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Some good clean fun?!

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:hi everyone!


Sharon - Thanks for the tips!


LeaAnne - Once again, good luck at your interview tomorrow. You'll do great! And hooray for getting a car! That's amazing! What on earth will you do with all that freedom :lol


I am too scatterbrained to do individuals to all of you. I have been very busy hitting the pavement on the job hunting front myself. It takes a lot out of me. I haven't had any success finding kids to take care of, so I'm looking for work outside the home...again.


Have a great evening everyone! :hug:hug:hug

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good evening ladies :hi


Work was really busy today, but I also feel like it was productive :yes One of the bikes we just got last week broke and I was on the phone arguing with modell's for about an hour. They said they had to check on something and will get back to us in 24-48 business hours :eek I gave them my boss cell phone for the return contact :devil I can't make any decisions that affect his credit card anyway :lol


LeaAnne - :yay:cheer WTG on the interview!!!! I will say prayers for you :hug Just be you :yes


Beth - I hope you had a good day today :hug


Sarah - I'll have to look that channel up :think Sorry your cough is still lingering around :(


Sharon - Thanks for the cleaning tips, but I hate to clean :no


Joanne - I hope you get your work done before dinner so you can crochet after :xfin As for the rain, I think we're SOL because they're not listening to me either :( I think we still have to put up with it for another day :(


Colleen - Good luck with your job search :hug

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Joanne-hoping that you get to :hook, nothing helps me unwind more than a good 30 minutes with my yarn and hook. Your potatoes and chicken sound :c9:hug I finished another scarf, will start on the washclothes tonight.

LeaAnne-You will get it I am sure! Good luck! :cheer:clap:manyheart:hugHappy Happy Anniversary! Your getaway is going to be sooo much fun! After the season ends, I am planning to stay home and enjoy my kiddos, I have already been asked to substitute at our local headstart and to work for another program...not sure what I want to do. :lol

Beth-how ya doing?

Stacy-plumbing problems are the worst...hang in there, hopefully they were able to fix it today. I am so excited for you! Your visit with your mom sounds just wonderful!:hug

Marisa-it is great when one feels their day is productive. WTG! :hug:manyheartI hope that it stops raining in your neck of the woods. We have not had enough rain this summer, I am sure it will affect all of the farmers. It is hard to get into a pattern at times....sock! Those are the worst for me, I just can't seem to get it.:blush

Colleen-job hunting is difficult, do you have anything special that you are looking for? Good luck dear friend!:hug

Sarah-so sorry that that nasty cough is lingering, hopefully you will feel better soon.:hug I do like musicals, no one else does..but that's ok, that just means they leave me alone.:lol

Sharon-thank you so much for the tip, will have to write it down.

Dh made beef fajitas for dinner last night, he bought me yarn too:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart what a sweetie! We actually sat together and relaxed, that does not happen often, dh gets his second wind in the evening and likes to be outdoors, I am usually ready to sit and :hook:hook. Off to crochet, that is if my kiddos are done with their homework.

Everyone else-:hug:hug:hug

hugs and squishes!

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Quick stop by- before picking up the hook!


Colleen- Good luck on your job search!


LeaAnne- Hope you get a little hook time in too! And DH is definitely a keeper making dinner AND buying you yarn. DH has made dinner, but has never bought me yarn. However, he really is quite good about not making too many comments about my stash! LOL


Marisa- Good thinking giving your boss's #- how frustrating to have a new piece of equipment break so soon. They just do not make things like they used to!!!


Sarah- Oh, I think Doug needs to learn how to wash the dishes!! You shouldn't have to do all the housework!


Sharon- Thanks for the tip!


Mary- Thinking of you and sending hugs


Beth, Vicki, Stacy, Shannon- Hugs to you all!


Off to hook for a bit- I ended up working another 2 hrs tonight at home- I start getting into what I'm working on and then before you know it- it's been 2 hrs!!!!


Cya in the AM!

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Sarah- Oh, I think Doug needs to learn how to wash the dishes!! You shouldn't have to do all the housework!


He never finishes them... he always leaves the silverware. If it's more than can be finished in 30 mins it's guaranteed he won't do them. No matter how many times I go on strike and refuse to do dishes until he FINISHES what he started it never happens. He'd rather just go buy disposable then wash what needs to be washed.

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!!!!


Good luck to LeaAnne today- 10:30- ACMoore!!!! Go and wow em, LeaAnne!!!!!:cheer Happy Anniversary too!!!!:manyheart Have fun at Foxwoods!!!!!!


Today will be another long one- and right after work, I have a hair appt. Cut/Color- and still debating on what style I'm going for now! I want to change it up some so we'll see!!!:think


Have a wonderful day EVERYONE!!!!:hug:hug

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good morning, friends!


Sharon - Thank you for sharing your tips with us! We do lots more than cleaning in this group, so any tip to make the "cleaning" part go quicker is most certainly welcomed! Please feel welcome to join our group.... it really is lots of fun!:)


Joanne - funny you mentioned the discount :lol:lol I actually thought that it would be nice to share it with you... but you gotta come up here to use it! :rofl Have a good day at work today. Don't work too hard, ok? After all, it IS hump day!


Colleen - I will be praying for you on your job search, too! :xfin:xfin that a nice opportunity presents itself! I have no idea what I will do with my upcoming "freedom"... but probably, it will involve lots of taxiing:rofl


Marisa - Your post made me smile, and :yes I will just be me!:hug You gotta love programmable coffeemakers! I hope the bike issue gets worked out sooner, rather than later!


LeeAnn - Way coolness that you will be getting to spend more time with your kiddos (AND :crocheting, right?)


Sarah - Sorry to hear that you are your only cleaning person... it's like that here, too, except that now my kids will pick up their own rooms if asked:devil.


Beth - i hope you get to join some pretty sunflowers today!


Stacy - how did your test go?


Shannon and Mary- lots of :hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheartgoing your way!


thanks to all of you for the nice words, and the prayers... :xfin:xfin that I will report back to you that I am "employed"! Other than that, I need to get the chickens off to school, and wash my kitchen floor, then we are off!:clap:clap I really need a vacation!:blush Oh, and the most important thing I have left to do is to pack my :crocheting project for the trip. It's a 2 hour ride, so I will get to play, while DH does the driving!:devil


Lots of luv, and a truckload of :hug:hug:hug for all of you! You are quite simply the very best friends a gal could ever ask for!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I got to bed super late and morning came super early :tired I'm even wearing my glasses to work today :lol which i only do when my eyes are tired :think


So I checked out the bernat clue 3 and does look like another easy work up, but we need 8 this time!!! :eek And all the same color, it could of at least been a couple of each :lol Ooo, I just looked at how I assigned my colors to their colors and see I will be using a very pretty blue :D


Joanne - I hope work passes quickly for you on this hump day :hug Can't wait to hear what you decided for the new do :yay


LeaAnne - Saying prayers for you this morning :hug :hug I think you will do great for the simple fact that you have passion for what they sell and their products :yes And yep, what better place to go then where you can get a discount on yarn :idea I may even check in later at lunch time from my phone to see how it went :think If I don't fall asleep first :lol

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Just popping by for a quick :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer for LeaAnne and her interview today! Have fun on your weekend away too! Happy Anniversary!


Happy Hump day to everyone else! I have a found morning as my second volunteer job has been delayed another week and I'm happy about that. I'm behind on my cleaning and am going to make soup. Have a good one everyone! :hug

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I got the job!!!!!!


thanks for your prayers, girls! they worked!! :wink


I gotta go, DH is waiting to take me away....:lol


hugs to all, and I will see you when I get back!



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Where's that cabbage patch smiley???


Congratulations, LeaAnne!!! I am SO happy for you!!! :cheer:clap:hug:manyheart:yay:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:devil


What a great anniversary present!!!


Have fun!


Oh, and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor everyone!


I have 5 sunflower squares joined. Not a huge start, but a start.

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:yay:clap:manyheart:yay:clap:elle LeaAnne! I came on hoping for a report on how the interview went! Congratulations!!! Enjoy your time away with DH.


:hi to everyone else! I was a cleaning machine this morning! There are still things to do, but I got a lot done.

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My gosh it's quiet here today! Besides the big party for LeaAnne's new job of course. :lol


So, what's up everyone? Sorry I haven't been keeping up on individual hellos lately. My mind doesn't handle lots of things all at once :lol We had chicken and rice soup for supper (again :P). I got our bedroom cleaned from top to bottom today as well as the vacuuming and dusting done. Just need to mop the floors tomorrow and do the bathrooms. Friday I'm going to do some baking. We have company coming on Friday evening and we are having Thanksgiving dinner here on Sunday. I love Thanksgiving :manyheart


Oh yes, almost forgot. I saw the holiday edition of Crochet Today in the store today. My subscription ran out :sad I liked the tree garland...anyone see it?


Hope to "see" some of you around this evening.

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Good evening ladies :hi


Very busy day at work today :whew Glad it's over :lol


:party:cheer:clap:yay leaAnne


Colleen - If you lived closer, I'd pay you to be my cleaning lady :devil


Beth - WTG on getting the square started :clap Every little bit is more than before :think


Joanne - Can't wait to hear all about the new do

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Gooda evenin!

LeaAnne-CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!:cheer:clap:yay:yarn:yes:hug:manyheart:jumpyay:woo:party:2hug:flower:laughroll:hi:bounce:2spin I knew you would get it! So very happy for you! Have fun with dh! When do you start?

Colleen-I agree with Marisa, can you come over and clean my house too? I am tired of cooking and cleaning...once I get started I do not mind, it's the getting started. I wish I would have to have everything tidy.

Marisa-I hope that you get to rest tonight and feel better tomorrow! My eyes always hurt when I am tired too. The new glasses help out so much, I think I am finally used to them. And I can see! :lol The new cal that you are in sounds like fun! How long is the cal going to last?

Stacy-did ya get the plumbing fixed?

Joanne-can't wait to hear about the new do!

Beth-you are sure working hard on your squares! how cool is that! Is your ghan going to be for you?

Sarah-I wish I could help you with some of the cleaning, even tho I am tired of it, I think helping someone else makes the job easier to do. :hug

had a busy day, but feels good to be home. I finally started the washcloth, seems like I should finish it soon. Going to see if the kiddos will let me steal the t.v. :devil

hugs and squishes!

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Got home around 8;30- Stopped at DD's after the hair salon to show her my new "do"- She and SIL both liked it. I had it cut just above my shoulders and colored it a deep red. I Love it!! And DH likes it too- My hair was red when he met me and then I got bored with it a few years ago and went brown. But I'm back to red- cause I was getting bored with the brown.


The only thing he said was that I thought you were going to keep it a little longer. I had told him I was going for shoulder length, and it is a little shorter than that. But when she was cutting my hair, she said, I'd really like to take a little more to get all the dead/split ends off. I'm glad I did- it feels so healthy.


:clap:yay:clap to LeaAnne- Congrats on the NEW Job- and the :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn discount!!!:devil


Colleen- I forgot that your Thanksgiving is this weekend. You have been a cleaning machine!!! And your soup sounds delish- I've been having "healthy choice" soup the last two days at work for lunch.


Beth- WTG on the joining of the squares!!!


Stacy- How did you do on your test?


Vicki- How's your week going? Hope it is going better this week!! How'd you do at bowling this week?


Sarah- Hope you had a good day!


Shannon and Mary- Thinking of you


LeeAnn- That's awesome that once this is over you'll be home with your kiddos- and you'll have more time to :crocheting!!!


Marisa- Congrats to your Phillies on their win and on Halladay's No hitter!!!


Oh my---the Twins just scored 2 runs!!! Against our best pitcher!!! :(


Going to go and watch the game! This is not looking good-


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to all!!!

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:hi again!


Joanne - How nice, a new hairdo! I bet you look fantastic - just in time for your birthday ;) My hair is driving me nuts, but I'd like to grow it out a bit. Unfortunately my hair grows very s l o w l y.


Marisa - I would so take you up on your offer to clean your house (especially since I'm looking for a job), but the commute is a bit too far for me :lol


LeeAnn - I hope the kids let you have some TV time.

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Gooda evenin!



Marisa-I hope that you get to rest tonight and feel better tomorrow! My eyes always hurt when I am tired too. The new glasses help out so much, I think I am finally used to them. And I can see! :lol The new cal that you are in sounds like fun! How long is the cal going to last?



hugs and squishes!


The bernat mystery cal is just in week 3 now. They put out a new clue/square pattern each wednesday and I believe the last clue is scheduled the first week in december so it will be done in time to be a xmas gift. Only, since we don't know what it is until we finish it, I don't know who I can gift it to :think It's exciting though to not know the finished product. They're posting the clues each week on the bernat blog. It's still early enough to start :devil


Got home around 8;30- Stopped at DD's after the hair salon to show her my new "do"- She and SIL both liked it. I had it cut just above my shoulders and colored it a deep red. I Love it!! And DH likes it too- My hair was red when he met me and then I got bored with it a few years ago and went brown. But I'm back to red- cause I was getting bored with the brown.


The only thing he said was that I thought you were going to keep it a little longer. I had told him I was going for shoulder length, and it is a little shorter than that. But when she was cutting my hair, she said, I'd really like to take a little more to get all the dead/split ends off. I'm glad I did- it feels so healthy.


:clap:yay:clap to LeaAnne- Congrats on the NEW Job- and the :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn discount!!!:devil


Colleen- I forgot that your Thanksgiving is this weekend. You have been a cleaning machine!!! And your soup sounds delish- I've been having "healthy choice" soup the last two days at work for lunch.


Beth- WTG on the joining of the squares!!!


Stacy- How did you do on your test?


Vicki- How's your week going? Hope it is going better this week!! How'd you do at bowling this week?


Sarah- Hope you had a good day!


Shannon and Mary- Thinking of you


LeeAnn- That's awesome that once this is over you'll be home with your kiddos- and you'll have more time to :crocheting!!!


Marisa- Congrats to your Phillies on their win and on Halladay's No hitter!!!


Oh my---the Twins just scored 2 runs!!! Against our best pitcher!!! :(


Going to go and watch the game! This is not looking good-


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to all!!!


It's amazing how great a good haircut will make you feel :yes


:yay:cheer Halladay!!!!!!


:hi again!


Joanne - How nice, a new hairdo! I bet you look fantastic - just in time for your birthday ;) My hair is driving me nuts, but I'd like to grow it out a bit. Unfortunately my hair grows very s l o w l y.


Marisa - I would so take you up on your offer to clean your house (especially since I'm looking for a job), but the commute is a bit too far for me :lol


LeeAnn - I hope the kids let you have some TV time.


Oh well, it was worth a shot ;)





Well, I did 8 rows on the 2nd panel for my stained glass ghan and 2 rows on my graph ghan tonight. Didn't start my bernat squares yet for this week. Good night ladies :c9

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Marisa, congrats on making progress on the stained glass afghan. I have that pattern, but started it before I had the experience to handle that pattern. I took the center, folded it in half, and stuffed it as a cat bed. (Plus I did not pick good colors for it.) I plan to make it some day. I just need to make the 3,215 other projects that are WIP's or WIM's first....


Joanne, I hope to get my hair cut either today or Friday morning. I'll bet you are stunning, and let your dh know that it will indeed grow back. I'm glad my dh is satisfied with being the pretty one in our family. My hair is very short, his is half way down his back.


Colleen, you could swing by and clean my house, too, if that would make the commute more worth-while. :lol I hope you find a good job soon. How far are you from "Mary's" yarn store? Are they hiring?


LeaAnn, I think you are right: cleaning with someone is a lot better. I am the youngest of 3 sisters, and we always did our chores together. Now I hate working alone, and my kids don't have the same desire to work as a team. They will do their chores, but on their own, and I'm still cleaning by myself.


LeaAnne, I hope you and dh are having fun celebrating your 20 year anniversary.


Mary, I hope things are going well in God's country. What's the weather like this time of year up there?


Sarah, Are you feeling better yet? I can't seem to shake this cold, but it seems to be all sinuses now, not at all in my chest like before.


Stacy, is the roomie situation going OK for now? How about the plumbing?


Vicki, How is teaching? How is your dd doing at school and at TKD? What's on your hook these days?


Shannon, thinking of you. Is it still warm in LA?


I did most of my cleaning yesterday, so today I need to take care of cat boxes, and shop for new clothes. I don't have to work in the evening, so I will be able to get everything packed for my weekend escape with my sisters. The hardest thing will be picking a crochet project to take. I am working on a tote for my sister, but can't take it, because she will be there. I think the sunflower afghan may be a bit big. I guess I'll take the vest I'm trying to make for my mom. I have a hard time working on it. It's very boring.


have a great day, Besties!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Quick good morning!! Late night for this gal watching her Yankees win!!!! So happy that they play earlier this evening!!!


Beth- A sister's escape weekend sounds like so much fun!! Hope you have a great time together!!! I can't wait for the weekend to see all 3 of my DD's!!!


Marisa- WTG!! You got a lot done- and I give you so much credit for the stained glass afghan- it's a beautiful one!!!! The Bernat squares are easy- if you adjust for the size- 25 ch did not give me 8", but I had read some tips that if you do chain 28 it does, so rather than fiddle with it, that's what I did and voila!--perfect!!!


Colleen - Good luck with your job search- and have fun getting ready for your Thanksgiving!!!!


LeeAnn- Did you make any progress on any crocheting last night!


Vicki- Did the magic chair let you watch the Yankee game? Hope your week is going well


LeaAnne- thinking of you and hope you are having a marvelous, fun-filled time on your Anniversary escape!!!!


Shannon, Stacy, Mary, Sarah, and anyone else my sleep-deprived brain may have forgotten- Have a wonderful Day!!


Time to get more:coffee

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:coffee Good morning besties! I just took my turkey out of the freezer to defrost. We are home with no vehicle today, so I should get the rest of my cleaning done. Maybe bake some muffins. :shrug We'll see. It's also going to be a beautiful day here (:c9 low 60s F and sunny :sun), so I might just enjoy that.


That Bernat CAL sounds fun. I'll have to go check out some of the pics.


Marisa - Sorry we couldn't work things out. Did you find someone for your cleaning? How are you enjoying the new car? What are your plans for the weekend? :hug


Beth - Where are you and your sisters going? Do they all live nearby you or are they back in Ohio? Have fun! :hug


Joanne - I hope everyone loves your new hair at work. Hey, I just realized we are celebrating Thanksgiving on your birthday! I'll think of you while I'm eating my turkey and pumpkin pie. I bet you are counting down till the weekend! :yay:hug


LeeAnn - I hope you enjoy your last few days with your little ones. How is the clubhouse coming along? Will they be able to use it over the winter time? :hug


Shannon - How are your new floors? How did the birthday party go?


Stacy - I hope you and the girls are having a good week. :hug


LeaAnne - I hope you and Mr. a_stitchintime are having a blast! Maybe you'll win some :yarn money :devil:hug


Mary - Thinking about you. :hug


Vicki - I hope you are finding a groove at school and feeling calmer. :hug


Have a Terrific Thursday friends!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I slept in a bit again, I feel like I've been doing that quite a bit lately :think Had my bfast and now checking in with my coffee :D Nothing new since last night.


Beth - I'm only on the 2nd panel of the stained glass ghan. I only do a little here and there and am going to try to make more of an effort on it. 8 rows in about an hour is not alot and it's not hard, just boring. If I knew better when I started I may have tried hdc instead of sc stitches :think But I really like the look of the finished product so am not frogging it, even if it doesn't get done for a couple years :lol Good idea to take the vest with you since it's boring too, if it's all you have available to work on, you're more inclined to do it :devil


Joanne - :yay for your yankee win and :yay for my phils win (and no-hitter) ;) I keep the chain increase in mind when I sit down to start my bernat squares :think I'll let you know how I make out with them :yes


Colleen - :drool I love turkey!!! I decided I need to hold off on the cleaning people since I just got the new car and put cash down on it, which wasn't planned so had to rearrange a bit :think I do love the car now that I got my phone working with it :D And as for the weekend :think debating on heading up my parents or staying here, haven't decided yet. I really just want to stay and relax and do NOTHING, but my mom keeps asking if I'm coming home :think

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Quick post. Keith came in while I was doing dishes and says to me "Mommy 2 + 2 = 4" Suprised me a moment, then I asked him what 3+2 equals... he then proceeded to count it out on his fingers... and tell me "5" asked him several more and he did the same... only when I got to adding numbers together that added up to more than 10 did he start having trouble. He hasn't quite gotten subtracting though and gets confused and tries to add instead. But just had to share =0)


Now back to the dishes...

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