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Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *** Wha??? Oh, good morning, and pass the coffee!!!


Sorry, dozed off at the keyboard, trying to think about what to write.


LeaAnn, I never heard of brown sugar bears, either.

Marisa, Happy Hump Day to you!

Joanne, I went back to sleep, but I knew I needed to get up, so I didn't sleep well.

LeaAnne, Hello. I'm glad Uncle Art is Wonderful!

Mary, we miss hearing from you.

Colleen, Did you get your relaxing evening?

Sarah, How is Keith enjoying his puppy and all his Thomas-themed things?

Stacy, I hope you have a good day today, free of all Roomie and Terror drama

Vicki, I hope school isn't too stressful these days. How is TKD going for dd?

Shannon, I'm glad to hear Janna is doing well in school. She is a trooper!


I go to the doctor this morning. I have tutoring this afternoon, gotta run my dd to her private dance lesson right after that, come home, start dinner, run back to the studio for a little while to man the front desk, then I'm done! Oh, and I'm supposed to teach my kids in between. Luckily, they do most of their work themselves. I just need to grade things, and help from time to time. And I noticed this morning that the bathroom is looking a little sub-par. I need to get that clean and shiny some time today, too.

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:coffee Good mornin' :sunshines!


I might be going to Bed Bath and Beyond today (for the first time, they recently put one in the next city over). I'm guessing brown sugar bears are little things you put in your brown sugar to keep in from getting clumpy? :think Just a guess.


I did have a relaxing evening. Caught up on a couple shows I had recorded on the PVR. Today I have parenthood to watch. And I folded laundry.


Off to get DD's skates sharpened this morning so she can get skating soon. It's a clear, sunny day, so I'm washing our winter quilt and will dry it on the line. Time to change to warmer bedding :yes


LeaAnne - So happy to hear that Uncle Art is wonderful and hi back to Aunt Sue. What is she stitching these days? :hug


Joanne - Congrats to your Yankees. I'm guessing that means the Jays lost :rofl Surprise, surprise. :P Have a happy hump day, my friend :hug


Marisa - I hope you have a happy hump day too! :hug


LeeAnn - I'm glad you are coming to peace with your mom's mid-life crisis. I'm guessing she's going through a lot what with your dad being sick, so maybe she just needs a little fun in her life too. Let her have it. :hug


Beth - Good luck at the Dr. and have fun at tutoring. :hug


:hi to Mary, Vicki, Shannon, Stacy, Sarah and anyone I've missed. Have a Wonderful Wednesday! :hug

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:hi, friends! remember me? :lol


It's been one whirlwind of a week so far, and it's only humpday! We are getting lots done, though, so that's a good thing :tup

For those who were asking, I like my haircut. If you have seen an ad on tv for Activia, well, I have Jamie Lee Curtis' hairdo! Short, sassy, easy and fun! (I suppose I should also mention that it is currently the same color as hers too:blush) I also forgot to tell you girls that I found out last Friday that I need glasses. I finally got them ordered yesterday, and asked about what power cheaters will work until my real ones come in. I have been getting lots of blurry vision, and :crocheting has been giving me a queasy stomach. Now that's just NOT acceptable:lol. anyhoo, I am happy to say that I can see "good enough" until next Friday, when my new eyes come in!


Colleen - I really like that flower poncho. From what I can tell, it uses sport weight yarn. That might deter me, as I don't "stock" sport weight yarn. we'll see. I hope that your day is awesome! Are you yet discovering that the days are not long enough while DD is at school? Aunt Sue said that she just finished a granny ghan for my cousin in Vanna's purple, lavender mist and linen. Now she is making a ghan that has stripes. Each stripe is a different color and a different stitch. She didn't bring it with her this time, but will for sure next time! It really sounds cool!


Beth - @ my house being filled with love... :yes you are right! I am blessed. I imagine yours being very much the same:manyheart Oh! and I wanted to tell you that Jamie and Krissy are back dancing!:clap It's a rough schedule to settle into, but I am soooo happy that they went back. I missed the recitals and all of the fun and happy excitement that goes with dancing! Krissy is taking ballet, tap and jazz, and Jamie is taking ballet, tap, jazz, hiphop and lyrical!:eek I am driving to the dance school 4 nights a week, and think of you and DD each and every trip:manyheart ... and I love your new siggy! Boy, if that isn't the truth! how did the doctor's go? did they give you anything to knock that cough out?


Joanne - I just want to tell you that you are absolutely amazing!!! How the heck do you do it? working full time AND cranking out all of these gorgeous projects? :nworthy... you are an inspiration! :hug I am wondering when your next trip to ole Beantown is? Any plans? :devil


LeeAnn - that clubhouse looks AWESOME! sorry that your mom is giving you worries, and is acting strangely... maybe it's a stage. you know, ages and stages, just like kids :wink Your slippers are adorable and you did a super-dee-duper job on them! I am glad that my last post brought you a laugh... Mission accomplished!:devil:lol


Marisa - speaking of amazing... you sure are! You are so wise, and sensible, and funny and caring! We are so blessed to have you here! :ty for being such a terrific you!:manyheart


Sarah - your first doily came out just lovely! Where are you displaying it? What else is on your hook? Your projects are unique, creative and simply wonderful! :hug


Stacy - I am so :) to hear that school is going great! I am equally :(:angry to hear about your roomie issues! Good grief! ...anyway, I am holding a special place in my thoughts for you today, and praying that things work out the way they need to soon.... :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Have you been able to get any destressing...errr.... i mean :crocheting time in? How are you enjoying the Ashlar?


Vicki - thinking of you, and hoping that your day is a whole lot of unstressful! You sure have had more than enough of that already this year! Is there any relief in sight?


Mary - yooooooooohoooooooooo! I am worried about you! Are you ok? :hug:hug:hug:hug


Shannon - I hope you will share pics of your new floor with us! Oh, and you never did post a pic of that precious lamby-pie!:wink


there was so much to say today! :whew! I sure hope I didn't forget anything! It feels like forever since I have been here!


I hope everyone has or had a great humpday, and that in addition to your vitamins, you remembered the best medicine of all... :U:rofl:U


:hugand smaches to you all!

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:hi all!!!


Here I am, at the Bux again, supposed to be getting homework done. :blush:rofl But I needed a pick-me-up so I am checking in with my besties. I love you guys!! :ghug You are the most fantastic, caring, thoughtful, loving, (and fun!!) women, and every time I pop in, I feel instantly better. :manyheart


Leeann, love, love, love the slippers!! I know 2 little girls who would absolutely love them because they resemble ballet slippers. Did you find the pattern online? That clubhouse is going to be way awesome-ness! I bet your kiddos are sooo excited! I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Sounds like you need lots of extra :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug. It is nice that she is taking care of herself, if she is doing it for her. But if she is doing it to attract the attention of "someone else," that's not cool. My mom went through the same thing when she was almost 40, and here it is 10 years later and I am watching her pay for it. I am sending special prayers your way that your mom is just doing it to feel better about herself. :hug:hug:hug:hug


Joanne, WTG to the Yankees!! You are on a roll with those scarves! Is that what we're all getting for Christmas? :devil:rofl Speaking of which, I still need to get cracking on that flannel'ghan. :lol Thanks for the compliments on my kitchen stuff- I love cotton but it really kills my hands, so I really only use it once a year, during the kitchen swap. As for hanging at the coffee shop, part of it is so I'm not around Roomie, the other part is so I'm not around all the chores that would be done in place of school work. Unfortunately...it's not really working out here, either! I should probably stay away from places with free Wi-Fi. :rofl


Beth, you are always so busy!! How is Quicksilver these days? I hope the doctor can find something to help your cough. I have a slight lingering one, too, but it's not too bothersome, just a little tickle in my throat.


LeaAnne, How's it going at the chicken coop? Sounds like you are very busy with the dancing classes! Is Lil' Pete playing sports, too? Isabella wanted to start soccer but I am barely wrapping my head around school and homework, so I told her it might have to wait until the winter. The good thing about living here is that the weather is warm enough for sports year-round. In the meantime, we are thinking of joining the YMCA, because they have soccer classes, ballet, tap, swimming, and art- all of which are only an hour after school, and of course there is no commitment to be there every single week. :yes We'll see how that works out. Your haircut sounds super-cute! I want to get mine done, too, but it will have to wait a couple weeks. My older two got theirs cut last Friday, both in slanted bobs. Eva wanted hers cut, too, until she watched the hairdresser chop off Mia's hair- then she was outta there! :rofl That's okay- I'm glad one of them still has long hair that I can put braids and ponytails and such. I'm glad to hear Uncle Art is awesome, and please tell Aunt Sue I said hello! Sounds like her projects are going to be very pretty!


Sarah, your doily is beautiful! I love the colors you used. Where do you plan to display it? I'm glad to hear Keith liked his dog, too. Did you give him the pillow once you got home?


Mary, how are you? I hope God's country is beautiful today! :hug:hug:hug


Colleen, how is everything in your neck of the woods? Sounds like you had a nice relaxing day with catching up on your shows. Did you go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond? I love it!! But rarely go because there is just too much temptation. :lol


Whew...I know there are people I left out- Shannon-ness, Vicki, Marisa- hope all is well with you gals, too! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


So...I took Isabella to get new glasses on Monday. Hers were broken and the optometrist said even if he fixed them, there's no telling how long they would have lasted. So we got new ones instead. Which turned out to be a good idea because yesterday Roomie's dog ate her old ones. :angry (He had also eaten a bag of dried beans and some cookies my mom sent, the day before.) You girls would be sooooo proud of me, though- I kept my cool, took a couple of deep breaths, and when Roomie casually said, "Oh, I'm sorry, is there anything I can do, since they were broken already?," I veeeeery calmly told her, "They were broken, but they were still my property. I think you should crate him or put him outside when you leave, because I don't want any more of my belongings chewed." :D:D:D You all know how difficult it is for me to speak out, so I am rather proud of myself.


So, anyway...here it is, an hour later, and I've just been :blah :blah here, so I better get moving and do some reading before class!! Love you guys!!


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Oh, LeaAnne, I am LOVING the Ashlar pattern!! I am down to the armhole divide, which was a tad confusing at first because I didn't read far enough to see the "repeat 1/3/5/7 times," and wondered how in the world I was supposed to go from 76 ch-2 spaces to 106 spaces, with only 4 increases. :rofl That'll teach me to read the whole pattern!! I am also planning on making one for myself. Dh's aunt may also like one, but I'll have to think about that.

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Good afternoon.


DH took the afternoon off and we went to Bed Bath and Beyond. It was alright. We were looking for a retractable clothesline for inside the bathtub (like they have in hotels). We put the curved shower curtain rod in last night and want to add the clothesline (we're hotel-ifying our bathroom). Curved shower rod makes for lots of extra room. DH also took me out for a sub for lunch. Now he's gone golfing and I'm going to pick up DD in a few minutes. I'm excited because it is a beautiful day and we can go to the park after school.


First and foremost, I called Mary today. She's still around. She has a cold and is resting and crocheting.


Stacy - So nice to "see" you. I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself! You :2rock.


LeaAnne - Glad to hear you are getting lots done and that you have two enjoying the chicken dance...:lol sorry, I couldn't resist. :lol I am not minding the days. Today went fast because I had lunch and a trip to BB&B with DH. I start my two volunteer jobs next week, so I'm sure the time at home won't seem enough then. Just no happy medium.


:hi to everyone else! I'm off to soak up some beautiful fall weather. By the way, Stacy - the leaves are changing and I think of you when I see them. :hug

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sorry not on much right now. I'm sick again (weak immune system stinks). Dealing with a cold with a horrible cough. I've slept sitting up in the recliner several nights.


Right now nothing new on my hooks. The doily is from the October 2009 issue of Crochet World. Been working a little on Keith's afghan since it doesn't require focus, aiming for finishing it by Christmas but we'll see. Trying to find another small project to work on during the day.


Yes I gave him the Thomas pillow when we got home and he's sleeping w/ it in his bed along with the puppy I made him, but his favorite is still the first blue puppy that's getting really raggedy.


Hope everyone's week is going good. Can't think right now so will respond individually later when my head doesn't feel so foggy.

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Lots to read up on- so good to hear from everyone and catch up.


Glad you talked to Mary, Colleen--I was getting worried about her!



Just wanted you all to know I'm thinking of you all-:manyheart and I loved reading about all the flurry of activity in your lives!!:yes


LeaAnne- you brought back fond memories of my DD's and their dance classes- Two took dance- ballet, jazz, tap, hip=hop and were in dance competitions, the middle DD was a competitive gymnast training 20 hr/s week plus ballet. I was in my car more than anything else!!! Hope they are all having fun!!!!


Oh, and don't be in awe of what I get done - I'm finished raising my children- so have lots more free time than all you Mom's probably do!!! I work all day, but my nights are my own once dinner is done, chat a little with DH, clean up the kitchen....and then I can sit on my badorkus!


Speaking of which, I want to work on the next 2 squares for the Bernat Mystery Ghan, so I'm going to sign off now and :crocheting


Have a great evening everyone!:hug:hug:hug

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Goood eveningggg!!!


Oh gosh, I was trying to get on here sooner, because I just had to see what you all were up to...but had to make dinner first and then the family was :blah and :blah:blah:blah not that I don't love listening to them..but they were really chatty. :lol


LeaAnne-your haircut sounds just :c9! I am all for easy and fun! I am thinking I need to do something new with mine, just have to give it some more thought. You are sure busy with your chickens! My kiddos did not want to join anything this year..:P I was kinda sad, I enjoyed Girl Scouts and was a leader but dd didn't want to...so we are relaxing.


Joanne-I love the scarf pattern, I think it was the Shelby one...can't remember. I started another one in white-sparkly white. I am also enclosing a pic of it for ya all to take a looksie.


Colleen-You are so right! Sugar bears keep your brown sugar from drying out and getting hard as a rock. You new bathroom sounds economical and awesome! Glad that you were able to enjoy time with dh.


Stacy-you sure did keep your cool about the glasses. WTG! I am super proud of you! Your dd's hair cuts sound adorable! You are right about my mom, I think she is just feeling overwhelmed with life. Dealing with my sick dad has to be exhausting, pluse she still has my little brother at home. I hope that she doesn't do anything that will be life altering, but guess only she will have to make those decisions.


Beth-did you get everything done? Sounds like you had a super duper duper busy day!


Marisa-how was your day? Anything planned for the weekend?


Sarah-feel better soon! Is there anything you can do to boost your immune system? Glad that ds loved his gifts.


Mary-extra soft hugs n squishes!


Thank you for all the compliments on the slippers, they were really hard for me. I don't know why, but I am much better at big projects...wonder why?


Had a great day today! So glad that the weekend is almost here. We are planning a trip to Manatou Springs-:cheer Our 14th wedding anniversary is Monday but we are going to celebrate early. Oh happy days!


I am going to sit and :hook and watch the tube.


hugs n squishes!



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Hello everyone :hi


I read through the posts, but did not take notes :(


Beth - I hope your day went well and you got alot done.


LeaAnne - Thanks for your wonderful words :manyheart I'll pass those compliments on to my parents since they are the reason I am who I am ;)


LeeAnn - Just be there for your mom, hopefully she'll start to realize that you're all there for her :think I have an appointment saturday morning at 7:45 and then another at 10 for an oil change. Planning to get to Sam's Club to stock up since it's been a while. I need to clean and going to redo the bathroom :yay That's my weekend in a nutshell :lol


Sarah - I hope you feel better soon. As these ladies are so good at reminding....take your vitamins and add in some extra C ;)


Stacy - WTG keeping your cool and standing up for yourself :clap I think a mix of you and I would be good, because I'm too outspoken at times :eek Did you get your homework done?


Joanne - I also get to sit and do what I want at the end of the night ;) Now I'm heading to the couch with :hook and :yarn , I got side tracked :lol


Colleen - I like that store, but find it pricey so i don't usually shop there. But since I was looking for shower curtain hooks like my sisters, I had to go since that's where she got hers and I really wanted them :yes


Sorry if I missed anyone, but I think I actually did pretty good from when I was last here without taking any notes :think


Going to work on my bernat squares

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Hi gang! I had a few minutes so I thought I would stop by and say hi! I really should be grading test papers from today, but I really don't want to. I was trying to do IEP papers, but the internet was REALLY slow and wouldn't load the page correctly. So I put it away and came on the internet to do some other things. And here I am!

Things have not slowed down yet. I had three annual reviews back to back to back yesterday as I was trying to finish a major project that got dumped on me. Then today was a little better. I got a new kid and he is very difficult. He is fine in the morning, but he is very off task in the afternoon and does not want to do anything! Love to kick though. That and scream. He'll learn to understand what he needs to do, it's just going to take some time. Such a joy.

I haven't had much time for yarn therapy. I was able to pick up my hook on Monday. I was working on my baby sweater then. I need to keep working on it, but I just haven't had the time. It has been a crazy week. If I can get through this week, I just might survive! I will have one heck of a migraine at the end of it, but I should be able to breeze through for a little while.

Nothing else going on here. I will talk to you all later! Have a good night all!


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Just checking in before I head up to bed for the night! I have a long day tomorrow- won't get home till about 7:30.


LeeAnn- the scarf came out great! And you did the fringe! I don't usually do fringe and like the way it looks both ways!!! You've been crocheting up a storm too!!!


Colleen- You get the prize for knowing (guessing) what sugar bears are! :flowerThey do sound neat- and something I should probably get, since I don't bake that much and by the time I get in the mood to bake some choc chip cookies, the brown sugar is hard!


Marisa- I finished the squares tonight for the Mystery Ghan- now to have to wait another week for the next clue. The grannies WERE right up my alley!;) I posted pics on the Bernat Mystery Ghan CAL. I'll finish the scarf next, and then debating on whether I should start an another afghan for a Christmas present or a bag for me to felt!


Vicki- Sounds like your work life is pretty crazy right now- hang in there my friend. Hey- at least the yankees are in the playoffs and your JETS are playing good football! How is DD doing with her TKD?


I'll "see you" all in the morning! Night!:hug

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Good night ladies :c9


Vicki - Sorry you're still crazy busy :hug :hug :hug Make a little time for that yarn therapy, even if just a half hour :think It'll help :yes


Joanne - I started my squares. Frogged the first because it came out too big :( So now about half way through and is looking a bit better :xfin Will finish in the morning, I'm exhausted.

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Hello and nighty night!

Wanted to pop in before heading to bed. It's early, but I feel tired so thought I would curl up with my yarn and hook and relax, if I fall asleep that will be ok too.:lol

Marisa-I love Sams! We go about 4-5 times a year to stock up on supplies and such, I wish we lived closer. It really does save me time and energy. 7:45 is early for a weekend my friend, but I bet you like getting things done early then you have the rest of the day to do what you want.

Joanne-I just can't believe how much I love this pattern! It is seriously so fun and addicting! I am thinking of lots of scarves in different yarns/colors...could be dangerous!:lol

Vicki-gosh this school year sounds just busy! I hope that you do get to unwind before the holidays, seems like a long way away. :hug

have a good night friends! Sweet dreams!:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart and of course squishes!:D

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Stacy: sorry roomie situation is bad. :hug:hug


Vicki: hope work is settling down some for you


LeeAnn: clubhouse is looking good =0) sorry your mom is stressing you. Slippers turned out pretty.


Colleen: those muffins yesterday sounded good.


Beth: hope your cough is doing better.


Mary: hope your doing ok.


LeaAnne: glad you're enjoying your time and Uncle Art's and Aunt Sue's


Joanne: hope everything is going good with you.


Stacy: Glad we can be here to give you a pick-me-up :hug:hug


I take vitamins, including extra vitamin C but I have to watch how much of the vitamin C I take cause too much and it gives me a problem, I've tried other supplements and nothing much helps. Mainly just try to avoid people when they're sick and if I get sick lots of rest, cough drops and honey (sometimes just by the spoonfull, sometimes in tea) It's just something I deal with it's just made more frustrating cause Doug is still learning how to deal w/ someone who gets sick a lot. He doesn't get sick very often so he doesn't know quite what to make of someone who gets sick as often as I do and who can go downhill as fast as I can if I'm not careful when I get sick. I've never known what it's like to not get sick easily so to me this is normal but to him it's strange and not normal.


Not sure what I'm going to do with the doily. It's not really in colors that fit any of the decor that I'm trying to change the living room/bedroom into. I just used them cause that's what I had on hand. I just wanted to try making a doily cause it was something I hadn't done yet.

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oh and I almost forgot... my craigslist find for today. I managed to get a collectible spoon holder for my collectible spoons that I started collecting when I moved out of Texas to Washington and then on the way back to Texas. Someone was offering it for free in a town near me and she offered to meet me at the gas station just down the street near me since she was coming into the town I live in anyways to go the local grocery store. This is the first item I've managed to get off of craigslist or freecycle for MYSELF. Everything else has been things we needed for the house, for Keith, Doug or for members of Doug's family.


here it is:


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Hi Besties!!! It's early, and I'm not caffeinated, but I'm here any way!


Sarah, sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well, and that you get sick easily. I went to the doctor because I was just tired of the coughing. Found out my lungs are clear, and my sinuses (which felt OK to me) were stuffed up. I am on OTC decongestant and antihistamine. The antihistamine is making me drowsy, so yesterday was a lot of fun. It's also raining non-stop here, which makes me want to sleep. Congrats on your spoon display -- I've never gotten anything from freecycle.


Marisa, so nice that you give your parents credit for your awesomeness.


LeaAnn, Some days I wish my kids weren't in any activities! I can't get into any of the swim meet things, where you're there for 4 hours when your child performs for 2 minutes, but I am proud of my son for swimming. But I'd miss the dance. I love to watch my dd on stage.


LeaAnne, Wow! Our studio only offers ballet, tap, jazz, and modern, and my dd only takes ballet and modern. She'd prefer not to take the modern, but that's the class that the boy attends who is SO cute (her opinion, not mine.).... But he is taking the class because he wants to spend more time with Amanda, so.... The plot thickens. His mom is in denial that he is interested in girls.


Joanne, good morning. I hope your day is sunshiny and happy. It's a lovely rainy day here. We need the rain, but sheesh! enough is enough already!


Colleen, thanks for the update on Mary. How is school going for DD?


Mary, thinking of you, Sister! :hug


Stacy, :cheer:cheer:cheer congrats for standing up for yourself! I'm very proud of you!


Vicki, :hug:hug:hugThis sounds like one heck of a year for you! I'm so sorry things are so stressful at work. Good luck getting everything done.


Shannon, hello to you, Janna, and your family!


I don't drive Quicksilver as much now. I let my ds drive her to work when he goes to college right afterwards, since that's a lot of driving, and I think Quicksilver is safer than the old car. She's getting some scratches and dings, probably from the college parking lot -- those kids are seriously scarey drivers! But she runs fine, and I'm glad I have her.

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A very rainy soggy good morning from NJ. It's coming down at a fairly good pace- which will make for a lousy commute! Oh, well, nothing I can do about it, other than bring an umbrella!:yes


Hope you all have a good day today! It will be a long one for me, and I will probably go in shortly- if only that I hate traffic and with the rain, it's just easier and less stressful to get to work early (and get a closer parking spot):lol


Sarah- Good find on freecycle!!


Beth- Mmmmm- a budding romance for your DD;)


time to go get ready! Cya later- remember your vitamins!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I'm still waking up here and it's rainy, so that doesn't really help :lol


LeeAnn - You're right, 7:45 is early for a weekend and that I like to get it all done early. One of the main reasons I go THAT early is that it's over in King of Prussia right next to the mall and traffic gets insane even just in the late morning and the rest of the day. I opt to avoid sitting in traffic all that extra time :think I'll be done with the first appt by 9 and then my oil change at 10 in that same area so I'll guess I'll stop for bfast in between :think


Sarah - I hope you start to feel better sweetie :hug Sorry you get sick so often and that nothing really works for you to decrease it :hug :hug Awesome, getting the spoon holder...now we'll need another pic with some spoons on it :devil;)


Beth - Glad you got an answer for all that coughing and that your lungs are clear. Sorry the antihistimine is keeping you drowsy. I took ballet and tap when I was younger :yes


Joanne - I also hate the traffic that turns up in the rain. It's almost like everyone forgets how to drive :think

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:waving, friends!


stopping by for a quick :hi, and to leave you all some big time, bear :hug:hugs!


I am doing laundry and wardrobe purging today and tomorrow :sigh... fun times in Mudville! :lol


I will try to drop by later on for indy messages, but meanwhile, please know that I keep you all in my thoughts, and continue to pray for your health, peace, happiness and success!


Luv Ya!:manyheart

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howdy all!

Sarah-Love the spoon holder! Great find and it was free!!! that is so cool! yup, we are going to need a pic with the spoons.:lol

Marisa-traffic must be the pits. Here in small town Alamosa, we do not have traffic...the most is on a one way, but really it's not bad. We have never had to sit in traffic for more than a minute or so. I love it! When we drive up to Denver, I feel like screaming! You can sit in traffic for hours. Oh my gosh! I feel for ya!:hug

Joanne-hoping that your day was good even tho it was super long.:flower

LeaAnne-I cleaned out my summer clothes Monday evening, I had been putting it off for some time. I did get rid of a trash bag of clothes.:cheer Every time I pack things up for the seasons, I purge. Must not be all that much because I still have a tote each time. :devil Actually I am getting better about buying clothes, now I just buy yarn!:rofl

Colleen-how was your day?:manyheart

Beth-you are up early! How do you do it? Sitting for swimming meets does sound like it has its perks and downfalls. At least you can crochet or read while you are waiting.:hug

Stacy, Shannon, Mary, Vicki-hope today was the best so far!

My kiddos do not have school tomorrow! yippe skippy! Going to veg for awhile, tonights dinner is "find what you can and warm it up" doesn't that sound good?:devil BBl!

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Beth-you are up early! How do you do it? Sitting for swimming meets does sound like it has its perks and downfalls. At least you can crochet or read while you are waiting.:hug



I can't crochet during swim meets. My "job" is to line up the swimmers. There is no break.

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Good evening ladies :hi


Not much going on in here today I see. Work was crazy super busy today!!!! We got 4 new pieces of exercise equipment :clap So I put 2 together while the other doc saw everyone then he did the other 2 while I saw everyone and we switched off. It worked well, just made for an extra busy day.


It was horrible getting home with the rain tonight. It was really coming down and there was little visibility and alot of rivers/lakes :lol I was very grateful to make it home :whew Then I've been on the computer answering emails. I send out several this morning trying to find someone to come clean my turtles for me. They need a bigger tank and I won't be able to do it myself anymore since I already have trouble with this one and I don't really want to give them away. I'm not an animal lover, but they add some life to my apt since I live alone and I'd miss them if they weren't here :( So, working on that and depending what pricing looks like, may try to squeeze in having them clean the house too since they'll already be here :devil. I did have a couple people reply that they would do it, so am now trying to narrow done the pricing aspect to see who's offering the best deal. :D


I hope everyone had a great day and tomorrow is friday :yay

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Night friends!


Sure has been a quiet night here. I did finish the scarf, still deciding on whether or not to put the fringe????


Marisa-a cleaning lady would be :c9:c9:c9 I do not mind cleaning, I would just rather :hook:devil:devil


talk to you all tomorrow!


hugs n squishes!

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Quick flyby- it is a monsoon out there which promises to make for a very lousy commute this morning. But on a brighter note- TGIF!!!:clap:clap:clap It's been a long week- thank goodness I had Sunday off last week or I'd really be dragging.


Oh, I would so love a cleaning lady:c9 that is on my bucket list:lol


I've got to get ready since I know it will take me longer to get to work today!


Stay dry all of you stuck in this rain! (I know we needed rain, but really, does it have to come ALL at once? :eek)


Cya later!

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