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Good morning ladies :coffee


Nothing new since last night :lol I'm going to have the same problem Joanne, with all that rain. It was horrible last night on my way home and then it kep coming all night and is supposed to come all day today too! I better leave early as well :think


Have a great Friday everyone :D

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TGIF! good morning, friends!


the rain hasn't hit here yet. It's wicked windy, though!


I hope everyone stays as "unsoggy" as possible today!


I'll try to be back around 9 for coffee :wink

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Good morning!


I can't stay long, and I'm sorry LeaAnne I won't be able to chat this morning. I am taking DD to her Grandma's house for a visit this morning. The past couple of days have been busy. I'll catch up later.



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:waving, I am back again!


Colleen - no prob about not being able to stay for coffee... it's a busy time of year to be sure! I hope you and DD have a lovely visit at grandma's today!


Joanne and Marisa - That rain hung around longer down your way than expected, I think. It was supposed to be here around midnight lastnight, and still we have just a lot of wind! I hope you stay safe with your commutes today! driving in driving rains is no fun! It's very stressful and dangerous too... I will be thinking about you both


LeeAnn - :woo for a day off of school! What cool and fun things do you have planned for the day? Are you all packed for your anniversary weekend? My 20th is next week. DH and I are going to Foxwoods for a couple of nights. it will be fun and relaxing! the best part will be a break from cleaning and laundry!:lol:lol MIL will come and stay with the chickens while we are away. I cannot wait!


Sarah, Mary and Beth - I sure hope you ladies are feeling better today! Not feeling well is a drag. :hug:hug:hug


Vicki and Stacy - I am praying that your day is stress free! TGIF! and 2 days off of school! Yippeeeee! :U


Shannon - are you going to share a pic of your new floorness? Are you ready for Janna's big party? I am thinking about you!


I need to finish catching up my laundry. I doubt I will finish today like I wanted, but it's ok. I am taking my time, and trying to get everyone's wardrobes purged out, switched to cooler weather clothing, and organized! It's really quite a big job for the 6 of us.

Tonight, Krissy and I are going down to the center of town for a special ceremony to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness month. The mayor has approved for all of the trees in the center to be lit in pink lights for the month. It's going to be really nice if it's not raining too hard. Krissy's friend's mom will be one of the survivor speakers. Best part is, we will get to do something special, just the two of us!:manyheart


I hope you all have a great day today, and I will be back when I can!

Meanwhile, please take good care, and remember your vitamins and your laughter!



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Good morning, everybody (for another 28 minutes.)


I finally downloaded the pics off my camera, so I could take more. Here are all the background colors for the sunflower squares that I've made so far.


I have a homeschool meeting today. I went to the grocery store. The pizza dough is made for dinner tonight, so it can rise. The last load of laundry is in the dryer. Notice, I'm not saying I did any of this, just that it's done.:devil Love those teens!


I hope you are all having a great day. :hug


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:hi again!


:whew what a couple of days. I had scrabble last night, so I wasn't around. Great gab session with my IRLs.


I'm glad we didn't get the rain that Joanne and Marisa got. Sounds soggy. It is clear and sunny and beautiful here. Cool, but I like it. :D I did some errands while DD visited Grandma and DD and I are going out to buy her new shoes after lunch :xfin Wish me luck, with that girl and her shoe issues I will need it!


Shannon - How are the new floors? Good luck getting ready for Janna's Mario party. Have fun!


LeaAnne - How was Krissy's birthday? Did she have a nice time? How nice that you and Krissy are getting some one-on-one time. Those trees in pink lights sounds beautiful! If you get a pic I'd love to see it.


Beth - Nice squares. Beautiful and harvesty feeling. That's going to be a very purty ghan!


Joanne and Marisa - TGIF and stay dry!


LeeAnn - Hooray for days off school! Do you have a day off too? How much longer will you be working until your season ends?


Stacy - TGIF! I hope you and the girls (and Jorge of course) have a great weekend!


Vicki - TGIF for you too! Have a great weekend!


Mary - :hug Thinking about you friend.


Sarah - How are you feeling?


Alright, I'm off to the shoe department. Wish me luck!

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hi, friends!


It's not looking too nice for the tree lighting tonight... the rain finally is here, and it is not pretty! :xfin that it lets up, so we can go!


Colleen - :xfin that DD finds some likeable shoes without much issue. I think shoes can be the hardest thing to find!


Beth - :drool:drool about your sunflower squares AND your having it done-without-doing-it-ness!:devil I have decided to take your lead, and let my chickens clean their own corners of the coop...i mean rooms!


Everyone else - :hi and :hug:hug:hug!


I need to get my kitchen cleaned up and then go get my darlings before they melt in the rain!:lol:lol

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Colleen: did you find some shoes for DD? :manyheart:hug


Beth: your sunflower squares turned out very pretty =0) :manyheart:hug


LeaAnne: hope the weather settles down for you soon. :manyheart:hug


LeeAnn: did your kids enjoy the day off from school today? :manyheart:hug


Joanne & Marisa: hope the rain has stopped for you guys. :manyheart:hug


Mary, Vicki, Shannon & Stacy hope all is well with you guys. :manyheart:hug


Still coughing a lot, nose is draining down my throat. So it's also giving me an upset stomache. But otherwise I'm doing ok. Going to be spending this weekend doing a major toy purge in Keith's room. Then have to figure out where I want to get rid of them all (I've already got quite a few totes but can no longer take them to Doug's church as their collection method changed and I don't like it cause a lot of stuff gets ruined now)

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Here's my spoon holder with the spoons I have on it (9 I bought myself while traveling and 3 that Doug's Step-Dad got me while he was out on the road, it's really easy to spot which ones I bought and which ones he bought...)




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Good evening ladies :hi


:woo it's the weekend :clap


I do have an early morning tomorrow though because I make my appts as early as I can, but that just means I get home earlier :think I have to make a trip to Sam's tomorrow too and get my place cleaned. Good thing I'm not a dirty person, my cleaning usually goes fairly quickly and I think I'll do the bathroom tonight before I get my shower :think Then tomorrow I'll just have to redecorate it :yay


LeaAnne - The drive was a little rough this morning, but our rain cleared up about mid-day and now it's really nice out :clap Sorry you're getting it now and I hope it clears up for the tree lighting ceremony :xfin


Colleen - I need to do some shoe shopping myself :think:lol I should go through what I have to see what I never wear and get rid of it before I get anything new.


Beth - your sunflower squares look great!!!! :cheer Maybe I'll take that in my travels tomorrow :think

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Good evening besties!


Sarah - Nice spoons. I used to collect them, but now my collection just sits wrapped up in the crawl space. Someday I'll get them out again. I am not a fan of cleaning silver.


Marisa - Are you redecorating your bathroom? Maybe I missed that :think If so, what colours, etc., etc.? Hope your appointments go smoothly tomorrow.


LeaAnne - I hope they get to light those lights. :xfin


So, no shoes :( However, DD was very good and open minded and we went to 5 different stores and she tried on oodles of shoes. But, nothing works. :shrug Oh well, we have one more place in town I want to try and otherwise we'll have to go out of town another day :sigh How many hours can one devote to shopping for shoes for their 5 year old? I'm thinking I'll break the record :lol


I am wiped out! I am not built for shopping. Time to go sleep....err I mean read on the couch.

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Hello there!

What a day! Whew! Glad that I can take a shower in a few and call it good. :lol We are getting ready for our outing tomorrow. Manitou Springs, here we come! The kiddos had a good day relaxing and were able to get a few chores done.

The season will be ending this month...I feel happy and sad. I really enjoy my job but look forward to having time off too.

Sarah-cool spoon collection! Before you know it, you will have tons of spoons. How's the purging going?

LeaAnne-the tree ligting ceremony sounds soo neat! Hope the rain dried out. That is just wonderful that you and dh will be going away for a few days. Nice!

Joanne & Marisa-may tomorrow bring lots of sunshine to dry out all the rain...what toon is that? Twinkle twinkle little star....oh my gosh! job hazard:devil

Colleen-she shopping sounds difficult, your dd is lucky that you are willing to "hit the stores". Anything big planned for the weekend?

Stacy, Shannon, Mary, Vicki-how goes it?

Beth-love your squares! Great work! how are you going to join them?

off to shower! Talk to you all soon! Hugs n squishes!

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Lost my long post :(


But now the short version,


Colleen - yes, I'm redoing my bathroom which pretty much only consists of changing the carpets and shower curtain. I picked up 2 new curtains and blue mats that match both, kind of a brighter blue all for only $15 total :clap So at that price decided it was time for a change since I've had the same ones since 2003 :eek

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Hi, all~


I need to get you some pics of our pretty in pink downtown! It really does look lovely! I wish Krissy had been up to going, but I wasn't going to force it with the lousy weather.


Colleen - :lol about the shoe record! Did you get to read, or did you fall asleep?


Marisa - good luck with your errand-ness in the morning!


Sarah - Nice spoons! :tup


LeeAnn - Happy Anniversary weekend! have a great time!


Beth, Vick, Mary, Stacy, Joanne, Shannon - :hug:hug:hug


time to hit the hay!


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Quick good morning! Lots to do today- and I slept from 9 last night till about 6:45 this morning! Guess i was a little wiped out from working so many hours!


But the sun is shining, and it is a beautiful crisp fall day!


My DD and BF headed to Boston yesterday- and got caught in traffic and with the rain- took a long time and then they got lost (she's never driven there- only taken the bus) BUT they finally found their way and are safely at DD's house! They went up for a Red Sox/Yankee game (my oldest gave them tix last Christmas and this is BF's first time going to Fenway. I know he will love it- it really is a neat old ballpark! I'm so jealous- wish I was with them! But, I am planning another trip up to Beantown in November- and will be going to a Bruins/Devils hockey game with DD- so I do have something fun to look forward to!


Love the squares Beth!


I also have a spoon collection that has been wrapped in put away- for the same reason as Colleen- I hate polishing silver- but I did have my display hanging for YEARS!!!


Bet the town square looks lovely all pretty in pink. By the library in my town they had all the trees wrapped in TEAL ribbons for ovarian cancer awareness in September- it was really pretty- and meant alot to me since I have a friend who is now a 5 year survivor of ovarian cancer!


Well, I really need to get cleaning- and I'm meeting up with the 2 ladies from the other CAL that also live close by- sorry that Marisa can't join us this time- but hopefully next time!


Have a wonderful relaxing Saturday all!!


Shannon- Is today Janna's Birthday party? I think it is so ----:birthday:cake

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Good morning!


Wow. We have a lot of September, early October in our families, don't we! :bday Janna!


I stayed up too late waiting for my son to get home from a friend's house (they are night owls, we most certainly are not.) and I"m kind of brain numb. So I'll hand out hugs, and wish you all a lovely day!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:bday Janna!


hi, friends!


we have soccer and dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse:clap:clap


after that, I am excited to get back to work on my Ashlar. It's a great day to :crocheting!



:hug:hug:hugto everyone... have a great day!

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:bday:bday:birthdayDear Janna!!!!:bday



We are dropping off the girls with the IL's in about an hour, then coming home to study. I have 2 tests this week and dh has one, plus I have another article report to write. We will have Eva with us this time, so no Bux date. Oh, well, I'm sure we'll stop and get one on the way home anyway.


Just wanted to check in and say hello to everyone! Hope you all have a super-fantastic Saturday!

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Had a wonderful day today!


DD called this morning and had a ticket to Rutgers Homecoming game that one of her DH's friends couldn't use. So I had my meet-up with my Jersey friends from the Ville and we had a ball. I just love meeting up with them!


Stopped at home then headed over to DD's to pick up the ticket they left for me (since they headed over at 10 to tailgate b/4 the game!). I met them at the game and we had alot of fun. It was the perfect day for a football game!!! Too bad Rutgers lost! They are playing just as bad as my Giants!!! But we had a fun afternoon despite it.


Got home and DH had a surprise for me. He found the Perfect chair for our bedroom! We had been looking for one for a couple of years now! Wow , I was really surprised!!!


It was a great day- perfect-ness actually! Now if the Yankees can pull off a win it will be complete- 5-4 Yankees in the bottom of the 8th with runners on 1st and 2nd 1 out- so I'd better get off here and pay attention and pray! LOL

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Good evening ladies :hi


:bday Janna


I had a really long day today. Went for an oil change and left with a new car :lol Traded up for a newer model of the same car :D It was busy and I ended up being at the dealer from 9:30 until about 4-4:30ish :eek Between getting the info I was looking for, then test driving. Then they kept leaving me to think, hoping that I'd go higher than what I said and I always had the same answer every time they came back :devil Down to the nitty gritty and he was still over $11 per month and I said nope and he was laughing that I was really saying no over $11 and I laughed and got up and he said I'll do it!!! :yay Go me :lol Anyways, by the time that was all done I had to wait for the financing guy...at that point 2 others were ahead of me and it was the same guy I dealt with from the first car. I also got to see my salesperson from last time around :clap Such a nice guy, but they moved him from the Nissan building to the Honda building so I didn't get him again :( Before I went to the dealer I stopped at burger king for a bfast sandwich and had a coupon for B1G1 so I got 2 and by the time lunchtime rolled around, I was really happy I had the extra sitting there :yes


During all my sitting around I managed to get a few brown centers done for the sunflowers :clap Came home and the spirit moved me to get my cleaning done, change the bathroom and clean the turtles. So just to run the vacuum tomorrow and all will be done. And that's just the roomba, so I don't even have to do anything :devil Oh, and I didn't get to Sam's club and don't know if I'll go tomorrow, but I'll probably just sit around like a lump on a log all day with football :think


Good night everyone and I'll see y'all in the morning :c9

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Good morning!


Marisa- Wow- go for an oil change, come out several hours later with a new car!! And WTG on standing firm on the price!!! What color is the new one? I loved your "old" one. I'm curious as to what is different with the 2011. Happy driving with it! You sure did get alot done in one day- and looks like you will have a relaxing afternoon this football Sunday! I have to wait till 8:30 to watch the Giants---and trust me, I will NOT lose sleep over the game- that is unless they play like the Giants of old!!


Finished the scarf I had started with the Lion Brand Tweed Stripe yarn last night while watching the Yankees. So I have 3 scarves done that will be used for gifts so far. :yay I had started a bag on Thursday night- and then ended up having to frog it back to the 1st row- I was just tooo tired and really missed stitches. Tiredness plus crochet do not go together!:no


I have some laundry to do and a trek to the grocery store this morning.


Good luck to LeaAnne's Patriots,:cheer Marisa's Eagles, :cheer Vickie's JETS, :cheer Stacie's DH's Seahawks, :cheer Shannon's Saints :cheer Beth's Redskins :cheer and my Giants!:cheer


Colleen and Mary- Thinking of you too-:hug even though you are not USA football fans!


Sarah and LeeAnn- do you or your DH's have a fav football team?:think


I just love Sunday's in the Fall- :manyheart it's so relaxing to me to pick up yarn and hook :crocheting and watch some football! And I'm thinking I might go to the orchard today and pick up some apple cider and cider donuts!!


Thinking of you all and hope you have a wonderful relaxing day.:hug

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:hi, gang!


Happy Sunday! my girls and I are headed to the Pond to participate in a Cancer Walk that is organized by some High School students. Krissy's class will be walking together, in honor of her friend's mom. It's a lovely morning to walk the pond!


Have a great morning, everyone, and I will try to catch you all later!


Hugs and good wishes!:manyheart

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Good Morning!

We are back! :lol We didn't spend the night, we came home late last night. Dh and the kiddos were worried about the cat and kittens. We have had coyotes in our yard after our kittens the last few nights. I was happy to be home tho. sleep in my own bed.

We had a great time! The Manitiou Cliff Dwelling Museum was awesome! The kiddos were able to climb into the dwellings. We also did some sight seeing in the town. It is beautiful! I have some pics to upload but can't seem to find the camera. :P

Oh! We stopped at Hobby Lobby on the way home:clap:cheer bought some soap for my x-mas gifts and two new scents...OH happy days!

Marisa-Congratulations on the new car and for standing up to the salesman! WTG! It is nerve racking buying a new car. I bought dh's car 2 years ago all by myself. I haggled and haggled until they finally gave in but it was worth it. :hug Enjoy your football today, you deserve it!

Joanne-you are cranking out the scarves. I am almost done with another one too, I am hoping to finish it today, but have to get my chores done too. It is nice to be home tho, Sundays are the best! We do not watch sports at all...dh is not a fan, he's more into the Discovery Channel. :yes Outdoorsy stuff.

LeaAnne-enjoy your walk! What a great cause!

Shannon-happy late Birthday to Ms. Jana! Hope her day was filled with joy and family and friends!

Vicki, Beth, Sarah, Stacy-how was your weekend?

best get to cleaning. BBL! hugs n squishes!

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