I am doing!:wink


:hug:hug:hugto you all!:manyheart

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What a sports night! Devils had their first hockey game against the Dallas Stars and lost 4-3 in OT!:(


But, on a happier note, Rutgers beat U Conn!!!:clap:clap:clap Great game- right down to the end!!


And Marisa's Phillies won - not sure I'm all that happy about that cause I really don't want the Yankees to have to face them---although it will be a great World Series if they do!


Yay for new glasses LeaAnne- it is a wonderful thing to see!!!:lol Good luck to Pete at his soccer game tomorrow!!!


LeeAnn- I was so engrossed in all the sports games tonight- but I did work a little on the bright pink scarf- it's almost done. The rest of my crochet time needs to be spent on getting the other 6 squares of the 8 for Clue # 3 on the Bernat CAL


Well, I'd better get some sleep! Busy, fun, weekend ahead!!!

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:coffee :coffee :coffee Good morning! Oh my gosh I've been so busy and so much has happened. Yesterday I spent my day doing last minute groceries, baking a pie and a cake, and getting ready for our friends who came over. I also met a former coworker for coffee and am now considering returning to work ... full-time :eek ...mom hours :D. We'll see if it turns into anything. Then our friends came over and we had pizza and hung out. They stayed until 1:45 am :eek:coffee :coffee :coffee


And one more very exciting thing happened. A coworker of DH's called him yesterday morning to give us tickets to go to the Leafs game tonight :clap:yay We are life-long fans but like most fans have never been to a game. Tickets are very expensive and almost impossible to get. Better still, they are playing the Ottawa Senators (big rivals). So, DH and I are going on a big date tonight. We are so excited!!! And then tomorrow I get to make my Thanksgiving dinner :faint:rofl That's more fun in one weekend than this girl has had in a long time! Do you think I'll be able to handle it? :rofl


LeaAnne - I am so glad you and your DH had a good trip and got to enjoy some time together. It's those times together that make things work for 20 years. Congratulations - you should be very proud of yourselves! :xfin that the background check gets done soon and you can get workin'! I hope you survive the soccer game! Sounds like some hot chocolate might be in order. :yes


Joanne - Just in case I don't get on tomorrow, I want to wish you a very :birthday! I hope you enjoy every minute of your weekend with your girls. :hug


LeeAnn - :manyheart I am so happy for your DD! I hope she and her friend really enjoy their playdate! Beanbags is an awesome idea!!! How fun would that be?!


Marisa - I'm glad you are staying home to relax. Enjoy the good weather as you go out on your bike.


Beth - I hope you are enjoying your sisters weekend. I can't wait to hear what the sister said or did when she was surprised by her sister on the same flight.


Shannon, Mary, Stacy, Vicki, Sarah and anyone I've missed, I'm thinking about you.


It is absolutely beautiful here! We actually left the windows open a bit last night! Sunshine and beautiful fall-ness. :manyheart Love you guys! Have a great weekend! :hug

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:yay Colleen- Going to a hockey game tonight!!! How exciting for you and DH!! Seems like a lot happening for you this weekend!!! And of course you can handle it!!! Have a BLAST!!!!!


Good luck to Pete in his soccer game LeaAnne!!! And hopefully it'll warm up a bit!!!



Beautiful fall day here in NJ too- DD should be arriving around 3- she is going to her sister's and then they are headed here. Youngest DD and I are going for a pedicure in a few minutes:c9 then to Trader Joe's.


Looking forward to a wonderful weekend with my girls:manyheart


Gotta run- Have a good one EVERYONE!!!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I've been up for a while now and did most of my running around already. About to get 2 packages together to run over to the post office. One is the scarf sets to send out to my sister's and the other is for my nephews with some fun little things for halloween :D


Colleen - you will love the game :clap Soooo exciting!!!!


LeeAnn - Enjoy your weekend, and get some rest and 'me' time!!! :yes


LeaAnne - Sorry you have to wait until next week to hear back now :hug


Joanne - Sorry the devils lost :( but rutgers won :clap Did you see that uconn basketball admitted to recruiting violations??? :eek Flyers play tonight at 8. Temple plays in an hour and pitt plays at 3:30 (my sister is going) I don't always catch the college games because I'm usually not around :( Oh yeah, and the sixers play the nets in preseason today (boston kicked our tushies the other day :( ) Oh and we have Hamels pitching tomorrow for game 2 :clap I'll be switching that with the eagles, who have the night game tomorrow. Well, I think that about covers the philly weekend sports update :rofl Have fun with your dd's

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Hey girls!!! How's it goin?


Joanne, hope you have a fabulous birthday weekend with your girls!! Don't you love that free birthday drink? I haven't had a pumpkin spice latte yet this year...I wanted one last night but dh waited almost an hour before going to Starbucks, and by the time he was ready to leave, I didn't feel like a coffee anymore. :lol


LeaAnne, glad you and dh had a great time together!! :cheer for getting out and spending some time together. :xfin that you hear from the ACM manager soon.


Leeann, I think bean bags sound like a great idea! How fun. How are the kittens, btw? Did you give them away?


Colleen, have a great Thanksgiving weekend! :tdance

Vicki, congrats to dd!!! How awesome she is going for her blue belt!! I'm glad to hear things are slowing down at work. What did you find out about your vertigo?


Sarah, how neat that Keith is learning to add! What a smart little guy you have. Are you feeling better?


Beth, enjoy your sisters weekend!! How cool that your sis arranged for them to be on the same flight! I wish I could see your other sister's face, too!


Shannon, Mary, Marisa- hope you all have a great weekend! Lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you!


This has been quite the week. I had a quiz on Wednesday, which I think I did well on. When I went to pick up Eva, I received a paper saying head lice was going around in her class. I checked all the girls that night and they were all clear. But when Eva woke up on Thursday morning, she had 2. :thair I was supposed to have a quiz that day, too but had to stay home since I couldn't send her. Luckily I will be able to re-take it when we meet again. Late Thursday night my mom called to say that my grandma was taken to the hospital because she was having trouble breathing. She was diagnosed with severe COPD, congestive heart failure, and they think the cancer may have spread to her brain. :( She is there for observation but since she refuses scans or MRI's, they will be sending her home soon.


Our plumbing problem did get fixed- some pipes had to be replaced due to rotting. The Roomie situation is what it is. Her youngest dd is out of control lately. I'm trying to use the meditations and things I've learned in health class, to help me let it go. :yes


Well, I'm going to scoot for now. Dh wants to watch a show, and maybe I'll have some time to sit on my badorkus and :crocheting.


Love and hugs!!!!

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Hi and hello!

Sorry I have been MIA-busy busy. Dd has her friend over, what a blast for both of them! they are too cute!

Joanne-how was the pedi? Dd's? Hope they are all doing well.

Colleen-Happy Harvest! You sure are going to be busy, how fun! Glad that you and dh can spend time together.

Stacy-you sure have had a stressful week. Rest and try to get some :hook time in..it helps. We have all of the kittens but mama cat is gone. She didn't come home Thursday evening, dd is heartbroken. She cried and cried. I feel so bad, wish there were something that I could do.

LeaAnne-how's your weekend coming along? pretty soon you will be busier.

Beth-hope your weekend with your sisters is more than you can stand!

Marisa-how's it going? Whatcha working on today?

Mary, Shannon, Sarah, and Vicki-hoping that your Saturday is Sensational!

I am feeling under the weather today...haven't eaten, my tummy is cramping and burning..not sure what that means, but I feel pretty icky.

I did crochet! I made another washcloth, looking at my "to do" list will start a men's scarf for my dad. Will post pics tomorrow..back to work.

hugs n squishes dear friends!

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:waving, friends!


Marisa - my house is :cheer:cheer for the Phillies in the World Series:devil


LeeAnn - sorry you aren't feeling well...


Stacy - YIKES! @ the little white buggies! did you get rid of them all?

glad to hear that school is going well, and that you are learning ways to release stress from your health class:hug:hug:hug


Vicki - do we have a blue belt?!


Colleen - WOW!!!! what an exciting and wonderful holiday weekend you are having!!! I am praying that the Mother Hours office job pans out! That sounds just awesome! Happy :turkey day tomorrow!


Joanne - since you are always up earlier than me...

:bday, :bday:birthdayDEEEEEEAR JOOOOOAAAAAAANNNNNE!:bday Hope you and your girls are having the funnest weekend EVER! :hug


Mary, Sarah, Shannon - I am thinking about you all, and sending lots of :U:hugs:U your way!


Beth - Hope your sister weekend is an absolute BLAST! ...and that you are making even more great sisterly memories while you reminisce about the ones you have:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart


Speaking of family time... My mom got a new apartment that is only 30 minutes away!!!:clap:clapToday she came down, and we made 2 trips to her place, with her car filled with things that she needs that I don't! I gave her tables, dishes, and some nice artwork! Also, I had a microwave, and an extra tv! It felt good to know that I could take care of my momma, and that we will be able to spend lots of time together really soon! We ended the day with chinese for dinner:manyheart She went home a short time ago:c9 Tomorrow, we have to go to MIL's and take out her air conditioners....DH mentioned something about staying for the afternoon.... we'll see.


I hope you all have a wonderful evening! ...and I will catch you tomorrow sometime!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all

Quick stop in as we just got home and have the Yankees on- and they are winning 4-0!!!! DD got in around 3:00 and we had a great time together- she and youngest DD are here now- Middle DD went home and will be back tomorrow. Youngest DD will be leaving shortly. We went to a great Mexican restaurant that we all love- lots of food (we all have leftovers) for cheap!!! It's always crowded- we got there at 4:45 and had a 40 min wait- but it was such a gorgeous day out we didn't mind waiting outside and catchin up with each other. We then went to a cafe in a nearby town and had some coffee and then to an ice cream parlor. A very nice day. And the pedicure this morning was paid for by my DD- I tried really hard to pay for my own- but she insisted. And of course they wouldn't let me pay for dinner either!


Marisa- Thanks for the Philly sports update. The Devils are losing (or may have lost already) 7-2 against the Caps. We all think that Philly is the team to beat this year in the WS- but the Yanks are looking mighty good tonight!


Colleen- Hope you are having a blast at the Leafs game


LeeAnn- sorry to hear you aren't feeling well- hope that some crochet and rest will have you feeling like yourself in no time flat!!


LeaAnne- that is awesome that your Mom is moving 1/2 hr away. Where was she before? And so nice that you could help her furnish her new place!!! Enjoy your day tomorrow and thank you so much for the Birthday wishes!!!


Stacy- I was lucky that none of my DD's ever had lice! Sounds like you are busy, busy, busy now! And prayers being said for your Grandma! Glad to hear the pipes are fixed!! And of course, the roomie situation is what it is. That's great that you are using some of what you are learning in school to help you cope with it.


To everyone else- Thinking about you- and hope your weekend is going well.

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Good morning and Happy 10-10-10!!!!!!


The Yankees won and are moving on to the ALCS!!!!:cheer:yay:clap:cheer:clap:yay


Colleen and Mary- Happy Thanksgiving!!:tdance:ttalk:cturkey


Today is shaping up to be another beautiful day!!! And what makes it so beautiful is not just the awesome weather, but that I get to spend it with all three of my girls:manyheart


Hope you all have a great 10-10-10!!!! I know this will be a birthday to remember for me!!!:hug

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Hello ladies :hi


I never did get out on my bike yesterday, ended up keeping busy getting stuff done around the house. Have a load of clothes in the wash now and once I get the 2nd done and the dryer going, I'll head out to the car wash for my new babies first wash :lol I did get 3 of the bernat squares done last night, but that's all on the crochet front for yesterday :(


Stacy - Sorry about Eva, at least it was only 2, which is a little easier to remedy :yes Glad you'll be able to make up your quiz :yes Sorry to hear about your grandma :hug :hug :hug Is you mom still coming?


LeeAnn - Sorry to hear your mama cat is gone :( Maybe she'll come back yet. When Mary's ran away, he came back 3-4 days later....just sitting on her doorstep waiting for her to get home from work :lol I'd like to get in some time with each ghan today and a couple more squares for the bernat ghan. How about you? Did you find your mojo back yet?


LeaAnne - :cheer Go Phillies :cheer Well, they play tonight and :xfin for the 3rd win for this series. How exciting that your mom is soo close now :yay I'd like my parents to be closer, but 2 hours isn't soo bad :no


:bday Joanne!!!!! Enjoy your day and good luck to your Giants ;) Congrats on the yankee win!!!

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Good Morning! :coffee


I just dropped my 2 younger DD's off to their 1st catechism class in my old parish.... it's really nice there, and makes me wish we had gone to that parish all along. Oh, well, better late than never, right? I am just happy that they are there. The parish we had been attending wasn't what I wanted for my chickens....long story, that shall never be told.


:bday Dear Joanne!!!!!!:yay:flower:cake I hope today is nothing less than perfect for you! It's neat that you get to have a birthday with 3 numbers the same... My sis turned 40 on 08-08-08.


Marisa - I hope your baby enjoys her first bath!:lol Enjoy your time hookin today! (I still need to get this week's Bernat squares done....I haven't started yet:blush)


LeeAnn - I hope you feel better today:hug, and that you get some good couch & :crocheting time!


Colleen and Mary - HAPPY THANKSGIVING! :turkey:turkey Please enjoy your time with your families, and don't forget to eat a piece of pie for me! :P


Vicki - I hope today is nice and relaxing for you... do you get tomorrow off?


Stacy - What are you and your peeps up to today? I forgot to tell you last night that I am praying for your grandmother:blush.... please know that I am:hug:hug


Beth - I can't wait to hear all about your sister weekend! I am going on a girls' weekend next weekend... just one night. I am the "adopted sister" of my friend's family. There are 6 of them, and they all asked if I could go:manyheart. We will go to the outlets up in New Hampshire. Lots of shopping, food, conversation....Just :c9! They go every year, and I have missed the last couple, so I am excited to be able to make it this year.


Sarah - What are you guys up to today? I hope that you, Keith and Doug are all well and happy today!:manyheart


Shannon-ness - DUDE! Where are you? we sure do miss you around here! I hope you are all having a fabulous day, and that you are enjoying your new floors, you lucky :ducky!:manyheart


Well, that's about it from here.... it's almost time to head back down to gather up my chickens! Later on we are headed to MIL's to get those air conditioners out!!!


Make today the bestiest, dear besties!


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:manyheartHiya friends!

Joanne-:birthday:bday:bday:cake:partyI know that you will have the most fantastic awesome day with your dd's! Extra hugs n squishes to you my friend! Mexican food sounds delicious. :hug


LeaAnne-that is so neat that your mom is moving closer to you! How sweet is that? I remember those Sundays of Cathechisim (sp) but glad that they are over!:lol


Colleen and Mary-Happy Happy Thanksgiving! May your day be filled with good food and great company!


Marisa-ohhh laaa laaa! The new baby gets her first car wash, cool! I did get my mojo back a little. :D I think I was just not feeling well. I really feel guilty when I am sick, I would rather be up and about. Staying in bed is no fun. Oh I do hope that "Scratchy" comes home, we miss her.


Stacy-maybe today you can have your BUX. :yes I haven't stopped at ours in what feels like forever...I am hoping to when work finishes.:devil


Beth, Shannon, Sarah, Vicki-please stop in and let us know what's going on. We miss ya!


I took a three hour nap yesterday afternoon and feel much better...so glad! I am almost finished with another scarf, think I will work on it before starting morning dishes. BBL!


Hugs n squishes!

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