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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I slept in this morning from 11 last night until 9:45 am :eek I guess I really needed it, I didn't even wake up once in between :no


Showered and went to sam's club when I got up, so now I'm stocked and have to separate out my meats for the freezer. I made grilled cheese for lunch with sun chips and threw some steak in a marinade for later :drool


Now listening to the steelers/ravens game while checking in here and putting stuff away. Eages aren't on until 4:15 so I'll definitely have everything done by then and plan to crochet during the game :D


Joanne - I'll post a pic of the new car, but it's platinum graphite...it's a little more grayer than silver :think The old one was Iridium graphite, which they didn't make again :( I really loved that color too and for those of you who haven't seen it, it was a brownish color with a hint of purple when the sun hit it just right. Some things are different and I now have a back up camera and built in navigation, which I won't keep beyond the trial period though because I already have my garmin anyway. Those are the 2 main differences. Oh, and I Beth's Redskins are going down today!!!! :devil


LeaAnne - I hope you have nice weather for the cancer walk :hug


LeeAnn- Sounds like you had an awesome time :clap Glad you had a good trip :yes


Beth - I hope your meeting went well :yes

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Hope you had a good time at the Cancer walk today LeaAnne! At least it wasn't raining!


DD and DD and BF were at the Yankee/Red Sox game today- and the Red Sox won! Guess the Yankees didn't really want to win the division. They also saw Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada walking out of their hotel- they were really close- which is kind of neat.


We ran some errands today and this morning DH decided he wanted to clean the hardwoods in the LR and DR which meant moving some furniture around- but when DH is in the mood to do some cleaning of any sort, I jump right on it! But that delayed grocery shopping. Stopped and picked up the necessities and will probably go back one evening this week after work.


LeeAnn- Glad you had a good time!!! I love that scarves work up pretty quick- think I'll just start another one...I think I have about 5 to make all together- That's pretty scary about the coyotes! We don't see any of those around here!


Yes, Marisa and Beth's teams are in a showdown now- and Beth's team is winning (with the QB that Marisa's team traded away)


Off to find some yarn and get hooking!


Have a wonderful evening everyone!

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Marisa- Love the turtles and Love the car. And what I like the most about it is that it has a back up camera!!! I think all cars should have that! I'm with you- I wouldn't keep the navi system either- since I also have a Garmin! Happy driving!!!


Have you named it? I know alot of people name their cars. Mine is Joanne's car.:lol:lol:lol

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Marisa- Love the turtles and Love the car. And what I like the most about it is that it has a back up camera!!! I think all cars should have that! I'm with you- I wouldn't keep the navi system either- since I also have a Garmin! Happy driving!!!


Have you named it? I know alot of people name their cars. Mine is Joanne's car.:lol:lol:lol



No name, just 'The Rogue' :lol


Well, my Eagles lost :eek and vick's hurt :rant so that means Washington won.....so congrats to Beth!!!!! :hug :hug


Joanne - Sorry your yankees lost, but am happy the red sox won :think:lol

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Hi gang! I haven't had the chance to be arond much lately. It has been very busy. This past week was the week from ****. Hopefully this week will be much better. I only have 2 ARDs to do instead of 6. I actually had a mini emotional breakdown this past week. I felt better after I had it, but it wasn't the best thing to do. Then on top of everything I got a new student and all he did the other day was kick and scream. That was not fun.


I go back to the doctor on Friday of this week for my migraines. The appointment is after school, so that is a good thing. I had the endocrinologist this past Friday. All was well there. I go back to him in January. We will see what the doctor says on Friday about my headaches and the lovely vertigo. This one should be fun!!!


Oh, you all missed this one! Aurora escaped again! And this time someone picked her up because she was on a busy road and almost got hit by a car. I wanted to kill hubby. He can't watch her? Why is it that when the dogs get out it is always when HE is home? WAIT!! Don't answer that. I don't really want to know!


Anyway, a nice person found her and we got her back. It think it scared her a little. Hopefully she won't be so anxious to go running around the neighborhood now, the dopey dog!


Not much else going on here. I am very tired today. I slept half the afternoon away and I am still tired! I could fall asleep right here in my magic chair!


Hope everyone had a great Sunday and I will talk to you all later! Have a great rest of the night and a great Monday if I don't get back on here!



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Vicki - sorry you had a bad week. Glad a nice person found Aurora before she got hurt.


Marisa - love the pics of the mittens, hat, gloves, car and turtles. Jealous over the car cause I really could use the back-up camera cause I'm terrible at backing up (well and parking also)


Hope everyone else is having a good weekend. Kinda out of it. Doug gave me a "remedy" for my cough and it knocked me out for 3 hrs, still kinda groggy even though I woke up over 3 hrs ago from the nap. Cough is still bothering me though. Doug rearranged the living room furniture, moved everything but the bookcases and the loveseat.

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Hi gang! I haven't had the chance to be arond much lately. It has been very busy. This past week was the week from ****. Hopefully this week will be much better. I only have 2 ARDs to do instead of 6. I actually had a mini emotional breakdown this past week. I felt better after I had it, but it wasn't the best thing to do. Then on top of everything I got a new student and all he did the other day was kick and scream. That was not fun.


I go back to the doctor on Friday of this week for my migraines. The appointment is after school, so that is a good thing. I had the endocrinologist this past Friday. All was well there. I go back to him in January. We will see what the doctor says on Friday about my headaches and the lovely vertigo. This one should be fun!!!


Oh, you all missed this one! Aurora escaped again! And this time someone picked her up because she was on a busy road and almost got hit by a car. I wanted to kill hubby. He can't watch her? Why is it that when the dogs get out it is always when HE is home? WAIT!! Don't answer that. I don't really want to know!


Anyway, a nice person found her and we got her back. It think it scared her a little. Hopefully she won't be so anxious to go running around the neighborhood now, the dopey dog!


Not much else going on here. I am very tired today. I slept half the afternoon away and I am still tired! I could fall asleep right here in my magic chair!


Hope everyone had a great Sunday and I will talk to you all later! Have a great rest of the night and a great Monday if I don't get back on here!




Vicki- Sounds like sleep is what you needed today after your week from ****!! I really hope that this week is better and good luck on Friday at the doctors!

:cheerCongrats to your J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS!!!


Marisa- That is a beautiful set- you really cranked the both of them out quickly!


Off to crochet a little more, watch the 2nd half (or some of it) of the Giants game.


Have a good rest of the evening!

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Hola Amigas!

Sounds like you all had a lovely Sunday. :jumpyay I did too! Finished all of my chores around 1, this weekend I made dh and the kiddos help out. yeah me! I even finished the laundry and all the ironing, talk about being on a roll. :yes

Marisa-I just adore your new wheels! Very awesome! And your turtle friends are simply adorable! Do they have names? And the mittens, hat and scarf combo is fantastic! You crochet fast! What is next on your agenda?

Joanne-so glad that your dd's enjoyed time together. How sweet! Are you making the scarves for x-mas gifts? I finished the last one and started another, after this I think I will get to making washclothes-going to give that terry cloth yarn another try.:devil My dh hardly ever wants to clean, it's mostly me doing the encouraging..but if he ever did, I would jump on it too!:lol:lol

Vicki-I'm sorry to hear that you had a meltdown, that sure was me last weekend. Sometimes life can be so overwhelming. Please do try to de-stress, I am worried about you. :hugYour Aurora sounds just soo sweet and fiesty!

Colleen-sometimes I feel less chatty too, that's ok, have you :crocheting?

Sarah-those home remedies can getcha, hope you feel better soon.

All my other friends, hoping that your day went well. I am enclosing pics from our trip and pics of the scarves.

hugs n squishers!





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Good morning !!!


Beautiful pics LeeAnn! What breathtaking scenery!!! And your "shelley" scarf came out very nice. Yes, I'm making the scarves for Christmas gifts! Like how mindless they are and how different they come out with different yarn and same pattern.


I ended up staying up till the end of the game!! Giants defense was playing like the Giants of old! It was great to see. So, I'll be a little tired today- but it was nice to see them get the win! Now they are tied for first place in their division with Marisa's Eagles and Beth's Skins! Fun!!


Colleen- Sometimes I don't feel chatty either but glad you stopped in so we know you are ok!!! Hope today is a good one for you!


Vicki- Fingers crossed that today starts the week on a good note!!


Mary- Thinking of you!


Shannon- Hope you stop by again soon- miss your posts!


LeaAnne- Did you have a good time at the walk yesterday? Good luck to your Pats tonight!


Stacy- Hope you got your homework done without kiddos around. And I loved the pic of Isabella and Mia on FB- their haircuts are so cute!!


Marisa- Enjoy your ride to work in your new wheels!


Beth- Good morning! Do you have another busy day today? Seems like you have been really busy lately- and I can't remember if I commented on how pretty your sunflower squares are coming out!


Just looked at the clock!:eek Gotta run!!!


Have a great day everyone!:hug

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Good morning ladies :coffee


LeeAnn - :yay for getting your chores done early and WTG getting the kiddos and dh to help!!! You really shouldn't have to do it all alone :no My turtles are names Trixie and Snapper :lol But I typically just call them 'turtles'. Your pics are gorgeous, peaceful looking and the scarves look great :clap


Joanne - I also stayed up for the end of the game, so I'll be a little tired as well :yes It's supposed to rain through wednesday :think I just hope it's not as brutal as it was last week :xfin


I hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend. Now it's time to start a new week, so I'll see y'all later today :waving

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Good morning! I hit the ground running today -- I finished another sunflower square (2 more to go!) and cleaned a couple of small appliances in the kitchen. I need to take care of the kitties where we volunteer, take care of my kitties and puppy, tutor, teach my kids, work, and there's some cooking and cleaning in there some where -- typical day here in paradise.


Joanne, so glad you enjoyed your football on Sunday. I actually watched most of the Redskin game, and got some crocheting done. Michael Vick is from Hampton, where I live, so he's a huge celebrity. I hope his injury wasn't too severe. I hate to see anybody get hurt.


Marisa, Love that set you made. It looks warm, and it's very attractive without being pretty -- very nice choice of colors. Congrats on the new car. May it bring you many miles of pleasure. The turtles are cute.


LeaAnn, nice pics! I like your shelly scarf, too. I would like to visit your "neck of the woods." It is beautiful.


LeaAnne, I hope you and your chickens had a great weekend.


Colleen, sorry you didn't feel like chatting, but thanks for stopping by.


Sarah, I hope your cough goes away. Rest is the best thing. Take care of yourself, sweetie, so you have energy to take care of Keith!


Mary, thinking of you! I hope you and your family are all well.


Stacy, How is all the school work going? It must be something to have everybody in your family in school at the same time. I hope you manage to squeeze a little "Me" time (for you) out of each day.


Vicki, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugYou have such a challenging job, just teaching those precious children with special needs. Then they pile all that administrative stuff on top -- I understand why you are stressed. I hope things get better very soon. I'm glad you are taking care of yourself. Keep us posted about the doc visit.


Shannon, hope the birthday party was amazing.


My dd brought me my coffee while I was at the computer. I am the most spoiled person on the planet. Gotta go take care of the kitties! Have an awesome day!:hug:manyheart:hug

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Morning friends!


Getting ready to run out the door but wanted to stop in first. Have a Fantastic Splendid Monday! I am so greatful to have all of you as friends, each one of you is so amazing! Thank you!


hugs n squishes! BBL!

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:hi friends!!


Marisa, congrats on your new car! It is pretty. :manyheart Your turtles are cute. Dh wants a turtle- he had one when he was younger but MIL said she was the one who always cleaned up after it. So I can guess who would be cleaning up after it if we had one now- no thank you! :lol


Leeann, the pics of your trip are beautiful! And great job on your scarves. I have made several of the Shelley ones and they always turn out so nice. I love the variations in color, etc, even with the same pattern.


Vicki, lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you!! I hope you can get to the bottom of your migraine troubles.


LeaAnne, how was the Cancer Walk? So sweet of your dd's class to walk in honor of her friend's mother. :manyheart


Joanne, WTG on hubby wanting to clean! My hubby always seems to get the cleaning bug when I have absolutely no desire, but I have to take him up on it because it doesn't happen very often! :lol


Colleen, sorry dd didn't find any shoes she liked. Do you have Stride Rite in CA? They're a bit pricey but they have shoes for kids with small or huge feet.


Shannon, hope Janna-ness had a wonderful birthday!! Did she have her party yet? Will you do the pumpkin painting again?


Mary, sending lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug your way!


Sarah, hope you feel better soon! :hug:hug:hug


Scooby- what's going on, girl? Miss you!! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Beth, you make my head spin with all you do! :nworthy I know you're used to it by now, though. Have fun working with the kitties today! :manyheart


Here I am again, at the Bux, but this time because our toilets are backed up- again!!! They just backed up on Friday night, the guy came to fix them, no problems yesterday, then last night around 10 my shower and toilet backed up with slimy green stuff. The maintenance guy insists that he keeps finding wipes in the pipes, but I don't use them!! Roomie used to, but I don't know if she still does. Maybe they're from the last tenant? :think

Anyway, I did get some homework done last night, but I seem to be more focused today. I got a ton of stuff done this morning, and have to run to the grocery store after class. It is overcast and drizzling- perfect weather for soup!! :cheer:cheer:cheer But what kind? I am so excited! You all know how I love rain. :lol

Oh, guess what!! My mom is coming to visit!! :clap:clap:clap She will be here on Nov. 2, for 10 days. I am super-excited!

I know there is something else I wanted to tell you, but now I've forgotten. Oh, well, I'm sure I'll be back later when I remember! :lol

Have a great day, besties! Love you! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hi everyone!


I think I've missed a lot, but I've been thinking about you all. We had our first frost this morning :eek Strange though, the first frost normally kicks off the fall colours but this year's colours are almost all done :shrug


I have been busy. I'll catch up soon. Have a great day friends!

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good afternoon, everyone!


I am just checking in to let you know that I am ok, just super busy...


Love and hugs to you all!

...and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers!


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Good evening ladies :hi


Beth - thanks :D Can I borrow your dd to bring me my coffee :think:lol


LeeAnn - I hope you had a great day :hug


Stacy - I do enjoy my turtles and it's just getting harder as they grow larger. :think You need to get your roomie under control :( and :yay for mom coming to visit. Hope your toilets get fixed :hug :hug


Colleen and LeaAnne - :hi I hope you're both doing well in your busy-ness :D

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Hello and howdy and how's it!

Joanne-how was your day? are you planning on watching DWTS? We are super pumped about it! My entire family has gotten into this season, so funny.

Marisa-hope your day went well and that you get lots of hook time in. :lol

Stacy-what is the Bux? I am guessing it is a coffee shop??? That is wonderful that your mom is going to visit, does she live far away?

Colleen-did you have lots planned for the day?

Beth-I agree with Stacy and all the others, how do you get everything done without feeling stressed?

LeaAnne-hugs and squishes right back atcha!

Vicki, Shannon, Sarah, and lovely Mary-sending warm thoughts your way.

Had an ok day at work, nothing exciting, we are winding down for sure. I am thinking we have about 2-3 weeks left...so happy! Can't wait to start making soap. Other than that, dh is making dinner for our anniversary.:cheer going to get some :hook before din din. BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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:hi again!


Still haven't read everything I missed. I did see pics of a nice new car, some turtles, some southwestern scenery and some nice scarves/hat set. :lol How's that for a mixed bag? :lol


I had a very busy day. I dropped DD at school, cleaned the kitchen, 2 loads of laundry, groceries, took the printer cartridge to get it refilled, tutored my two students, picked DD up at school, park, playdate, dinner, clean up, now I'm winding down. :whew


Thinking about you all!


LeeAnn - Happy anniversary!

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