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Some good clean fun?!

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They still need to be sewn together, but.... without further ado....


=0) that's going to make a very pretty blanket :yay

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:manyheart:drool Beth! :cheer:clap:dance:woo nice job!


Marisa - I like your car, your turtles, and your boy's set! :cheer:clap


LeeAnn - very purty scarf and scenery! :cheer:clap Happy Anniversary! how many years did you say? :clap:clap Congrats!


Sarah - WTG getting your cleaning done! :cheer:clap


Stacy - thanks for checking in from "the Bux" ... i hope that the stinky situation is resolved tonight! :hug And double WOOT! for your Mom coming to visit!:c9


Colleen - :whew is right! what a day! Are you wound down yet? What are you and DD going to do for fun tomorrow?


Joanne - are you watching the game? :think I am worried about the Pats defense this year.... On the other hand, my Dad's Dolphins are lookin' pretty good!


Vicki - prayers for less stress this week!


Mary - prayers and :hug for you!


Hey, Shannon-ness! Did everyone enjoy the HappyBirthdayJanna-ness party?


I am almost done with my wardrobe purge/season swapout... Yikes! it's a lot to do all at once, but that's what I get for not having kept up with it:blush

I sent 4 bags to the curb for BigBrother, and 2 more are packed up to go to friends for their kids. I did 8 washes today, and have 3 left. I can't wait to be done tomorrow!


Love you guys! Have a wonderful night!


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hi all,

I came home from work only to do more work!!! LOL


I'll probably have to do 1-2 hrs of work at night this week - and my boss said she'll try and get me comp time for it (I'll believe it when I see it-:lol) But it is what it is- and I just do what I need to do.


I have DWTS on DVR- will probably watch it tomorrow night- without commercials!!!! If I have time, that is.


Did a little bit of work on my scarf and then realized that I hadn't stopped in to say hi!


LeeAnn- Bux=Starbucks!:) Stacy and my favorite place- and my fav drink- pumpkin spice latte- that is until they come out with the Gingerbread latte and the Peppermint Mocha latte in the winter!

Happy Anniversary!


Vicki- Hope your day went well.


Marisa- This rain is annoying- misting- and cold-but at least it is not downpouring---STACY- you can take our rain and keep it!!!:lol


BTW Stacy- awesome news about your mom coming to visit for 10 days:clap:clap


Colleen- You sure did have a busy day. How was your tutoring and how are the children you are tutoring?


Beth- How was your evening work at the ballet studio. And how lovely of your DD to bring you your coffee!!! The closest I have to that is that I set up the coffee pot at night so that when I get up and walk into the kitchen, it's all brewed....but I still have to put in my milk and splenda.


I'm going to unwind now and do a little :crocheting.


See you in the AM

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LeaAnne- WTG on the purging!!!! I still haven't switched out my clothes yet- maybe next weekend- but not this weekend- DD is coming down from Boston!!! YAY!!!!


Forgot about the game- guess it's time to put it on while I crochet!!!


have a good night all


Sarah- how are you feeling? I guess if you are cleaning the LR, you are feeling somewhat better!!!

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Wowzer lots happenin' tonight!


Beth - That afghan is beautiful! :drool:clap:yay WTG!


Joanne - The kids I'm tutoring are great. One is the same boy I worked with last year (except he grew like a foot!) and this year I "gained" a girl. They weren't very focused today, but that's okay. We'll get there :lol Hooray for your DD coming to visit!


LeaAnne - WTG on the purge! What a job that must be, but good job at getting down to it. :yes


Stacy - I see your mom is coming to visit. That's awesome!


I've wound down. Watched my line up of Monday night sitcoms, so I'm happy. DD and I don't have much on tomorrow. I think she's going to visit Grandma. I have to continue my trip around the entire city to buy all my groceries at the best sale price (:loco this is my life :loco) and I have some cleaning to do. DD and I might try two more stores for shoes :loco Have I ever mentioned that I don't generally enjoy shopping? Not sure why I have to do it so much :lol


Goodnight friends :manyheart

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Hey, all!


The toilet situation is resolved, but now my shower is backed up again!! Grrrr! I told him that was the problem also from the beginning but I guess he didn't check it when he was here. I just turned on the water to clean out the tub and the water is pooling. :sigh I also just went to take my clothes from the washer and they are all gray. I wonder if something is backing up in there, too? :think Maybe I'll have dh call tomorrow, instead of me. :devil


Leeann, my parents live in Michigan. My dad visits about 3-4 times a year (for all the girls' birthdays and sometimes for Halloween or Thanksgiving.) My mom is only able to visit every 2 to 3 years. She was last here 2 years ago. I am thinking of having Eva baptized while she is here, since she wasn't here for the other two.


Well, dear besties- it is finally raining here!!! :woo But I also hear thunder so I should turn off the computer. Have a great night!! :ghug

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One of the channels we get is showing musicals until the 16th… Last night was Cats one of my favorite musicals… Tonight is Once Upon a Mattress and it’s really cheesy but I’m enjoying it =0) LOL and making progress on Keith's afghan as I cannot watch TV w/o something to do with my hands

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:tired I refuse to believe it is morning already! It's still dark out!


Thanks for all the sweet comments about my squares. I owe it all to my good friend who designed the lovely pattern -- you should meet her some time. She's so much fun to be around.


Joanne, I don't like the sound of working at home. Of course, I do it. My employer doesn't own a computer, so any typing that needs done comes home with me, so I can knock it out on my word processing program and print it up and take it back to her. Makes her very happy. She also likes the built-in proof reading/editing.


Sarah, you didn't say how you are feeling. I hope you are doing better. I haven't seen many of the newer musicals. I like the Fred Astaire ones. But I saw part of Cats on TV once, and now I want to see it.


Stacy, hooray for fixed toilets, but BOOOOoooo for backed up showers. Did the city do any work on water lines in your area? When they work on the ones around here, our water turns nasty yellow for a while.


Colleen, I would like to shop for fun some time. It's no fun shopping for groceries or kids' clothes (particularly if it is hard to find what that child likes.) I hope you have good luck today. I am planning on sewing my squares with whipstitch with the tan, though I may use one of the colors that is touching the particular seam I'm working on. We'll see how it goes.


LeaAnne, congrats on the purging. I'll bet your closets feel lighter!


LeaAnn, happy Anniversary! Enjoy your special day!


Mary, thinking of you. :hug


Vicki, Are you using your crochet therapy? It helps.


Shannon, :hi:hug


Marisa, anything fun planned for today? What are you crocheting now that you finished that awesome boy's set?


I have way too much to do today,and not enough time to do it. And a lot of it involves {shudder} housework! :faint Plus I work tonight.


Have a fun day! :hug:ghug

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Hip, Hip, Hooray for a visit from DD, Joanne!!!!! for how long will she be staying? Any special plans while she is there?


:clapShe's coming down on Saturday and going home on Monday- short visit for my birthday which this year is 10-10-10!!!! We are all going to hang out and go the Performing Arts Center and then to a wonderful Portugese Restaurant. (unless they have other plans) She'll be staying with her sister Saturday night and then with me on Sunday and I'll be taking her to the bus on Monday after going out to breakfast with her. I took Monday off! Can't wait - 3 day weekend!!!! And I won't be working at all!! (no way, no how:lol)

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Good morning Glories!


Another long day today- first to Paradise, then at home! Oh, well, I did watch some of the game and did about 10 rows of the scarf (not alot on a scarf- LOL) before heading up to bed.


Got up a tad late so gotta run and shower and grab another cup of caffeine.


Hope you have a good day- and Colleen- good luck with that shopping around town for sales- may the best price win!


Beth- Can't wait to see it all sewn up- and we all know how much you like to sew. And yes, it is a great pattern, one that I need to try again soon!:hook


Hope the shower situation is straightened out Stacy- and you must be so excited to have your Mom coming since she only can make it out every 2-3 years!! One reason I'm reluctant to move is that it would be too hard to visit my DD's. I was glad when DD moved to Boston-it is easy enough to do a 4 1/2 hr drive. She first tried Oregon and although she loved it out there, couldn't get a good job, so ended up coming home, getting on her feet for about 5 months and then found something in Boston. I never would have seen her if she was still in Oregon!


Oh my- 6AM already- gotta scoot- have a great day Everyone!!!:hug:hug:hug

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Quick fly by post! Have a great day ladies!


Beth-before I forget again, Beautiful Squares! Love them!


We have been married 14 years, not long compared to some, but it has sure flown by...gotta runn!


hugs n squishes!

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good morning, friends! :coffee


Colleen - good luck with your shopping today :xfin that it all goes smoothly AND quickly! I used to go around town grabbing sales for groceries, too. Now, I browse my sales flyer, and plan my menu around who has the best sale. That way, I only need to go to a couple of places, and don't do it in the same day. It has really helped to decrease the stress involved in that :yuck dreaded chore of grocerying! I hope that you find the shoes in the 1st store you hit :xfin.


Beth - Enjoy your housework today:think:think (that's an oxymoron, I think!:lol)

I hope it all goes quick and smooth, so you get time to do your joining. :yay Do you also have to work at the studio today?


Joanne - :xfin that your day in paradise goes quick, smooth and successful! I guess I should retract my statement about the Patriots' defense... they looked pretty good last night!:devil p.s. 10 rows on a scarf is more than I got to stitch last night:blush... WTG on getting even a little bit in!


Marisa - How are you this morning? How are the new wheels? Today is my last car-less day... I have been 2 years without my own car. It has been hard, but we did what we had to do! DH will be back from his business trip tonight, and won't be leaving us carless anymore! I am soooo :excited! His new company car will be arriving in a couple of weeks, and then we will buy the one he has now! My Uncle Art has affectionately named it the "mazdaratti":lol


LeeAnn - What did hubby cook you for dinner? Did you have a wonderful evening? What do you do for work when the "season" is over? Do you get to be home and enjoy your chickens?


Stacy - Sorry about the shower.:yuck I dislike plumbing problems! Are you ready for your test?:xfin Are you trying to finish your Ashlar before Mom arrives? Have your co-habitants been behaving themselves?


Sarah - I love musicals, too! but I am the only one here who does, so don't get to see much. Actually, I am not even much of a tv person... the occasional movie and lots of sports. But someone else has to put the tv on!:blush What are you stitchin' these days? Are you feeling better?


Mary - thinking of you, dear friend! and hoping that today is a happy one!:hug:hug:hug


Vicki - hoping you are having a good day, too.... how is DD enjoying school? Is DH happy in his new job?


Shannon - I miss your posts... I hope that you get back here soon!:hug


today I need to finish up my laundry project, and spiff up this place a little... tomorrow is our 20th wedding anniversary, and my honey is taking me to Foxwoods for a couple of nights:yay ... I wonder if I can :crocheting at the blackjack table?:think:rofl It's not my 1st choice of where to go, but DH likes it, so if he's :U, I am :U! besides, we will get to enjoy each other, a couple of nice meals, and I will be able to sleep in a little.:c9

I have made arrangements with friends' moms to get everyone to where they need to be, so nobody misses any activities, and MIL will come and stay at the house with the chickens! I feel very blessed that I have so many wonderful people in my life, so that we can go off during the week with no worries!


Have a fabulous day, friends!:hug:hug:hug:hug I will catch up with you later :wink

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Good morning ladies :coffee


LeeAnn - Happy Anniversary!!!! :yay I didn't get any hook time yesterday, not did I watch any tv :( I did turn the football game on last night when I went up to bed and didn't make it through the end of the game :lol


Colleen - Thanks for the compliments on the car, turtles, and boys set. I hope you have a great day today :D


Sarah - Good luck on the stain in your carpet :xfin What channel are the musicals on? Maybe I get it too, I do love musicals :manyheart


Beth - :drool you're sunflower ghan is awesome!! Mine's been on the back burner while making the scarf sets. Now they're done and I have the sunflower ghan, a stained glass ghan, a graph ghan, and a spiral ghan :eek The stained glass gets the least attention just because it's boring, but I'm going to make myself step it up on that one. LOL Oh, and the bernat mystery CAL too.


LeaAnne - WTG getting your clothes switched out and gone through :clap Hopefully you'll get that laundry finished early today and you can get some :hook time in.


Joanne - Sorry you have to do some work from home :hug Sometimes I end up doing some stuff at home too, but not very often. Rainy again today and supposed to be tomorrow and you're right, it's cold rain. Up until now the rain has still been pretty warm, the seasons are definitely changing :yes How fun that DD's coming to visit for your bday weekend!!!! What exactly is Portugese food? I'm not sure if I've ever had it, but I do pretty much like everything :lol


Stacy - Yes, get your dh to do the dirty work and get on the plumbers....they always assume us girls don't know what we're talking about :( I hope your clothes are not ruined :( That would be really nice to have Eva baptized while your mom is visiting, I'm sure she'd be beside herself :hug

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OMG!!!!! I finally have a job interview!!! :yay:faint

tomorrow morning, AC Moore at 10:30! I am soooo :hyper but nervous! ......Anybody got a prayer to spare?!:blush


Ahhhhhhh, What a nice anniversary gift! A wonderful, fun-filled job!!! I'll be :xfin for you!

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LeaAnne - Happy Anniversary and good luck on the interview


Marisa - OVTV (for me it's directTV channel 274) is the station I've been watching the musicals on


Stacy - sorry you're having so many plumbing issues, hopefully they get resolved soon


Colleen - did you get all your shopping done yesterday?


Joanne - sorry you have to bring some work home with you. Hope visit with DD is fun =0)


LeeAnn - hope you had a good anniversary dinner with DH


Mary, Beth, Shannon - hope all is well with you guys


I'm still not feeling good. Cough still pretty bad but I can't ignore the cleaning cause if I do it won't get done. Just takes longer cause I have to stop and rest quite often.

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I just wanted to share a non-toxic cleaning solution recipe:



You can make it by the bottle or the gallon. I'll give the gallon recipe first.


1 gallon water, 8 T liquid dish soap (I use Ecover), 20 drops lavendar essential oil, 20 drops tea tree essential oil. Cover and shake.


For 1 qt, you would use 2 T liquid soap and 5 drops of lavendar and tea tree oil.


We make it by the gallon and then pour it into 16 oz bottles because they are lighter to work with but at home you might use a 32 oz bottle. We also use microfiber cloths.


We use this on just about everything when we clean. I wouldn't use it on an LCD tv or an unfinished wood surface but we use it on finished wood and we even put it into an old Method bottle and squirt and mop on floors.


We also use Bon Ami or BarKeeper's Friend as a non-toxic scrubber. The baking soda in the oven works great. Just spray the inside of the oven. Sprinkle the baking soda on then spray again on top of the baking soda and let it sit. It will absorb the dirt and you can wipe it away. Be sure to wipe it before it dries. You can also use a wet pumice on the inside of the oven. Always use it wet.

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OMG!!!!! I finally have a job interview!!! :yay:faint

tomorrow morning, AC Moore at 10:30! I am soooo :hyper but nervous! ......Anybody got a prayer to spare?!:blush

How exciting! What a great way to celebrate your Anniversary with a new job!!! Will say a special prayer tomorrow @ 10:30- but I know y ou'll get it and when you start working, can I use your employee discount?:devil



Oh, and Have a great time at Foxwoods- I see the signs on my to/from Boston, but have never been...and you are right when the DH is happy, you'll be happy! Have a blast! And play some slots- you never know!!!;)


Congrats on getting a car finally after 2 years!! That is awesome-ness

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Sarah- Take it easy- the cleaning will always be there- ALWAYS!!!


Marisa- Can you please get this rain to go away- and send it to Stacy! I've tried praying to the Sun gods w/out any luck- maybe if there are two of us they'll listen


Well, gotta run and do some work, cause I sure want to crochet again tonight. Have dinner in the oven- baked chicken and potatoes so when that is done, I want to be done work.


Have a great night everyone

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Sarah- Take it easy- the cleaning will always be there- ALWAYS!!!


Marisa- Can you please get this rain to go away- and send it to Stacy! I've tried praying to the Sun gods w/out any luck- maybe if there are two of us they'll listen


Well, gotta run and do some work, cause I sure want to crochet again tonight. Have dinner in the oven- baked chicken and potatoes so when that is done, I want to be done work.


Have a great night everyone


I didn't have a choice. I couldn't walk in the living room. When Doug rearranged the living room furniture he trashed the living room in the process.


I also had to go and make Keith mad... I cleaned his room and took away a bunch of toys and one of his play rugs. All the happy meal toys are going and the one play rug cause it won't lay flat and he keeps kicking it into a pile anyways so it's not like he was playing on it. So now he just has the Thomas the Train play rug on his floor.


Dishes have to get done cause I can't get Doug to do them.

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OMG!!!!! I finally have a job interview!!! :yay:faint

tomorrow morning, AC Moore at 10:30! I am soooo :hyper but nervous! ......Anybody got a prayer to spare?!:blush


:yay:clap:cheer:yay:woo:jumpyay LeaAnne - That is fantastic news! I am so excited for you. I will definitely be praying for you and :xfin. Just remember, be yourself, be confident and knock 'em dead! :cheer:cheer

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